

Optimization Research on Intra-county’s Industrial Structure Based on Low Carbon Economy

【作者】 孙起生

【导师】 李文兴;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 当前,大气中温室气体含量过高导致的气候变化对人类社会带来了严重影响,发展低碳经济已经成为世界各国的普遍共识。对于正处于工业化、城镇化、现代化关键发展时期的中国而言,如何转变经济增长方式,促进产业结构向低碳化方向演进,是发展低碳经济需要解决的首要问题。县域经济是我国国民经济的基础单元,在城镇化过程中,一方面由于存在产业结构失衡问题而成为重要的碳排放源;另一方面由于农业的主体作用而拥有巨大的碳汇潜力。因此,研究低碳经济背景下县域产业结构的优化问题,引导县域产业结构低碳化演进,对于促进县域经济由碳源向碳汇转变,进而实现全社会可持续发展具有重要理论与现实意义。为此,本论文通过文献分析和调研,综合运用生态经济、产业经济、县域经济等理论与方法,对县域产业结构低碳化的含义、类型与影响因素等理论问题进行界定;建立县域产业结构低碳化的定性分析模型与优化模型;设计县域产业结构低碳化的评价指标体系;提出县域产业结构低碳化的政策建议,并在此基础上进行实证研究。本论文的创新性成果主要表现为:一、论文从产业结构与碳循环的关系为切入点,对县域产业结构低碳化的内涵进行了理论界定,即通过市场机制与政策调控,优化县域经济各个生产部门之间碳汇产业与碳源产业的内在联系和比例关系,实现县域经济发展过程中能源效率提高、温室气体排放量降低。二、论文根据产业结构低碳化的内涵,基于投入产出方法,提出了兼顾县域经济发展特点的产业结构定性分析与定量分析模型,可以为确定县域产业结构低碳化演进方向提供定量化方法。三、论文进一步以促进经济发展的增长和结构改进、促进社会稳定和持续发展、促进生态环境改善和和谐发展为三大目标,构建县域产业结构低碳化的评价指标体系,对县域产业结构的协调发展状况进行综合评价。四、论文结合城镇化发展实际,从城乡统筹发展的角度,建立了县域产业结构低碳化的政策体系,提出了具有可操作性的县域产业结构低碳化演进的路径图。五、以山东省乐陵市为例,运用低碳经济下县域产业结构优化模型与评价指标体系进行实证研究。结果表明,乐陵市通过将低碳经济纳入县域产业结构优化过程,在低碳经济下产业结构优化的实践为低碳经济下县域产业结构优化,促进了经济持续发展、社会和谐发展以及环境友好发展。

【Abstract】 At present, the climate change has brought serious influence mad for the human society because the greenhouse gases are in the high level. It is imperative to promote low-carbon economy in the world. For China, how to optimized the industrial structure based on lowering the carbon emission is the key problem in the period of urbanization and modernization. Being the basic unit of the national economy, the in-county economy is not only the source of carbon emission because of the unbalance of industrial structure, but also the important carbonsink due to the principal role of agriculture. Therefore, under the background of low-carbon economy research on industrial structure optimization problem, and guide county industrial structure evolution of carbide, to promote low carbon source of county economy to carbon, and the transformation of social sustainable development has important theoretical and practical significance.Therefore, In this dissertation, by analysis of literature and investigation, comprehensive use of ecological economy, the industrial economy, the county economy theory and method, etc. Of the industrial structure and types of low carbonization influence factors and meaning theoretical issues such as definition, Establish industrial structure of monitoring model with low carbonization optimization model, Design of the industrial structure of low carbonization evaluation index system, Put the industrial structure of low carbonization policy Suggestions, and on the basis of empirical research.The main innovation works of this dissertation are as followed:(1) from the industrial structure and the relationship between the carbon cycle of industrial structure, low carbonization connotation of theoretical definition, namely through market mechanism and policy regulation, optimize production departments of county economy, as well as various between each production department within the inner relationship between component proportion and the development of county economy, realizing the relationship of energy efficiency, the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.(2) based on the connotation of the industrial structure, low carbonization based on input and output methods, the author puts forward the characteristics of both county economic development and industrial structure optimization model, monitoring model for sure county industrial structure evolution direction of low carbonization provide quantitative methods.(3) the dissertation further to promote economic development and the growth of the improved structure, promote social stability and sustainable development, and promote the harmonious development of ecological environment and three goals for the industrial structure, low carbonization of evaluation index system of industrial structure, the coordinated development of the situation, which can evaluate the basis for research and evaluation standards.(4) The thesis combines the urbanization development, urban and rural development from the point of industrial structure is established, the policy system, low carbonization forward operable county industrial structure evolution paths of low carbonization.(5) Laoing City in shandong province as an example, the application of low carbon economy and industrial structure optimization model county, LaoLing City i evaluation index system of industrial structure optimization and empirical research. Results show that LaoLing City low-carbon economy into the industrial structure optimization process, the county in low carbon economy under the practice of industrial structure optimization for low carbon economy, promote industrial structure optimization sustained economic development and harmonious development of the society and environment friendly development for reference.

  • 【分类号】F127;F205;F224
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3292
  • 攻读期成果

