

Research on the Key Technologies of Visualization in CTCS-3 Testing and Simulation Platform

【作者】 邓野

【导师】 李强;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 CTCS-3级列车运行控制系统是保障高速铁路行车安全、提高运输效率的核心,是高速铁路的“神经中枢”。本文针对CTCS-3级列控系统测试仿真环境的可视化展开研究,围绕列控系统测试与评估的特殊需求,从列车运控视景可视化与运行进程可视化两个方面深入研究列控系统可视化的关键技术与实现方法。论文首先详细分析了CTCS-3可视化系统的具体需求以及列车视景的性能指标参数,将多分辨率建模思想引入CTCS-3可视化系统的设计中,提出HLA/RTI联邦模式与TCP/IP通信方式相结合的可视化仿真支撑框架,较好地满足了CTCS-3测试仿真环境下可视化系统的信息交互与实现。针对CTCS-3测试仿真环境下可视化场景线路数据表征的多样性,通过对列控数据与三维可视化描述方法的具体分析,提出基于C3RD的高速铁路线路描述方法,采用基于元模型的可视化场景多分辨率建模方法,实现了CTCS-3可视化场景的空间结构设计与描述。针对CTCS-3测试仿真环境下对列车可视化的观察需求和细节层次不同要求,通过详细分析高速铁路运行环境下列车车辆的运动行为,基于多分辨率思想,提出不同粒度的可视化车辆生成方法,实现了不同粒度模型间的聚合与解聚,并以实例证明该方法的有效性。针对高速铁路虚拟场景建模的难点,通过分析高速铁路场景组织特点,提出以铁路线路走行里程为参数的三维场景纵向分割以及基于场景图规则的横向场景组织的高速铁路场景建模方法。通过关键线与特征点的提取,实现了线路及附属设施的智能化生成。论文将运控视景的高速特点与人的视觉辩识特征结合,提出基于速度—视觉辩识特征的铁路场景建模优化策略,并将上述智能优化方法成功用于京沪高铁虚拟场景的建模。通过对CTCS-3级列控系统的视景仿真需求分析,展开C3规则下列控视景控制算法的研究。提出基于图论的列车动态寻径算法以及基于可视轨道电路的列车群生成维护算法,并与视相关的多分辨率场景分块数据调度方法结合,实现了CTCS-3列车运行视景长大交路三维可视化仿真。论文最后将模型驱动架构(MDA)思想引入CTCS-3运行进程信息可视化的研究中。通过EDA关键模型的建模过程实现了CTCS-3运行进程信息可视化。通过改进GUI模型,提出了适合于运行进程信息可视化界面的ACI (Core Adapter-Interface Controller-Interface)模型,并运用UML语言实现了关键模型间的转换。

【Abstract】 CTCS-3, which means the three level of Chinese train control system, is the core of guaranteeing the operation security and improving the conveying efficiency of high-speed railway, and the nerve center of high-speed train. Around the special requirements of testing and assessment, this dissertation researched on the visualization of CTCS-3 testing and simulation platform. It studied-the key technologies and the implementing methods of visualization which were the train control scene visualization and the operation process visualization.This dissertation firstly analyzed the specific requirements of CTCS-3 visualization system and the performance index parameters of train visual simulation. Introducing the multi-resolution modeling theory into the system design, a visualization simulation supporting architecture was proposed by combining the HLA/RTI federation mode and TCP/IP communication mode, which fulfilled the communication exchange and the achievement of the visualization system in the CTCS-3 testing and simulation platform.For the diversity of line data’s representation in the visual scene of the CTCS-3 testing and simulation platform, the C3RD line data representing method of high railway was put forward according to the specific analysis of the train control data and the 3D visual description. Based on the multi-resolution modeling method of meta-model theory in visualization scene, this dissertation realized the space structure design and the CTCS-3 visual scene description.There are different requirements for the train visual observation and level of detail demands in the CTCS-3 testing and simulation system. According to the specific analysis of the train running behavior and multi-resolution theory, this dissertation raised a visual train generating method of different resolution. Meanwhile the aggregation and disaggregation process between different resolution models were analyzed in detail. After all, the availability of this method was certified by case study.Through the organization characteristic analysis of high-speed railway scene, this dissertation solved the difficult of high speed railway virtual scene modeling by putting forward a high speed railway scene modeling method based on the 3D scene longitudinal sectioning with the accumulating distance as parameter, and the lateral scene organization with the scene graph rule. The tracks and subsidiary facilities were intelligently generated through the extraction of key tracks and characteristic points. Combining the high speed and human vision identification, the optimizing modeling method of railway scene was proposed based on the velocity and vision characteristics. The virtual scene modeling of Jinhu high speed railway was accomplished with this intelligent method.On the demand analysis of visual simulation in the CTCS-3 train control system, the control algorithm of train visual simulation was studied under the CTCS-3 rule. This dissertation raised the dynamic path-finding algorithm based on graph theory and the generation maintenance algorithm of train group based on visual track circuit. It was accomplished by the 3D visualization simulation of long-distance railway in CTCS-3 train visual simulation combined with the blocked data dispatching method related to the multi-resolution scene.Lastly, the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) theory was introduced into the research of CTCS-3 operation process information visualization. According to the key modeling process of EDA, it was achieved by the CTCS-3 operation process information visualization. Based on the improved GUI model, the ACI (Core Adapter-Interface Controller-Interface) model was proposed, which is suitable for the process information of visual interface. And the transformation process was described in details between the key models with the UML language.

【关键词】 CTCS-3可视化多分辨率建模视景仿真EDA显示界面
【Key words】 CTCS-3visualizationMRMvisual simulationEDAinterface

