

A Study on the Urban Forms and Their Morphological Mechanisms of the Small Business Along Streets

【作者】 胡友培

【导师】 丁沃沃;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 沿街道自发生长的小型商业现象是当代中国城市中一种普遍现象。它较典型的体现了城市空间实践中自下而上(bottom-up)或自发(spontaneous)的实践逻辑。小型商业系统为研究该类自发现象和形态,提供了一个理想研究素材。自发的日常都市现象是城市相关学科的一个新兴课题。部分学者从社会学的视角关注其中的非正规性(informality);也有部分汇集在‘日常都市主义’主题下的研究,以列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)、德·塞途(Michel de Certeau)的日常生活理论为工具,挖掘其中的社会批判性内容;建筑学背景的研究者倾向于关注其中的形式美学问题,延续的是‘民间建筑学’的传统,宣言多于分析。与以上研究视角不同,本文采取的是一种‘物质性’的客观视角,始终关注:物质形态及其自下而上机制问题。因为,相比于美学、意识形态、社会学议题,我们认为物质形态问题是基础。然而令人意外的是,这个基础却少有人问津。我们希望通过本文的研究,对这个基础问题有所贡献,以为那些拓展的主题(美学、意识形态主题等)打下一个坚实的物质基础。本文研究问题是小型商业现象的物质形态及其机制,由3个相关问题与内容组成。1.首先是关于对象的宏观形态问题。以普遍接受的中心地理论形态来解释小型商业现实,难以令人满意。城市中小型商业分布是何种态势(宏观形态)是未知的。本文通过对城市中小型商业的真实分布状况进行调研,以及在此基础上的地图化工作,而使其宏观形态得以呈现。用事实否定了之前默认的理想形态,而获得了关于小型商业宏观形态的新知识。2.小型商业宏观形态的成因或机制是第二个问题,微观如何自发为宏观?本文以系统建模的方法为研究工具,对小型商业宏观形态的机制展开了建模与验证。模型以精确的方式描述了系统自下而上的生成机制,证明宏观形态的出现,并非由于存在‘无形的上帝之手’也非单纯由局部加和为整体,而是来自于局部相互作用基础上的涌现。系统内部具有反馈机制,使得宏观形态不再是一种静止形态,而成为动态,具有在时间中不断调整自身以适应变化的能力。形态机制的理论模型还揭示出某些形态特征与个别环境因素之间不易察觉的紧密联系,以及更为有趣的,系统机制内部潜伏的可进化维度。作为本文建构的关于小型商业宏观形态机制的理论,模型不仅描述了常态下的形态机制,还在小型商业与高等级商业业态差异巨大的形态背后,揭示出二者的可进化关系。3.第三方面的内容是一个延伸性质的问题,由宏观尺度转化到自发现象的微观局部,研究宏观形态的微观表现形式——商业界面的呈现形态(特征)、机制,及其与宏观尺度的联系。研究揭示出影响界面形态的因素及其作用方式,在宏观形态与微观表现之间发现了二者的相关性。与宏观形态研究相比,界面形态机制难以形式化,本文采取定性描述,并通过实证的方式对其进行了验证。在以上问题基础上,本文综合宏观、微观的研究,对小型商业系统自下而上的实践逻辑进行了较为全面的讨论与建构。综合分析表明,‘自下而上’并非是由微观局部逐渐向上汇聚为宏观的单向逻辑,而是一种在时间中‘涌现’的逻辑:发端于局部的微观实践,汇聚出具有全局意义的整体后,再由上而下,由整体而至局部,对微观层面施加总体性的影响,如此往复、反馈,使得整体层面的实践可以通过局部的不断调整而适应新的变化(环境的变化或自身的变化),由此产生新的内容与新的意义。这种对‘新’的生成能力,正是自发现象的魅力所在。而其中对新的生成逻辑,正是涌现的逻辑。对自发城市形态机制的研究,一方面启发对该类现象的调控方式,另一方面也触动对自上而下实践的反思。这是本文研究在现实实践层面的积极意义。

【Abstract】 In contemporary Chinese cities, it is a common and interesting phenomenon that small business spontaneously thrives along streets. The morphology of small business system typically represents one of the practice logic in the production of urban space, that is the bottom-up or spontaneous spatial logic. This system provides an ideal sample to explore this kind of spontaneous urban phenomena.The spontaneous everyday phenomena have become a research topic in urban research field recently. Some researchers focused on the informality of these phenomena from a sociology perspective. Others supported by the everyday theories from Henri Lefebvre and Michel de Certeau, explore the topic from a social critical view. Researches from architecture discipline, more concern about the formal aesthetics, which are affected by the’vernacular architecture’ academic tradition, and are more manifestos than analyses. Different from above, a material and objective perspective is chosen in this research which always focuses on the question about physical forms and their morphological mechanisms, how microscale emerges as macroscale. This basic question was used to be neglected compared with the aesthetic, ideology or sociology issues. This research would endeavor to contribute to the question, so as to make a reliable foundation for the profound issues such as aesthetics, ideology and et al.The research question of this paper is the physical forms and their morphological mechanisms of small business system, which is constituted by 3 related questions and parts.Firstly, the distribution form of small business in the cities is unknown yet. The classical central places theory is hard to match the reality of the system. Surveys and mappings on the reality are made in this paper to presents the distribution forms of small business which is called as ’the macro-form’in this paper. Through this work, a new knowledge about the macro-form of the system is founded.The second question is about the mechanism of the macro-form, how could the micro emerges as the macro spontaneously? This paper apples the systematic modeling technique to study the morphological mechanism of the system and then validates it. The model we built describes the bottom-up mechanism of the system explicitly, and demonstrates that the appearance of the macro-form is not aroused by the so-called invisible God hand, or the sum of individual parts, but the emergence based on the local inter-behaviors. Because of the feedback mechanism, the form of the system is not static, but a dynamic one, which would adapt itself to changes. The theoretical model also shows the explicit connections between some morphological qualities and certain environment factors, which would hardly be identified in the real world, and discloses the evolutional dynamics lurking in the mechanism of the system. As a theory on the morphological mechanism of small business system, the theoretical model not only describes the mechanism of normative states, but also uncovers the potentially evolutionary relationship between small business and large-scale commercial centers, despite the apparently morphological difference between them.Changing research scale form macro to micro and local, the third part is about an extended issue, which focuses on the expression of the macro-forms:the morphological characters and mechanisms of the commercial facades, and its connection with the macro-scale. In this part, the factors and mechanisms affect the forms of facades are disclosed, and a connection is built between the macro-forms and its micro-expressions. Compared with the second part, the mechanisms of commercial facades are less formalized, and are described qualitatively. However, they are validated in a positive way.As the summary and conclusion of the above researches, the overall bottom-up practice logic of small business system is proposed based on a synthetic analysis from macro-to micro-scales in the last chapter. The synthesis manifests that the bottom-up logic is not a one-dimension logic which is from local to global, but one emerging in the time. It originates from individual parts which exist in micro and local level and gradually gather into an agglomeration with global meanings, and then turns from up to down with global meanings affecting local parts, and then recycles with feedback. With this feedback logic, the whole is able to adapt to changes from environment and itself, at the same time, new meaning and content is becoming. It is the charm of the spontaneous phenomena that giving birth to ’new’. The logic of becoming new is precisely the logic of emergence.The study on the morphological mechanisms of spontaneous urban forms in this paper, on the one hand, would be meaningful to the governance to this kind of phenomena, and on the other hand, stimulate critical thinking to the main stream top-down practice. That would be the practical meaning of this research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F727;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】939

