

【作者】 高永鸿

【导师】 段万春; 耿庆瑞;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在一生投资遇的商品当中,房地产或许是最大一笔的投资。房地產有巽於一般的财货,每个标的物都是独一无二,世上艳封没有相同的產品,特别的是它的市埸规模遠大於一般金融性资產。房地产商品与一般投资商品的差異在於,產品本身的投资特性;由於產品具有不可移動性、缺乏流動性、交易金额龐大、交易時间長、交易程式较複雜等特点,消费者終其一生多僅進行少次交易!故一般人的房地产消费經驗甚为有限,加以资訊不足,極易發生以不公平競爭行为從事交易。而筆者的前期研究表明,房地產業的健全發展可以避免社会资源错误配置与浪费,其興衰波动对国家社会扮演‘火车头’地位。近年社群互动工具的应运而生印證‘小世界现象’。六度分隔理论尝试證明平均只需六个人就可以联繫任何兩个互不相職的人。房地產仲介業特性需要分析大量资訊始得撮合社群一對一的服务性產業。如何善用互動性高、资訊正確、提供快速社会性网絡服务的工具,指引業者創新行銷区隔市埸、设定目標客群、建立顧客之終生價值、獲得經營绩效提昇是本研究之初衷。以台北市不動产仲介经紀商業同業公会成員作为研究母體,首先针對平衡计分卡相关文献進行量化探討。蒐集相关文献進行探勘,彙整102份主管之有效问卷,並篩選出12项互動行销工具與经營績效之評估準則设计出问卷。本研究考慮到平衡計分卡包含许多相互影響、相互关聯的構面與準則,因此應用网格分析法評估,並依據14位房地產仲介业高階主管意見分析得知,互動行销工具之经營绩效依序为:互動网站、电话MSN/Skype、Blog、e-mail、簡訊。最後为使研究结果嚴謹。本研究探用質性的方法,訪談企業主、员工、顾客共11位訪問结果得知:高度使用互動行销工具之业者認同量化研究结果。認同互動行销工具逐渐取代傅統平面媒體與並使经營绩效逐渐提昇,是潮流与趨勢。唯研究意外發现五点值得學者後绩研究之现象:一、高度使用互動行销工具之業者個人封於互動行销工具之使用與實際認同顺序有差異性。二、业者從無做互動行销工具經營绩效之評估與教育訓練。三、针對房地產仲介業SOHO族使用互動工具之經管績效研究。四、新快速出现如Facebook、Twitter、Plurk等可以作为未来研究主题。五、建議未來研究學者可以在文化藝術與社會学、心裡学說基礎上設计研究主题。

【Abstract】 In one’s life time, buying real estate may the most important and expensive investment. Every single real estate is unique, and the real estate market is a very huge market. Different from other productions, real estate is an immovable property with low liquidity that requires a large amount of money to accomplish the transaction. Because of these reasons mentioned above, unfair competitions occur from time to time. One of my previous researches indicates that the real estate industry plays a very important role in economic development.In the past years, many new theories proved the existence of the small world phenomenon. Many times, scholars have proven Six Degrees of Separation, which says that through just 6 people at the most a common person can get to know a complete stranger, via kinds of experiments. To become a real estate agency, you have to find out the needs of your customers, and fulfill them. This research aims at building perpetual value for customers by adapting interactive marketing tools and creating new market segmentations.In this research, we try to measure the performance of interactive marketing tools for relationship marketing. According to the concept of a balanced scorecard and interviewing 102 senior executives in the real estate industry, we retain 12 evaluating criteria. Considering the interdependent relationship among perspectives and criteria, the analytic network process approach is applied to handle such problems. After applying the analytic network process, we obtain the performance of 6 interactive marketing tools. The rank interactive marketing tools are interactive websites, telephone, MSN/Skype, Blog, e-mail and SMS.Before we came to a conclusion we interviewed 11 people In one’s life time, buying real estate may the most important and expensive investment. Every single real estate is unique, and the real estate market is a very huge market. Different from other productions, real estate is an immovable property with low liquidity that requires a large amount of money to accomplish the transaction. Because of these reasons mentioned above, unfair competitions occur from time to time. One of my previous researches indicates that the real estate industry plays a very important role in economic development.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【下载频次】149

