

A Study in Librarianship Policy of the China’s mainland

【作者】 范兴坤

【导师】 郑建明;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 图书馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “政策和策略是党的生命”,这是毛泽东同志在1948年针对党在新时期所面临的形势和任务时特别强调的。中华人民共和国建立以后,我国实现社会管理的规则是党的政策,而非法律,即使是在已改革开放30年、提倡“依法治国”建设法制化社会的今天,长期以来依靠政策和行政系统实现社会管理的传统仍然在国家社会生活中占据重要地位,也是国家管理包括图书馆事业在内的各项社会事业的首要手段。改革开放以来在图书馆事业领域制定颁布的地方法规、行政法规及各种制度,都仍然是在党的政治指导思想和各级政府社会发展政策框架下发挥作用。因此,对当代中国图书馆事业的研究和了解,必须在对党的政治指导思想、对政府的经济、文化、教育、科技等领域的指导政策充分研究的基础上才能实现。对图书馆事业政策和社会环境政策的了解,需要有适用的科学方法。政策科学从上世纪五十年代由美国学者开创以来,经过半个世纪的发展,已经发展成了一门基础雄厚、专业系统、研究手段多样的成熟学科,并已在政治、经济、军事等多个专业领域的实践和学科研究中得到广泛应用。我国图书馆学界从上世纪80年代开始提起图书馆事业政策研究问题,也开始尝试结合政策科学的理论和方法进行我国图书馆事业政策的研究,期望通过借助政策科学的帮助加强图书馆事业的研究,但惜乎研究成果数量不多、研究深度也稍嫌不够。该论文是在宏观上将我国1978-2008年三十年间的图书馆事业政策作为考察对象,以政策科学研究的模式和方法作为工具,在对我国图书馆事业发展政策进行总体评价的基础上,对图书馆事业发展的政策主体、政策客体和政策环境及政策特点进行全面的考察和研究。论文第一章《导论》部分,定义了研究的相关背景,对以政策学方法研究图书馆事业政策的国内外情况进行了综述和评介,介绍了论文选题、研究方法及研究意义等方面的内容;第二章作为对我国1978-2008年间图书馆事业的综合性介绍部分,分别以阶段性方式和综述性方式介绍了我国图书馆事业政策发展变化的特点,认为在1978年党的十一届三中全会确立了改革开放的基本路线后,在“解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看”思想的指引下,图书馆事业通过内部改革和对外开放,开始形成符合事业客观规律的政策体系,逐步实现了事业政策的科学化、客观化,促进了图书馆事业的效率化和效益化的发展;在篇章结构上,第三、四、五章是论文的核心部分。第三章全面介绍了我国当代图书馆事业政策的社会环境,包括建国后三十年(1949-1978)我国图书馆事业的发展历史及挫折,介绍了改革开放之初我国图书馆发展的总体情况,介绍了1949-1978年间的政策演变及相关影响因素;改革开放后,对我国图书馆事业产生巨大影响的是西方发达国家图书馆事业的示范作用和激励作用,直接引导了我国图书馆事业的发展方向和图书馆界的努力方向;该章并结合我国图书馆系统现实状态,分政治、文化、教育、科技四个方面讨论了中观政策对图书馆事业政策制定的影响;第四章根据我国图书馆事业政策的制定主体情况,分别介绍了国家立法机关、中国共产党各级委员会、各级行政及事业管理部门、图书馆行业学会和协调组织、图书馆的情况,以及他们所制定的图书馆事业政策的种类及政策特点等方面的内容;第五章图书馆事业政策客体部分,根据我国图书馆事业政策的制定情况,分管理、文献资源建设、人力资源建设、技术建设、建筑等几个方面,对我国30年来在这些方面的政策进行了分类缕析和总结述评,使各领域的政策沿革通过研究变得更为清晰,并据此总结出这些政策在变化过程中的特点;第六章是研究的实证部分。图书馆立法是我国当前图书馆事业政策建设的关键性问题,也是进入新世纪以来我国图书馆界最为关注的热点问题之一,结合论文的研究方向,以政策分析的过程分析方法研究了我国图书馆法立法的问题,按照政策过程划分模式,以立法的提出、法律的制定、法律实施、法律监测、法律效果评价、法律修正和终止的六个阶段讨论了我国图书馆法立法过程,对立法在不同阶段的观点、立法背景、立法理论研究及立法进度进行了汇总和综述性研究,认为我国当前的图书馆法建设在立法基础、立法程序和进度发展上是符合我国图书馆事业发展客观现实的,图书馆界和社会在《图书馆法》立法上的努力也是值得肯定的。在结束语部分,以从制度建设角度考察我国图书馆事业所处的社会环境、树立科学发展观是图书馆事业发展的基础保障、我国图书馆事业政策建设需加强的重点三个部分陈述了作者对我国1978年以来图书馆事业政策发展的总体认识,认为政策建设的基础在于图书馆事业的制度设计,需要从事业制度设计的基本点着手解决图书馆事业发展中存在的各种问题,而当前中国共产党所提倡的以“科学发展观”建设“和谐社会”的发展理念为图书馆事业的未来发展提供了良好的政策环境,在我国经济实力不断提升、教科文卫等各项社会事业不断发展的未来,图书馆事业政策需要检讨、完善、优化,基于法制的图书馆事业政策体系更需要新的发展。该论文的研究设想,是通过借用政策科学的理论和方法,结合我国当代图书馆事业建设实践与图书馆理论,以“政策科学”方法研究“图书馆事业”;在研究图书馆政策的过程中,实现“政策内容”和“政策形式”的有机结合;在覆盖领域上,实现对我国当代图书馆事业发展各领域政策的全面概括;在纵向政策整合上,实现对30年间主要图书馆事业政策的变化沿革的条理化分析;在研究目标上,实现对我国1978-2008年间图书馆事业政策承前启后的价值论证;在体系上,实现理论与实践的贯通……。但种种研究设想,受研究者理论水平、专业背景和研究时间、研究手段、资料完整度、资料取舍标准等种种条件的限制,每一个方面都只能部分地实现,而且在个别问题的研究上还逃不出“剪不断理还乱”的窘境,深感自己以后还需要更多地潜心学习,并在该论文研究方向上继续努力。对于已完成论文的不足,欢迎各位老师和同行批评指正。

【Abstract】 "Policy and strategy is the life of the party" This concept was stressed by Comrade Mao Zedong in 1948 when the party was faced with the new situation and tasks in the new period. After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, China managed her society with the party’s policies, not with laws. Even today after 30 years’of reform and opening up, with the promotion of "rule of law" to build a legalized society, this tradition still dominates in the national social life and it is still the primary means to manage all the social causes including librarianship. The local rules, administrative regulations and other rules in librarianship field issued since the reform and opening up are still at work within the framework of the party’s directive policies and social management policies of governments of all levels. Therefore, the study of contemporary librarianship can only be achieved on the basis of the thorough research of the party’s political guiding ideology and the government’s directive policies in the fields of economy, culture, education and science and technology.The understanding and study of policies both in librarianship and social environment requires appropriate scientific methods. Policy Sciences, since its establishment by American scholars in 1950s, with the development of half a century, has developed into a mature subject with a solid foundation, professional systems and various research methods, and has been widely applied in the practice and subject research of politics, economy, military fields. China’s librarianship circles started to research on the librarianship policies from the 1980’s, attempting to study it with theories and methods of policy sciences, with the expectation of strengthening the research on librarianship with the help of policy sciencs. However, such researches haven’t produced many achievements and those acchievements still lack depth.This paper takes a panoramic view of China’s librarianship policies during 1978-2008, with the models and methods of policy sciences as the research tools. The author conducts a comprehensive study and review of the policy bodies, policy objects and policy environments in the development of librarianship.The first chapter "Introduction" defines the research background, summarizes and comments on the domestic and foreign researches on librianship policies with the methods of policy sciences, and introduces the thesis topic, research methods and the significance of research. Chapter Two is a synthetical introduction to China’s librianship during 1978-2008. It introduces the features of China’s librarianship development in different stages and of its overall developments. The author thinks that after the basic line of reform and opening up was established at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee in 1978, with the guidance of the ideology of "emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts and unite as one in looking to the future", the policy system has been formed in the librarianship in conformity with the objective laws of librarianship through internal reform and opening up, and the scientific and objective development of librarianship has gradually been realized, thus enhancing the efficiency and benefits of the librarianship.In terms of text structure, the third, fourth and fifth chapters are the core of the paper.The third chapter comprehensively introduces the social environment.of policies in China’s contemporary librarianship, including the development history and the setbacks during 1949-1978, the thirty years after the founding of new China. It probes into the general development of libraries in the early stages of reform and opening up, and the policy changes as well as related factors during 1949-1978. After the reform and opening up, China’s librarianship was greatly influenced by the librarianship in the western developed countries with its exemplary and stimulating role, which directly guided the direction of librarianship development in China and the direction of exertions by China’s library circles; This chapter also discusses the influence of policies on the policies in librarianship in terms of politics, culture, education and science & technology, based on the real state of China’s library system.Chapter Four, based on the main policy-making bodies in China’s librarianship, introduces respectively national legislative body, the CPC party committee system, the administrative system, library associations and other coordinating bodies, individual libraries, the types and features of the policies of librarianship made by these organizations.Chapter Five "Policy Objects of Librarianship", according to the policy-making in China’s librarianship, summarizes and analyzes the related policies within 30 years in management, document resources development, human resources construction, technology development, architecture, thus making clear the evolution of policies in various fields after the research, and accordingly concludes the characteristics in the policy changing process.Chapter Six is devoted to empirical study.Library legislation is the key issue in the policy building of current librarianship. It is also one of the hot issues about which China’s library circles are most concerned in the new century. Combined with the field of research in this paper, this chapter studies the problems in China’s library legislation with the method of policy process. According to models of policy process categorization, this chapter discusses the six stages in China’s library legislation process, namely, the proposition of the legislation, the establishment of the laws, the implementation of the laws, monitoring of laws, assessment of legal effect, revision of laws and termination of laws. This chapter also summarizes and conducts a comprehensive research of legislature in terms of opinions at different stages, background of legislation, theoretical research of legislation and legislation process. The author suggests that China’s current library laws are in conformity with the objective reality of China’s librarianship development in terms of legislature foundation, legislature procedure and legislature progress, and the legislative efforts made by the library circles and society in Library Laws are worthy of recognition.The Conclusion part is divided into three sections:the view of social environment which China’s librarianship is in from the perspective of system construction, Scientific Concept of Development being the basic security for the development of librarianship, and the emphasis in the policy construction of China’s librarianship. These three sections are also the author’s general understanding of policy development in China’s librarianship since 1978.The author proposes that the basis of policy-making lies in the system design of librarianship, and that problems in the development of librarianship be solved on this basis. And the current concept of "building a harmonious society" with "Scientific Concept of Development" provides a favorable environment for the future of librarianship. In the future when China’s economic power will be promoted and all social causes will be developed including education, science, culture and health, policies of librarianship need to be examined, improved and optimized, and the policy system of librarianship based on laws needs to be quickly developed.Research suppositions are to realize the application of "policy sciences" in the research of "librarianship" through the theories and methods of policy sciences, combined with the practice of building our contemporary librarianship and library theories; to realize the organic combination of "policy contents" with "policy forms" in the research process of library policies; to conduct an overall summary of the policies in all the fields of China’s current librarianship in terms of research fields; in vertical policy integration, to carry out an orderly analysis of the policy evolution of librarianship in the past 30 years; in terms of research targets, to realize the demonstration of value of librarianship policies during 1978-2008 to serve as a link between the past and the future; in terms of system, to realize the combination of theory and practice.However, the various suppositions can only be partially realized owing to the limatations in terms of the researcher’s theoretical level, professional background, research time, research methods, the completeness of availabel materials, the criterion by which the researcher uses and abandons the materials. Moreover, in some individual problems, the researcher often finds himself in a difficult situation of sorting out all the materials, and often feels the pressure to work harder in the future in this fields the researcher attempts to explore. Owing to all the defects in the paper, the author always welcome peer criticism from teachers and researchers alike.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

