

Study on Theory and Method of Building Total Information Management

【作者】 赵雪锋

【导师】 刘伊生;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 建筑业是我国国民经济发展的重要物质生产部门。然而现阶段建筑业信息手段的落后,造成了建设工程各阶段间的信息“回流”现象,以及各组织和各专业间的信息壁垒,并总体上造成了建筑业生产效率的低下。如何运用先进IT技术来提升建设工程管理水平显得非常必要而紧迫。本文运用项目信息门户(Project Information Portal, PIP)、建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)和物联网(Internet of Things, IOT)等技术,在建设工程全寿命期、全方位、全要素管理等理念的指导下,构建了建设工程全面信息管理(Building Total Information Management, BTIM)框架体系。本文首先在详细分析建设工程信息管理的特点和内容的基础上,全面阐述了BTIM的概念和内涵。其次,在分析BIM技术和IOT技术在建设工程中应用路径的基础上,提出了BTIM系统的发展路径。第三,本文探讨了BTIM系统建设的要求、架构和实现方法。最后,本文分析了BTIM系统功能和运行机制,同时对其实现建设工程增值的机理进行了分析。本文的创新之处主要体现在如下方面:(1)应用建设工程全寿命期、全方位管理理论和霍尔三维分析方法,引入全要素管理理念,集成PIP、BIM和IOT技术方法,提出了BTIM概念,并对其内涵进行分析。(2)论文提出了BIM和IOT技术在建设工程中运用路径,分析了BIM驱动建设过程并行化的趋势以及IOT技术自身的发展线路,并在此基础上提出了建设工程实现BTIM的发展路径。(3)探讨了BTIM系统建设的要求,设计了BTIM系统的五层架构,并针对每一层制订了技术实现方法。(4)在BTIM系统运行过程中,本文运用精益管理理论和动态规划方法分析了BTIM的运行机制,在此基础上运用信息论的基本原理揭示了BTIM实现建设工程增值的内在机理。

【Abstract】 Construction industry is an important material production sector of national economy. However, there are losses of information over the project lifecycle and information barriers among project participants and specialties because of backwardness of the method of information expression. Finally it leads to low efficiency of construction industry. So, it is very important and urgent using advanced IT technologies to promote the management of building project.Under the guidance of lifecycle management, omnibearing management and total factor management, integrating the key techniques of Project Information Portal (PIP), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Internet of Things (IOT), the frame system of Building Total Information Management (BTIM) has been established. The dissertation is organized as follows. First of all, the characteristics and contents of building project information management is analyzed in detail, and concept, content and functionality of Total Information Management of Building project are pointed, at the same time, the mechanism of realization of the project value is also discussed. Next, based on the analysis of BIM and IOT, the development path of BTIM is put forward. Finally, requirements, architecture and implementation approach of BTIM system of building project are investigated. The main innovation points in the dissertation are showed as follow.1. Under the guidance of lifecycle management, omnibearing management and Hall three dimension structure, introducing total factor management, integrating with techniques of PIP, BIM and IOT, the conception of BTIM is proposed. The Connotation of BTIM is also analyzed.2. The application routing of BIM and IOT in building project are put forward, then the growth steps of BTIM has been analyzed.3. The five-layer structure of the realization of BTIM system is put forward; the development method of BTIM system is put forward according to the structure.4. During the operation period of BTIM system, under the guidance of lean production theory and dynamic programming method, the running mechanisms of BTIM are summarized; The project value-added principle of BTIM is also analyzed according to the information theory.


