

The Spatial Relationship Research of Yangshao Culture Sites in ZhangZhou District

【作者】 张开广

【导师】 王家耀;

【作者基本信息】 解放军信息工程大学 , 测绘科学与技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 史前聚落遗址空间模式研究,以实际的聚落遗址发掘资料作为研究的基础,以完整的聚落遗址为最基本的单位,把遗址(遗存)和聚落形态的历史演变放在整个史前的时空范围内,进行全过程考察,揭示聚落遗址群的布局特征和遗址分布规律、等级关系、区域中心。本文从分析我国传统考古和文物保护所采用的方法和存在的问题出发,将空间分析技术应用到仰韶时期聚落遗址空间模式研究中,揭示了聚落遗址间的空间关系、文化传播路径、等级特征以及时空演变规律,已取得如下主要进展:(1)提出了支撑聚落遗址空间模式研究的综合数据库建设和信息采集与处理的技术方案,设计了仰韶文化遗址空间模式研究综合数据库的分类与编码方案;以及支撑聚落遗址空间模式研究的空间分析方法。(2)针对郑州地区的复杂地形和文化遗址分布的特点,设计了PATHCLUST聚类分析方法。聚类结果表明,郑州地区仰韶文化时期聚落遗址,可分为伊洛河聚落群、贾鲁河聚落群、颖河聚落群和双洎河聚落群等四大聚落群,那些靠近聚落群中心且面积较大的遗址具备中心聚落的特点,成为中心聚落的潜力大,有发展成为区域中心的趋势。在商以前的历史长廊中,仰韶文化后期是郑州地区人类生产活动的最高峰时期。(3)采用空间地理位置分布分析方法,研究遗址间的存续关系、人口迁移路径等时空演变特征,以及可疑遗址区域位置的确定,研究表明,现已发现的郑州地区仰韶文化时期聚落遗址,在人口迁移、贸易和文化交流等时空演变特征方面存在12处断点区域,这些区域是未被人们发现的仰韶文化遗址存在的重点地区。(4)采用分布在同一时期已知遗址上,具有相同(或相似)特征遗存的空间分析方法,研究遗存空间分布规律、文化传播的途径,郑州地区仰韶文化时期,居住在黄河南岸伊洛河流域和贾鲁河流域的先人们,在生产工具和生活用具的使用及其制作工艺等方面,比颖河流域和双洎河流域发达很多。同时,开始有计划的建造房屋和规划村庄也较早于颖河流域和双洎河流域。郑州地区仰韶文化受豫西同类型文化影响较大,这些文化通过郑州东部(现107国道沿线)向双洎河流域传播,同时也有一部分从颍河上游传播到颍河流域,然后到双洎河流域,北线传播速度要远大于南线传播速度。(5)采用同一时期已知遗址包含的文化层的数据分析和空间分析方法,根据遗址所包含的文化层厚度和空间分布特征,通过数据标准化,研究遗址的等级关系、区域中心和发展的空间关系,以及可疑遗址区域位置的确定,在郑州地区,受自然环境因素的影响,伊洛河流域自然沉淀速度远大于贾鲁河流域、颍河流域和双洎河流域,沉淀的主要来源是西北方向的沙尘淤积。伏羲台遗址和喂庄遗址、大河村遗址、纸房遗址、古城寨遗址,分别是仰韶文化时期伊洛河流域、贾鲁河流域、颍河流域、双洎河流域中人类活动最活跃的地方,也是所在流域中等级最高的遗址。大河村遗址为仰韶文化时期郑州地区的区域中心。标准化后的郑州地区遗址繁荣程度服从正态分布,在贾鲁河流域的大河村遗址和双洎河流域的古城寨遗址周围,应该有繁荣度介于1.0—1.5之间未被发现的仰韶中晚期的文化遗址。

【Abstract】 The spatial relationship research of prehistoric settlement sites bases on the unearth datum of known settlement sites, settlement site as the research unit, puts the culture sites (culture relics) and the evolving configuration into the whole process of data and space to discover the layout charactors, distributing laws, grade relations and district centers.From the analysis of the shortage of traditional methods for field archaeology and cultural relic protection, the article uses the spatial analysis techniques in the spatial relationship research of Yangshao culture settlement sites to discover their spatial relations, culture spreading path, grade relations and evolving laws, obtains the following results:(1) A new technical programme for information collecting , processing and renewing in the construction of the settlement sites spatial relationship research database, and some spatial analysis motheds used in researching process are designed.(2) For the complex terrain and the distribution charactors of culture sites in Zhengzhou district, a new clustering method, PATHCLUST, is designed. From the PATHCLUST clustering results, the Yangshao culture settlement sites in Zhengzhou district could compartmentalize Yiluo river valley, Jialu river valley, Ying river valley, Shuangji river valley , etc. the culture site which is near the geographical center and has larger acreage has the characteristics of main site, and should be the district center. In the long period of human evolution, the later stage of Yangshao culture is the most prosperous stage about human activity.(3) Using the spatial analysis for the same period culture sites to make certain the existing and continuing relationships between many culture sites, the paths of culture spreading, etc. and to find the district which has the large probability for likely remain site. Research shows that there are 12 broken area about population moving and cuture spreading, these broken area should contain some likely remain sites.(4) Using the spatial distribution analysis for the same period culture remain relics to define the spatial distribution laws of relics and the paths of culture spreading roads. During Yangshao culture period, people living in Yiluo river valley and Jialu river valley are more flourishing in the usage of prodution tools and living tools and manufacture level, and more early in the building houses and planning villages. The Yangshao culture in Zhengzhou district was influenced by the culture in the west of Henan, these influence spreaded to Shangji river valley along the east of zhengzhou (now G107), in the meantime, a little influence spreaded from the upper reaches of Yin river to Yin river valley and then Shangji river valley, the spreading rate of north line is more quick than the south line,s.(5) Using the spatial analysis for the Culture layer thickness of the same period culture sites and the characteristics of spatial distribution to compare the site prosperousness, grading relationship, district center and their developing spatial relations. In Zhengzhou district, for the influence of entironment, the depositing rate of nature substances in the Yiluo river valley is more quick than it in Ying river valley, Jialu river valley and Shuangji river valley, the main deposited substances are sand granules from the northwest. Fuxitai site and Weizhangxi site, Dahecun site, Zhifang site, Guchengzhai site are most prosperous district and region center in their valley. which could put a new method to recover the unknown area in the district . Dahecun site is the center of Zhengzhou district in the period. The standardized prosperousness of known sites follows normal distribution, some unknown Yangshao later culture sites with the prosperousness between 1.0 and 1.5 should exist in the areas around Dahe site and Guchengzhai site.


