

Study on Coordination Theory and Method of Train Operation on Urban Mass Transit Network

【作者】 房霄虹

【导师】 周磊山;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国城市轨道交通网络化进程的快速推进,轨道交通的运营管理方式逐步从单线相对独立运营向多线综合运营的方向转变,形成了城市轨道交通网络化运营的新局面。在网络条件下,城市轨道交通系统各线路间的相互关联和影响必不可免,对轨道交通运输组织的协调性要求更高。为此,从路网运营管理的角度进一步提高网络客流分析预测的准确性、线网运力资源配置的均衡性、网络列车运行的协调性,对提升网络化运营管理的水平,更好地发挥轨道交通网络系统的整体能力和综合效益,实现运营的高效、安全和可靠非常重要。针对我国城市轨道交通网络化发展的现状,在充分借鉴国内外先进经验的基础上,本文以城市轨道交通网络化运输组织为研究对象,以网络化运输组织协调高效为根本目标,展开了一系列的相关研究。(1)本文对城市轨道交通网络化运输组织及其呈现的新特点进行了研究,阐述了城市轨道交通网络化运输组织的协调标准及其内涵。对城市轨道交通网络化运输组织所涉及的协调优化问题进行了简单分析,初步建立了城市轨道交通网络化运输组织协调理论研究的基本体系,并界定了论文的研究范围和主要内容。(2)对成网条件下轨道交通客流需求的网络化特性和动态性变化进行了分析研究,总结了客流随网络结构演变的变化规律。结合此后介绍的常规公交竞争与协作模式下的客流预测方法,可形成中长期客流预测技术。在轨道交通网络化客流分配方面,建立了一种考虑拥挤对路径广义费用影响的多路径出行选择随机用户平衡客流分配模型,并设计了相应的蚁群算法搜寻K短路与动态规划方法回溯验证相结合的K短路混合算法,且通过部分轨道交通路网客流数据验证了模型和算法的有效性。(3)本文从超长线路列车运行交路设置、市郊轨道交通跨站停列车开行及覆盖区域重合线路的共线运营三个方面,探讨了网络条件下城市轨道交通行车组织可能出现的新问题。尤其针对跨站停列车的停站方案设计,根据线路的长、短途客流特点和通过能力利用状况,建立了以运营企业社会经济利益最大化和旅客总出行时间最小化为目标的多目标优化模型,并设计了蚁群算法对模型进行求解,最终得到了跨站停列车开行的停站方案、服务频率以及该方案下的社会经济效益和总旅行时间。(4)借鉴交通流理论的基本思想和相关方法,发现了各线列车开行密度配置方案间存在的影响因素和约束关系,并定量描述了单条线路列车开行密度的传播规律。利用超网络流理论对网状线路列车开行密度配置问题进行了描述,进而将问题转化为部分与整体的关系进行分阶段求解。根据现有研究成果,总结了独立线路不同运营模式条件下的列车开行密度配置方案的求解方法。并且在单独线路列车开行密度配置已确定条件下,建立了网络化列车开行密度配置关系协调性评价指标,并通过DEA方法对任意两线路列车开行密度的配置进行协调性评价,最终得到了各列车开行密度配置协调与否的评价结果及导致不协调存在的原因。(5)在各线路列车运行图已独立铺画完成的条件下,根据城市轨道交通网络客流特点,兼顾多线换乘衔接的便捷性和合理性,在保证运营费用不增加的条件下构造了一个以旅客换乘及等待时间最少为目标的多向列车换乘衔接模型。同时结合列车到发时刻在换乘节点内部的衔接与网络换乘节点间的外部协调,提出了分层协调的优化策略,最终通过平移线路列车运行图的方法实现了网络列车运行的综合协调优化。

【Abstract】 In the process of rapid developing of China urban mass transit network, operation and management mode of urban mass transit has gradually changed from independent single-line operation to integrated multi-line operation, and a new phase of network operation of urban mass transit has been forming. On the network, there must exist some relations and impacts between different lines. So the coordination network operation and management is much more needed. Thus, improving the accuracy of network passenger flow analysis and forecast, the balance of network capacity resources arrangement and the coordination of train operation on network from the perspective of network operation, is very important to raise the level of rail network operation, play a better role on using the overall capacity, and achieve efficiency, security and reliability of operation.Based on the development reality of urban mass transit network and the advanced experience at home and abroad, this paper take a series of related research on train operation theory of urban mass transit network taking the coordination as the goal.(1) The new features of urban mass transit network operation have been studied, and the intension and basic features of the coordination of urban mass transit network operation has been clearly described. On this basis, this paper made a simple analysis about the problems which should be coordinated, set up a basic system of the coordination research of train operation on urban mass transit network, and then defined the scope and the main content of the study.(2) The paper analysed network characteristics and the dynamic changing characteristics of passengers under the conditions of network, and summarized the evolution of passenger traffic with the network structure changes. After introduction of the combination of competition and collaboration bus passenger flow forecasting model, it could form long-term passenger flow prediction technology. Furthermore, considering the stochastic user equilibrium principle and impact of congestion, a mathematical model for optimizing passenger flow distribution of the urban mass transit network was presented. To solve the passenger flow distribution model, a combining K-short-circuit algorithm with an ant colony algorithm searching for K-short-circuits and a dynamic programming method verifing short-circuits has been designed. The model and algorithm is verified through part of passenger flow data on unban mass transit network.(3) This paper explored some new problems of unban mass transit network operation, from three aspects of cross-road seting, skip-stop train scheduling and joint operation arrangement. In particular, according to passenger flow characteristics and capacity utilization, a multi-object optimization model for skip-stop train plans, with the aims of the maximal social economy profits and the minimal total travel time of passengers was proposed. The model can be solved using an ant-colony algorithm designed in this paper to generate a best compromise train service plan, including the optimal stop-schedule plan, service frequency, as well as the social economy profit and total passengers travel time.(4) This paper studied the influencing factors and constraints exist in the relationship between the train operation density arrangements of various lines. Then it described the train operation density arrangements of urban mass transit network using the super-network flow theory, and proposed a solution method which can solve the single-line operation density arrangement under different conditions. Furthermore, the paper established a coordination evaluation index system of network train operation density arrangement, and through the DEA method evaluated the coordination of any two lines on the network. Ultimately, the evaluation results and the reasons leading to inconsistency could be got by this method, which could be used in improving harmonious train operation plan of urban mass transit network.(5) In case of the single-line train operation diagram completed, based on the passengers flow characters of urban mass transit, both the convenience and rationality of connection between different lines were considered, and then an optimization model, with the aims of the minimal total waiting time of transfer passengers and inboard passengers, was set up. Combining the inner coordination of arriving and departure time sequence of trains in transfer nodes with the exterior coordination of transfer nodes on whole urban mass transit network, a multi-layers coordination policy was proposed, and the integrated optimization of the urban mass transit system was realized through taking some small time shifts of the proposed single-line timetables.


