

Research on Integrated Management of Urban Rail Transit Project Cost under Agent Construction System

【作者】 苏斌

【导师】 刘伊生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 我国城市轨道交通正在进入快速有序的发展阶段,将迎来前所未有的集中建设高潮。目前,我国城市轨道交通工程建设形式多样,建设规模巨大,投资较高,工程造价问题已成为城市轨道交通蓬勃发展的障碍,面对这样大规模的建设任务和造价控制的迫切需要,作为国际上比较成熟的代建制管理模式将为实现快速发展提供了契机。本文在代建制的前提下对城市轨道交通工程的造价管理进行了研究,建立了造价管理的激励机制和约束机制模型、基于代建合同的造价风险及收益分配模型和建设实施阶段全要素集成造价管理模型,对城市轨道交通工程全要素造价管理的组成、方法和措施进行了研究,为我国城市轨道交通工程的造价管理提出了新的思路和方法。主要创新点有:(1)设计了代建制下城市轨道交通造价管理的激励机制和约束机制。将委托代理理论运用于代建制下轨道交通工程造价管理激励及约束机制的模型建立、分析及框架构建中,通过构建博弈模型清晰地分析了各方的权利与责任,明确了激励与约束的主要措施。(2)构建了基于轨道交通工程委托代建合同的造价风险及收益分配模型。文章改进了传统代建合同中造价风险与收益系数的经验确定方法,对合同中风险及收益分配比例系数的确定给出了明确的定量方法,使造价管理与控制更为科学。(3)提出了城市轨道交通工程建设实施阶段全要素造价管理的方法及措施。打破传统的工程造价管理思路,将全过程造价管理与全要素造价管理结合起来,构建了全要素造价控制的优化模型,并对全过程中不同阶段全要素的不同体现进行了详细阐述,完善了城市轨道交通工程造价管理方法。

【Abstract】 Urban Mass Transit is entering the phase of rapid and orderly development, which will usher an unprecedented large-scale construction. At present, China’s Mass rail transit are characterized with divers form、high investment. The high project cost has become a barrier to thriving urban mass transit. Facing the large-scale construction tasks and urgent need for cost control, agent construction system will provide an opportunity as an international more sophisticated construction management model.The urban mass transit project cost management is studied under the premise of agent system in this dissertation, incentive and restrictive mechanism mode、cost risks/ income distribution model of the construction contract and all elements integrated model of the implementation phase. It researches on the composition, methods and measures of Total Factor Cost Management. It puts forward new ideas and methods for project cost management. Main innovations are:(1) The incentive and restraint mechanisms for urban rail transit construction cost management are designed. It clearly analyzes the rights and responsibilities of all parties from the main parties and their relationship through constructing game model with the application of principal-agent theory. The main measures of incentives and constraints are identified.(2) The cost risks and income distribution model are elaborated basd on the urban mass transit project construction contract. The traditional method of risks and income distribution coefficients for contract has been changed which provides a clear quantitative method for the determination of the ratio coefficients. It makes cost management more scientific.(3) The methods and measures of the total factor cost management in phase of urban rail transit construction implementation are prompted. It breaks the traditional ideas of project cost management, innovating the application of comprehensive cost management thinking.It optimizes project cost in the whole process under the guidance of Life Cycle Cost Management Thought, and introduces Total Factor Cost Management. It gives an integrated research involves all elements on the various stages, improving the urban rail transit project cost management.


