

Study on the Nanyang County Supply and Marketing Cooperative

【作者】 李建中

【导师】 马俊亚;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 历史系中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 解放以后,在1949至1953年进行了全国范围的以平均分配土地为内容的土地改革运动以后,国家开始在农村进行以农业生产合作化、农村信用合作化、农村手工业合作化、农村供销合作化为手段和内容的社会主义改造运动,希图以此在农村进行和平的社会主义革命,在农村建立社会主义经济制度。在上述四种农村合作化运动中,农业生产合作化和农村供销合作化是重中之重。就农业生产合作化而言,从1953年至1958年短短的5年间,我国农村便实现了由个体农民所有制向互助组、初级农业生产合作社、高级农业生产合作社以至人民公社的过渡。当时,国家认为人民公社是最高类型的农业生产合作社,是共产主义的雏形,它的建立和巩固将会极大地促进农业生产的发展。但是,1953年至1983年我国农业合作化的实践表明,农业合作化的初衷未能实现,农业合作化特别是政社合一的人民公社制度并没有使我国的农业生产力大幅度提高。相反,却使我国的农业生产长期徘徊不前,并一度出现了粮食匮乏的困难局面。其间有许多经验教训值得我们记取,唯有此,才能使当代我国的社会主义新农村建设少走弯路。就供销合作社而言,在长期的计划经济体制下,自1949年至1991年,各级供销合作社始终是我国县城以下农村商品流通的主渠道,它在饮食业、服务业、纯商业领域占有举足轻重的地位。只是从1992年社会主义市场经济体制的初步建立起,各级供销合作社特别是县、乡两级供销合作社才日渐衰落。在计划经济体制下,各级供销合作社虽然垄断了全国农村的商品流通,虽然表面上看似农民自己的合作经济组织,但是它在实际运作过程中具有明显的“官办”性,在很大程度上只代表国家的长远利益和全局利益,而不能很好地体现农民群众的局部利益,有时甚至侵犯了农民群众的经济利益,挫伤了生产队和农民的生产积极性,不利于农业生产的发展,不能很好地发挥流通对工农业生产的积极促进作用。如何避免并吸取计划经济体制下,供销合作事业发展过程中的经验教训,以便把三农工作搞得更好,加速我国社会主义新农村建设的步伐,就成了一个急待解决的重大理论课题和实践需求。在1978年开始的改革开放的新的历史形势下,特别是在社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和巩固的社会经济条件下,随着“三多一少”的流通体制和多元化的市场格局的形成,各级供销合作社日益衰落。但是,世界上其它国家农业发展的历史表明,各类合作社在加速实现传统农业向现代农业的转化过程中,占有相当重要的地位和作用,当代西欧、北美、南美、非洲、北欧、亚洲的一些国家和地区的农村各类合作社十分发达,在农业经济发展、农村建设、农民生活的改善以及农业生产、农村商品流通、农村服务等领域发挥着难以估量的效用。我国要想实现由传统农业向现代农业的转化,要想顺利推进农业增长方式的两个根本性转变,要想避免农民群众单家独户闯市场或被迫卷入市场大潮,以致自身利益屡受强势群体侵犯的被动局面的出现,实现国民经济的持续平稳发展以及社会的和谐稳定,必须加速各类农村合作社的建立和发展,以使农民在与其他阶层进行利益博弈的过程中,有真正的农民所有、农民治理、农民得利的合作经济组织、民间社团,更好地维护农民群众的切身利益。因此,探讨改革开放形势下供销合作社式微的原因和教训,提出复兴供销合作事业的新理论、新对策等,就显得尤为迫切。本论文在内容上可以说是史料翔实,结构合理,条理清晰。由于本文研究的是1949至2010年南阳县的供销合作社,时间跨度很长。因此本文采取了按时间顺序组织全文,以纵向的“条”为主要线索,对南阳县的供销合作事业进行论述的手法。文章共分十个部分,第一部分是绪论,最后一部分是结语,其他八个部分是正文,正文共分八章:第一章简单地回顾了1949年以前我国的合作事业发展史,第二章研究了中华人民共和国创建时期的南阳县供销合作社,第三章论述了社会主义改造时期的南阳县供销合作社,第四章探讨了大跃进时期的南阳县供销合作社,第五章论证了国民经济调整时期的南阳县供销合作社,第六章分析了文化大革命时期的南阳县供销合作社,第七章叙述了徘徊中的二年南阳县的供销合作社,第八章研究了改革开放以来的南阳县供销合作社。文章从第二章到第八章对新中国成立以来各个历史时期的南阳县供销社的业务、人事、计划、统计、财务等进行了叙述、分析和研究,同时也对供销合作社领导和管理下的农村副业、农村集市贸易、农村小商小贩等进行了研究,探索了前述新中国成立以来七个不同时期内南阳县供销合作社的特点、规律以及它在南阳县的农业、商业、工业、农村副业、农民生活中的地位和作用,再现了60余年来南阳县供销合作社的曲折发展历程,总结了南阳县以至全国供销合作事业的经验教训,提出了解决当代南阳县以及全国供销合作社的困难局面的对策和理论。当然,本文在内容上并非只写“条”,不写“块”,在进行纵向研究的同时,本文采取条块结合的手法,在结语部分以“块”为主,分专题从业务、体制、管理、农村副业、农村集市、农村私商、供销社与国家的关系、供销社与工农业生产的关系、供销社与农民的关系等八个方面进行了横向概括,揭示了60余年来南阳县以至全国供销合作事业发展过程中的共性和普遍规律。本论文在研究成果和立论观点方面颇具创造性,通过八章正文的详细叙述和论证,文章在结语部分提出了以下创新性观点,总结了60余年来,甚至100年来中国合作事业的经验教训,对我国未来的合作事业的健康发展来说,具有重大的理论价值和实践意义。(一)改变了传统的对国民党领导下的国民政府推行的合作事业全盘否定的观点。文章指出,国民政府推行的合作事业有一些较好的经验很值得我们借鉴,如注重合作事业的宣传教育,不仅进行官方的宣传教育,而且允许民间社团、私营报刊、民间精英等进行关于合作事业的宣传、教育、创建等活动;注意培养和重用政权体制以外的合作社理论家和合作活动家;制定并实施各级各类合作法律、法规,而且把合作立法的基点放在国际社会公认的有关合作社的基本原则上,如团结、互助、互利、合作、联合、自愿、平等、自由、民主、博爱、不以盈利为目的等诸多方面;在政府与合作社的关系上,政府始终坚持对各类合作社虽然“引动”,但不“代动”的政策,即政府只是对合作社进行指导、监督、帮助,而不直接插手合作社的人事、业务、财务等,这使得国民政府时期的各类合作社具有较大的“民办”性质。(二)本文秉笔直书,认为1953至1983年我国推行并维护的农业合作化运动,以及在此基础上建立的人民公社制度并非十全十美,而是失误大于成功,教训大于经验。笔者指出,在农业合作化的基础上建立并长期维持的农业大集体经济和人民公社制度,并没有加速我国农业现代化的实现和农业生产力的提高,而是超越了生产力发展的实际水平和农民群众的思想觉悟水平,不利于农业和农村副业的发展,使我国农业长期处于慢性徘徊和缓慢发展之中,农民收入得不到提高,农民生活长期维持在温饱线上下,有一部分生产队长期以来只给社员分配口粮,而没有一点现金分配。(三)本文以不掩恶,不虚美的学风,首次指出计划经济体制下的供销合作社始终不是真正意义上的农民群众自己的合作商业组织,它在实质上是“官办”企业和政府的附属物,在本质上与国营商业完全一样,都是全民所有制,在人、物、财方面都由国家实行“包配”。正是由于供销合作社的官办性质,导致了计划经济体制下我国的商业工作屡屡出现“政府行为化”,使供销合作社这只用来“勾连”城市和农村的“抓手”在实际的运作过程中,屡屡违反价值规律和等价交换原则,在城乡经济交流中总是以“多购、少留”、“少供、价高”的形式偏向城市、干部职工、工业,而忽略和损伤农村、农业、农民。这种做法不利于维护农民群众的利益,有损商业工作的“专业性”,不能很好地发挥流通对生产的积极反作用,并且使商业部门的经营管理陷于混乱,增大了商业企业的亏损、贪污、盗窃,加重了国家财政对商业企业的“补贴”负担。(四)本文创造性地提出,计划经济体制下南阳县供销合作社系统的强盛不是它的正常状态,改革开放以后南阳县供销合作社系统的衰落却是它的正常状态:计划经济体制下,南阳县供销合作社系统的强盛只是一种“虚态”,它之所以强盛,是因为国家依靠行政力量维持着它在饮食业、纯商业、服务业等方面的垄断地位,国家对农民的家庭副业、自由市场、“私商”等进行了严格控制,并且绝对不允许农民弃农经商、干部职工弃工经商。在这样的背景下,尽管国营商业和供销合作社十分强大,但是全国的商业却陷入了长期的呆滞状态,整个国民经济也发展缓慢。改革开放以后国家放弃了依靠行政力量维持国营商业和供销合作社的垄断地位的做法,并且允许农民经商、干部职工经商、无业者经商、开放自由市场、放弃对“私商”的管制,最终在商业领域形成了“三多一少”的流通体制和多元化的市场格局。在这样的背景下,供销合作社衰落了,但是这种衰落正是它由“虚态”向“实态”转化的表现。因为它的衰落意味着以个体商业和私营商业为主的其它经济成分的商业主体的兴旺发达,意味着城乡人民群众可以随时得到称心如意的商品和优良的服务,意味着国家摆脱了因弥补供销合作社的亏损而长期背负的财政包袱,意味着我国的商业繁盛了,意味着整个国民经济出现了繁荣局面。表明我们终于摸索出了一条中国特色的社会主义建设道路,弄明白了什么是社会主义、如何建设社会主义这一首要的理论课题。

【Abstract】 After the liberation, the country has carried on the nationwide scale distributes land take the average after the content land reform movement from 1949 to 1953. It starts to carry on in the countryside by the agricultural production movement to organize cooperatives, the rural credit movement to organize cooperatives, the countryside cooperativization of handicrafts, the countryside supply and sales cooperation changes into the method and the content socialist transformation movement. It attempted that carries on peace by this in the countryside the socialist revolution and establishment socialist economy system in countryside. In above four kind of countryside cooperativization movement, the agricultural production movement to organize cooperatives and the countryside supply and sales movement to organize cooperatives which are the most important.Speaking of the agricultural production movement to organize cooperatives, during short 5 years from 1953 to 1958, down to our country countryside has then realized by the individual peasant system of ownership to the mutual aid group, the elementary agricultural producers’ cooperative, the advanced agricultural producer’s cooperative people’s commune’s transition. At that time, the country thought that the people’s commune is the highest type agricultural producers’ cooperative. It is the communism embryonic form. Its establishment and consolidated will promote the agricultural production development enormously. But our country cooperativization of agriculture’s practice indicated from 1953 to 1983 that cooperativization of agriculture’s original intention has not been able to realize the cooperativization of agriculture is specially the people’s commune system which integrates government administration with commune management has caused our country’s agricultural productive forces large scale enhancement. On the contrary, before actually causes our country’s agricultural production not to pace back and forth for a long time and once had the grain deficient difficult aspect. During has many experiences to be worth us remembering, only it is can cause the contemporary our country’s socialism new rural reconstruction little to detour.Speaking of the supply and marketing cooperative, under the long-term planned economy systemfrom 1949 to 1991. All levels of Supply and marketing cooperative was throughout below our country county the countryside circulation of commodities main channel. It domain held the pivotal status in the catering business, service industry, the pure commercial. Only from 1992 the socialist market economic system’s preliminary was establishment. All levels of supply and marketing cooperative was specially the county. The township two level of supply and marketing cooperatives only then day after day declines. Under planned economy system, all levels of supply and marketing cooperative has monopolized the national countryside circulation of commodities. Although on the surface looked that resembles the farmer own cooperative economy organization, but it has obviously "government operated" the nature in the actual operation process. Only to a great extent on behalf of national long-term benefits and interests of the whole, but it cannot manifest the farmer populace’s local interest well. Sometimes even it has encroached upon the farmer populace’s economic interest. It dampened the production team and farmer’s production enthusiasm. It does not favor the agricultural production the development. It cannot display the circulation well to the industry and agriculture production positive promoter action. How to avoid and absorb under the planned economy system in supply and sales cooperative enterprise developing process experience in order to do well three agricultural work and accelerates our country socialism new rural reconstruction the step. It has become an urgently needing solution significant theory topic and the practice demand.Started in 1978 under reform and open policy new historical situation, specially in the socialist market economic system gradually established and under the consolidated social economy condition, while "three manys and one insufficiency" the circulation system and the multiplex market pattern’s formation, all levels of supply and marketing cooperative declined day by day. But other country in the world agricultural development’s history indicated that each kind of cooperative society in accelerates to realize the traditional farming to the modern agriculture conversion process. It holds the quite important status and the function. Contemporary Western Europe, North America, South America, African, Northern Europe, Asia’s some countries and local countryside each kind of cooperative society is very developed. Countryside service is displaying effectiveness which estimates with difficulty in the agricultural economy development, the rural reconstruction, the farmer lives the improvement as well as the agricultural production, countryside domains and so on circulation of commodities. If our country wants to realize by the traditional farming to the modern agriculture transformation, advance the agricultural growth way two fundamentals to transform smoothly and avoid the farmer populace isolated house rushing to the market, only or being compelled to be involved in the market flood tide. So that own benefit receives the strong trend community infringement repeatedly the passive aspect appearance. It realizes the national economy to continue to develop as well as society’s harmony steadily is stable. We must accelerate each kind of rural cooperative’s establishment and the development. It causes the farmerhas the genuine farmer all in carries on benefit gambling with other social strata in the process. The farmer to govern the cooperative economy organization which the folk mass organization, the farmer profits and maintains the farmer populace well vital interest. Therefore, under the discussion reform and open policy situation the supply and marketing cooperative declines the reason and the lesson. It proposed that the revival supply and sales cooperative enterprise’s new theory, the new countermeasure and so on, appear especially urgent.The present paper may say that is the historical data is full and accurate in the content. The structure is reasonable. Orderliness is clear. What because this article studies is Nanyang county’s supply and marketing cooperative from 1949 to 2010. The time span is very long. Therefore this article has adopted according to the time sequence organization full text. It takes longitudinal "the strip" as the main clue. It carries on the elaboration to Nanyang county’s supply and sales cooperative enterprise the technique. The article is divided ten parts. The first part is an introduction. Last part is a conclusion. Other eight parts are the main text. The main text are divided eight chapters:the first chapter reviewed 1949 before simply our country’s cooperative enterprise history. The second chapter has studied the people’s republic of China foundation time Nanyang County supply and marketing cooperative. The third chapter elaborated the socialist transformation time Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative. The fourth chapter has discussed the Great Leap Forward time Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative. The fifth chapter has proven the national economy adjustment time Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative. The sixth chapter has analyzed the Great Cultural Revolution time Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative. The seventh chapter narrated paced back and forth the two year Nanyang county’s supply and marketing cooperative. Since the eighth chapter has studied the reform and open policy Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative. The article was established each historical period Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative’s service, the human affairs, the plan, the statistics, the finance since the second chapter to the eighth chapter to new China and so on to carry on the narration, the analysis and the research. Simultaneously also to under the supply and marketing cooperative leadership and the management sideline in the countryside, the village market trade, the countryside small traders and peddlers and so on has conducted the research. Since has explored fore-mentioned new China to be established in seven different times the Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative’s characteristic, the rule as well as it in Nanyang County’s agriculture, the trade, the industry, the sideline in the countryside, the farmer lives the status and the function, reappears 60 remaining years of life to come the Nanyang County supply and marketing cooperative’s winding development process. It summarizes Nanyang county the national supply and sales cooperative enterprise’s experience. It proposed solution present age Nanyang County as well as the nation supply and marketing cooperative’s difficult aspect countermeasure and the theory.Certainly, this article only writes "the strip" by no means in the content. It does not write "the block". While conducts the longitudinal study, this article adopts the vertical and horizontal relationships union the technique,in the conclusion part by "the block" primarily, divided the topic from the service, the system, the management, the sideline in the countryside, the village fair, the countryside businessman, the supply and marketing cooperative and the national relations, the supply and marketing cooperative and the industry and agriculture production relations, the supply and marketing cooperative and farmer’s relations and so on eight aspects. It has carried on the crosswise summary down to promulgated 60 remaining years of life to come Nanyang county in the national supply and sales cooperative enterprise developing process general character and the universal law.The present paper has the creativity in the research results and the argument viewpoint aspect. Through eight chapter of main text’s detailed narrations and the proof, the article proposed the following innovative viewpoint in the conclusion. It summarized 60 remaining years of life to come, even for 100 year China cooperative enterprise’s experience, to our country future cooperative enterprise’s healthy development. It has the significant theory value and the practice significance.Firstly, changed the tradition to lead the cooperative enterprise total repudiation viewpoint which to Kuomintang the national government carried out. The article pointed out that the national government carries out the cooperative enterprise has some good experience to be worth us using for reference very much. For example, pays great attention cooperative enterprise’s public education, not only carries on the official public education, moreover allows the folk mass organization, the privately operated publication, the folk outstanding person and so on to carry on about activities and so on cooperative enterprise’s propaganda, education, foundation; The attention raises and entrusts with heavy responsibility outside the political power system the cooperative society theoreticians and the cooperation activist; Makes and implements all levels of each kind of cooperation law, the laws and regulations, moreover places the cooperation legislation’s basic point the related cooperative society which the international society recognizes basic in principle. For example, the unity, the cooperation, the mutual benefit, the cooperation, the union, voluntary, the equality, the freedom, the democracy, the universal love. It takes do not gain as the goal and so on many aspects; In the government and in cooperative society’s relations, the government insists throughout to each kind of cooperative society. Although "priming", but "the generation does not move" the policy namely the government is only carries on the instruction, the surveillance, the help to the cooperative society, but meddles cooperative society’s human affairs, the service, the finance not directly and so on. This enables the national government time each kind of cooperative society in a big way to have "managed by the people" the nature.Secondly, this article holds the very straight book. Thought that from 1953 to 1983 our country carried out the cooperativization of agriculture movement which and maintained, It based on this as well as established the people’s commune system was by no means perfect. But was the fault is bigger than successfully, the lesson was bigger than the experience. The author pointed out that in cooperativization of agriculture’s foundation the establishment and the long-term maintenance’s agriculture big collective economy and the people’s commune system. It has not accelerated our country agriculture modernization realization with the agricultural productive forces enhancement, but has surpassed the productive forces development actual level and the farmer populace’s ideological awareness level. It does not favor agricultural and the sideline in the countryside development. It causes our country agriculture to be in for a long time chronic paces back and forth with the slow development. The farmers’ income cannot have the enhancement. They lives maintains for a long time at the warm and sufficient condition line high and low. Some part of production teams only give the member of society to assign the grain ration since long, but does not have one cash dividend.Thirdly, this article does not cover wickedly, not the empty US’s school tradition. It pointed out for the first time under planned economy system’s supply and marketing cooperative which is not the farmer populace own cooperative trade organization throughout in the true sense. It in materially is "government operated" the enterprise and government’s accessory. In completely is essentially same as the state-operated business. It is the system of ownership by the whole people, in the human, the thing, the wealth aspect implements "the package by the country to match". Is precisely as a result of supply and marketing cooperative’s government operated nature. It caused under the planned economy system our country’s commercial work to present "the act of government" repeatedly. It caused supply and marketing cooperative this only to use for "the involvement" the city and the countryside "the gripping device" in the actual operation process. It violated the law of value and the exchange of equal value principle repeatedly by "bought in the city and countryside economy exchange, little remains", "little supplies, the price was high" the form deviation city, the cadres and workers, the industry. It neglected and damages the countryside, the agriculture, the farmer. This procedure does not favor maintains the farmer populace’s benefit, harms the commercial work "the specialization". It cannot display the circulation well to the production positive reaction and enables Commercial sector’s management and operation to sink into the confusion. It has increased Commercial department’s loss, the embezzlement, the burglary, aggravated the state finance to the commercial department "the subsidy" the burden.Forthly, this article creatively proposed that under the planned economy system the Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative system’s power is not its normal state. The reform and open policy later Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative system’s decline is actually its normal state:under the planned economy system. The Nanyang county supply and marketing cooperative system powerful is only one kind "the virtual state". The reason that it is powerful, because the national dependence administration strength is maintaining it at aspect and so on catering business, pure trade, service industry monopolistic positions, the country to farmer’s household sideline, the open market, "the businessman" and so on has carried on the strict control. It does not allow the farmer to abandon farming for commerce absolutely, the cadres and workers to abandon labor doing business. Under such background, although the state-operated business and the supply and marketing cooperative are very formidable, but the national trade actually fell into the long-term delay condition, the entire national economy also develops slowly.Later through the reform and open policy, country gave up the dependence administration strength maintenance state-operated business and supply and marketing cooperative’s monopolistic position procedure. It allows the farmer to do business, the cadres and workers to do business, the jobless doing business, the opening open market, give up "the businessman" rightly the control. Finally it has formed "the three manys and one insufficiency" in the commercial domain circulation system and multiplex market pattern. Under such background, the supply and marketing cooperative declined, but this kind of decline is precisely it approaches the performance which by "the virtual state" "the reality condition" transforms. Because its decline means that by individual commercial and the private commerce other economic sector’s commercial main body’s prosperous development primarily. It means city and countryside people may momentarily obtain the satisfied commodity and the fine service. It means that the country got rid because of the atonement supply and marketing cooperative’s loss, but shoulders for a long time the financial cloth wrapper. It means that our country’s trade has been prosperous. It means that the entire national economy had the prosperous aspect. Indicated that we tried to find out finally a Chinese characteristic’s socialist construction path. We has ravelled this most important theory topic which anything is socialism, how the build socialism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】F721.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】822

