

On the Mongolian Elements in the Mongol-Yuan Political System

【作者】 宫海峰

【导师】 刘迎胜;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 导论:关于蒙古“家产制”的史料解读元朝的前身大蒙古国(Yeke Monggol ulus),是典型的草原游牧帝国。蒙古“家产制”起主导作用。以帝国的大汗(Qa’an)为核心的“黄金家族”(Altan uruq)视帝国为他们的“共同财产”,大汗可以召集族内各枝代表,召开忽里台(Quriltai)大会,共同商讨和决定帝国的重大事务。遇有征伐,各枝分别带领部众听从大汗指挥,战争结束后由大汗公平分配战利品。各枝宗王对自己分地内事务有很大自主权,大汗不会过多干涉。随着灭金国和南宋,吸收汉法和采用中原传统的管理体制是必然的,蒙古的“家产制”也随之发生了变化。窝阔台时期起,及入元后忽必烈乃至后继者,采纳耶律楚材等人建议,逐步施行中原的中央集权制,推行“五户丝”制度。各枝宗王的利益受到很大影响,他们与皇帝及中央政府产生了矛盾。实际上是蒙古家产制与中原传统的集权制的矛盾。仁宗、英宗父子时期矛盾激化,朝廷将诸王等人委派分地的达鲁花赤降为副达鲁花赤,而由朝廷委派达鲁花赤,由于各枝宗王的极力反对,不得不撤销。后来发生的“南坡之变”惨剧,也是两种矛盾激化的结果。有元一代,蒙古传统的家产制与中央施行的集权制之间的矛盾一直没有停止,直至元顺帝逃到漠北也没能解决好。这一矛盾的存在是元朝保持“蒙汉合璧”特征的根本原因。第一章:“投下”研究元朝文献中的“投下”指诸王、公主驸马、后妃等人及他们的小兀鲁思,有时也包括一些功臣。“诸投下”、“各投下”是对他们的统称。这些宗室及功臣有他们自己的分地及权益。一般有草原的分地、北方汉地的分地人户、江南户钞等。宗室还有狭义的“岁赐”。如“哈撒儿”家族可以称为一个“投下”。所谓的“投下地土”、“投下人户”、“投下官吏”、“投下达鲁花赤”都属于与中央政府相对立的概念,是属于各枝宗王的权益范畴。元代不存在“草原投下”、“中原投下”、“军队投下”等概念,各宗室的分地、汤沐邑、人户等不称为“投下”。元代也不存在“本投下”与“一般投下”的概念,“本投下”并无特殊含义,只是“此投下”、“该投下”之意,或者说就是“本部”之意。元代文献中“本”字的用法值得注意。第二章:“奄出”及其相关问题研究蒙元时期的“奄出”是指一部分特殊的人员和财产。有“奄出孛斡勒(体己奴隶)”、“奄出亦儿坚(体己百姓)”、“奄出克失客帖(体己护卫)”、“奄出忽必(体己分子)”、“奄出suhes(体己钱)”、“奄出本里(体己马)”。无论是体己人员还是体己财物,在当时的草原社会中,主人对其拥有权是受到尊重的,是排他的。“引者”是女子出嫁时的私属人口,他(她)们陪女子到男方之后,专门为该女子服务。受主人赏识之后也可成为“奄出”。蒙古的这一传统观念直至元中后期仍然发挥着作用。第三章:元代驿站制度中的“脱脱禾孙”研究“脱脱禾孙”为元朝驿站制度中负责稽查的职官,设于“郡邑之都会,道路之冲要”以“检使客、防奸非”,还负责向上级反映驿站管理中诸问题,监管渡口等,职责范围很广。“脱脱禾孙”的设立,很大程度上是为了遏制“诸投下”的特权。“脱脱禾孙”、“札撒孙”、“字可孙”、“火里孙”分别为早期蒙古语"todqaγulsun"、"jasaγulsun"、"bukegulsun"、"qoriγulsun"的翻译,在译成汉语的时候省略了"γul、gul"音,“扎撒火孙”、“扎撒兀孙”等是约略了“I”音,《元史》中出现的人名“札撒温孙”是最接近"jasaγulsun"的译音。后来蒙古语发展变化,-sun、-sun脱落,变成了"todqaγul"、"jasayul"、"bukegul"、"qoriγul",而汉语“~孙”的形式固定下来一直被沿用。《通制条格》、《至正条格》中出现的“孛可温bukegul"、’‘火里温qoriyul"是对当时正在使用的蒙古语的直接对译,没有沿用已成定式的“孛可孙”、“火里孙”。第四章:公文制度研究一以硬译公牍文献为中心元朝公文制度非常特殊,不仅行移过程复杂,公文的形态也多种多样。不同地区又采用不同的文书形式。又设有蒙古翰林院负责译写一切文字及写蒙古圣旨。皇帝颁布圣旨,批示官僚的上奏文等时,还有中书省、枢密院、御史台等衙门官员上奏皇帝时,所使用的多应为蒙古语。而向地方或下级部门转发时由必阁赤们译成汉语。而此种翻译往往保持蒙古语的语序而忽略汉语的表达习惯。“硬译公牍文体”是用北方汉人的俗语词汇硬套蒙古语语法形成的,所以充分考虑其蒙古因素来考察会有更好的效果。本章具体考察了“否定句式”、“动词的粘着化”、“亦里哈温”等问题。结语对全文的总结。

【Abstract】 Preface:Interpretation of Mongolian PatrimonialismYeke Monggol ulus, the predecessor of Yuan dynasty, is a typical Nomadic Empire and took Mongolian Patrimonialism as the dominant wealth holding way. The Altan uruq, with the Qa’an as core, regarded the whole empire as their family common wealth. The Qa’an had the right to hold gathering of representatives of every branch of the Altan uruq to discuss and make decision on important affairs. In wars, all the branches should follow the Qa’an’s command and the Qa’an must equally distribute all spoils of war. Princes of every branch had autonomy on their own domains which was seldom interfered by the Qa’an. After conquering Song dynasty, Mongolian Patrimonialism undertook changes because of the adoption of traditional Chinese administration system..From Ogedei period on, Qubilai and his successors gradually applied Chinese centralism and Carried out Wuhusi五户丝policy. Consequently benefits of princes of family branches were seriously harmed. In fact the conflicts between princes and central government lied in the contradiction between Mongolian Patrimonialism and traditional Chinese centralism. In Renzong仁宗and Yingzong英宗period, the conflicts intensified. Their policy that Central government assigned Darughachi to princes’domains were objected and failed. The extreme result of such conflicts was Nanpo Incident. Such conflicts last throughout the whole Yuan dynasty. It is primary cause of the Yuan dynasty’s Characteristic, combination of Mongolian and Han influences.The First Chapter:A study of Touxia投下In history documents, Touxia refers to the small Ulus of Princes, princesses, Queens and other meritorious generals. These aristocrats and generals had their own domains in steppe and tax payers in Northern and Southern China. And the aristocrats from Altan Uluq can enjoy the yearly grants from the central government. For example哈撒儿family can be regarded as a Touxia. The concept of Touxia, such as Touxia land投下地土,Touxia household投下人户,Touxia officials投下官吏and Touxia Darugachi投下达鲁花赤,is to illustrate their belonging to aristocrats instead of central government. There are neither concept of Steppe Touxia, Zhongyuan Touxia and Army Touxia, nor the concepts of Bentouxia本投下and Yibantouxia一般投下。 Bentouxia本投下just refers to this Touxia or this part, without special connotation. And also the use of Ben本in Yuan documents needs be paid attention to.The Second Chapter:A study of Emcu relative questionsEmcu meant some special staffs and belongings, such as Emcu Bo"ol奄出孛斡勒(体己奴隶)Emcu irgen奄出亦儿坚(体己百姓),Emcu Qubi奄出忽必(体己分子)and so on. In the steppe society, the right to possess one’s own Emcu Qubi and Emcu Irgenn is exclusive and respected by other people. Inje引者were the personal servants of a new wife, the wealth brought from her own family. These Inje accompanied the wife to the family of her husband and only serve the wife. If they were appreciated by their lords, they may become Emcu. This traditional Mongolian idea exerted influence until late Yuan period.The Third Chapter:A Study of Todqayulsun脱脱禾孙脱脱禾孙was the official in charge of inspecting in the empire courier stations. Meanwhile they also held the responsibility to report other affairs related to courier stations and other issues. Tod脱脱火孙,札撒孙,孛可孙and火里孙can be traced back to early Mongolian as Todqayulsun, Jasayulsun, bukegulsun and Qoriyulsun respectively. In translation, pronunciation of yul and gul were omitted. In扎撒火孙and扎撒兀孙pronunciation of "1" was omitted. The name Jasa’ulsun札撒温孙was closest translation form for Jasayulsun. With the evolution of Mongolian, pronunciations of-sun and -sun were dropped and the names mentioned above transformed into Todqayul Jasayul Bukegiil and Qoriyul. But transliteration form of~孙in Chinese was preserved孛可温bukegul and火里温qoriyul in Yuan documents were direct transliterations of Mongolian used in that period, without following the traditional form of孛可孙and火里孙.The Fourth Chapter:a Study of Official Document SystemThe official document system in Yuan Dynasty was quite unique. It had many forms and scripts. There was special institution responsible to translate other language into Mongolian. The memorials to the throne and the emperor’s instructions were believed to be in Mongolian. But these instructions and comments needed to be translated into Chinese to send to local governments. In translation the sequence of Mongolian was preserved with only words translated. This special Direct Translation Form was a combination of Mongolian grammar and northern Chinese folk words. Therefore a study of Mongolian factors in this special form is helpful to understand the meanings. In this Chapter, Negative Sentence Form, Agglutinating Verbs and Ilqa’ul亦里哈温are studied in details.Conclusion A summary to the whole thesis is made to reiterate the main idea.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】K247
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】811

