

【作者】 曾桂忠

【导师】 段希祥;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 磨矿作业广泛应用于冶金、化工、水泥、陶瓷、建筑、电力、医药以及国防工业等部门;尤其是在冶金工业中的矿物加工部门,更是具有十分重要的地位和作用。磨矿作业在选矿厂的基建投资和生产费用中占有很大比例,同时磨矿产品的质量对选别作业也有很大影响。因此,改善磨矿过程、提高磨矿效率,对提高选矿厂的技术经济指标具有十分重要的意义。球磨机是矿物加工中最为重要和主要的设备之一,其工作效率好坏不仅直接影响选矿厂的处理量大小,还直接影响着后续作业(选别过程)选别产品的主要指标——选矿回收率和精矿品位高低。球磨机在矿物加工领域的使用虽然已经有上百年的历史,但是人们对其工作原理仍然未完全搞清楚。虽然在生产实践中,研究工作者和使用人员对球磨机总结出了不少使用经验,获得了一些共识,在磨矿介质运动规律、球磨机功耗、磨矿数学模型等方面的研究取得了一定的进展,但是对球磨机低效率及高能耗的研究结果仍然没有取得突破性的进展。金属矿石的磨矿是以解离矿物为目的的解离性磨矿。球磨作业中,磨机内所装钢球的尺寸大小和各种钢球的配比和补加钢球方法,不仅决定着磨矿产品质量的好坏,而且关系到磨矿效率和生产能力高低,决定和影响着选别指标的高低,同时还影响到磨矿的电耗和钢耗。因此,球磨机装补球方法的研究对磨矿至关重要。为了更好地总结、分析和梳理前人已取得的研究成果,准确反映球磨机各因素特别是磨矿介质方面的各个因素之间关系,为人们研究球磨机介质运动规律提供更好的依据,迫切需要分析研究和构建球磨机装补球方法的评价指标体系。球磨机装补球方法是一个复杂多维综合的概念,是对球磨机工作运行状况和磨矿介质运动状况的综合评价。从已有的文献资料来看,从系统的方面来研究球磨机装补球方法的报道较少,大多数的研究工作只是从一个方面或者侧重于对球磨机装补球的一个因素进行的。因此,从系统论的角度来研究球磨机装补球是一项富有挑战性的工作。本文在梳理归纳国内外有关球磨机装补球研究文献的基础上,针对矿物加工对磨矿的需要和球磨机的工作特点,从球磨机装补球方法概念涉及的各个方面入手,全面系统地分析了影响球磨机工作的各个因素,建立了球磨机装补球方法的层次分析理论模型,并依据统计指标及指标体系构建的原理及方法,构建了融客观指标和主观指标为一体的球磨机装补球方法指标体系。精确化装补球方法是由段希祥教授领衔的昆明理工大学磨矿课题组经过二十余年的研究而提出的新的装补球方法。该方法在多个选厂上应用获得了良好的效果。本论文利用上述构建的球磨机装补球方法指标体系对精确化装补球方法进行了深入分析和总结,分析研究了精确化装补球方法的优势及特点,并且对精确化装补球方法进行了一定程度的拓展分析研究。现代计算机技术的飞速发展,使得开发各种实用软件和模拟软件变得更加简易可行。本论文对软件系统开发方法进行了对比分析研究,并选择了Delphi软件开发工具来研究开发了球磨机精确化装补球软件。在此基础上选择了某金属矿的球磨系统并结合球磨机精确化装补球软件进行了实证分析及对比分析研究。本文着重于球磨机装补球方法的量化、指标体系设计及综合评价等方面的分析研究和精确化装补球方法的拓展分析研究及精确化装补球软件的开发及应用研究,论文主要研究内容如下:一、论文首先从磨矿的地位及作用出发,详细分析了球磨机工作特点、影响球磨机工作因素。据此提出了论文的研究背景、研究内容,论文的总体构架以及论文研究的理论意义和现实意义。然后从球磨机装补球方法的研究进展入手,探讨了相关文献对装补球方法研究的启示与借鉴,并确定本文的研究计划和目标。二、从优化磨矿工作的重点方向出发,详细地介绍了对构建球磨机装补球方法指标体系具有指导意义的球磨机工作特点及磨矿介质优化研究进展。在界定球磨机装补球方法的概念和分析球磨机装补球方法的影响因素基础上,根据体系指标构建的一般方法与原则,建立了评估球磨机装补球方法的层次分析理论模型。三、分别从球磨机装补球方法的五个维度即钢球磨损规律、初装球量、钢球尺寸、球荷配比、补加球方法的概念出发,深入地探讨了它们的评估意义、概念界定、评估内容和量化方法,并据此建立了球磨机装补球方法指标体系的初选集。四、根据前面构建的球磨机装补球方法评价指标体系,本论文深入分析了精确化装补球方法在钢球尺寸确定、钢球补加球方法、补加球比例等方面的特点及其优势原理。并且根据前面构建好的球磨机装补球方法指标体系的指标及内涵,对精确化装补球方法在合理装球量及补加球比例的合理计算两个方面进行了一定程度的拓展分析研究。五、论文在探讨分析了现代软件开发理论与技术发展的基础上,深入地比较了当前主流软件开发方法与工具,选择了集面向对象软件开发技术及组件技术为一体的主流软件开发工具Delphi6.0作为精确化装补球软件系统开发工具。按照软件开发的一般流程对精确化装补球方法进行了系统分析、总体设计、详细编码、系统测试等工作,初步开发了精确化装补球方法软件系统。六、本论文结合磨矿课题组科研工作的需要,对云南华联锌铟公司兴发选矿厂的碎磨系统资料对进行了归类分析及应用精确化装补球方法软件系统模拟计算分析,由此获得了由精确化装补球方法软件系统生成的球磨机装补球方案。通过实验室的扩大对比试验研究与分析表明,由精确化装补球软件计算出来的方案在四个预设的对比方案中,磨矿效果最好,完全可以作为工业试验的指导方案。上述的分析研究表明,精确化装补球软件系统可以部分代替实验室的试验研究,大大节省了磨矿试验研究工作。七、简要归纳本文的主要研究内容,着重探讨球磨机装补球方法指标的量化和综合评价中有待进一步研究的问题,并对论文的创新性作了简要的总结。

【Abstract】 Grinding is widely used in many departments,such as metallurgical in dustry,chemical industry, cement plant, ceramic industry, architectural industry, power industry, medical industry, national defence department and so on.Especially in the mineral processing plant of metallurgical industry, it is more important. The capital construction investment and the production cost of grinding have high proportion in the mineral processing plant.The quality of grinding production can produce a great impact on the following separation process.So,it is very important for improving the technical and economic targets of mineral process to enhance the grinding process and the grinding eficiency.Ball mill is one of most important and major equipments in mineral processing.That whether its eficiency is good or not not only determine the yield of dressing plant,but also have a great deal with the product of the recovery and grade with dressing plant’s concentration.Though ball mill has been used over one hundred year in mineral processing, its principle of operation is still not very clear. Many experiences and common sense was acquired by using ball mill.Law of movment of ball mill’s media and the consumption of ball mill and mathematical model of grinding have acquired to some extent evolution,but there is not a breakthrough evolution why ball mill is high power consumption and low efficiency.The purpose of metalore grinding is to liberate minerals.In the ore grinding operation,the diameters of loaded media balls and their proportions in ball mill and the methods of adding balls not only determine the quality of the product,but also have a great deal to do with the grinding efficiency and productivity,separation indices, the electricity and steel consumption. Thus studying on ball-load-addition methods in ore grinding are of great importance.To summarize and analyse the research have acquired by predecessors in ball mill,Especially,the relation between ball mill and grinding media. It is necessary to research and construct ball-load-addition method with ball mill assessment index system for people who want to study law of movment of ball mill’s media.Ball-load-addition method is acomprehensive and complicated issue.And it is acomprehensive estimate of ball mill working condition and media working condition.Research on ball-load-addition method with system approachs still didn’t report through document consulting.Many research on ball-load-addition method is only part of it.Therefore, it is full of challenge to research on ball-load-addition method with system approachs.This dissertation is devoted to the study of ball-load-addition method. Starting with the definition and the characteristics of ball mill’s ball-load-addition with document from native and abroad. This dissertation analyse the factors of ball mill in detail.Using the theoretical conception of the research and principles of index design and the experiences of various standardized assessment scales, which have both reliability and validity for reference.we establishes ball-load-addition method assessment index system for ball mill in the present dissertation.This index system can be used widely to quantitate,describe and analyze ball mill working condition and ball-load-addition method.Accurate ball-load-addition method is invent by professor Duan Xi-Xiang from Kunming University of Science and Technology.lt was Widely used in many dressing plants in Yunnan Province and got good effect. This dissertation analyse and summarize accurate ball-load-addition method with ball-load-addition method assessment index system for ball mill.Further more, This dissertation expand accurate ball-load-addition method to a certain extent.With the rapid development of modern computer science, Which make software development become easy and feasible by ordinary people. This dissertation contrast serveral software development tools and select Delphi 6.0 as the development tools of accurate ball-load-addition method software. Accurate ball-load-addition method software was apply to a dressing plant’s crush and grinding system to calculate the ball-load-addition of ball mill. This dissertation pay attention to the quantification,index design and comprehensive assessment of ball-load-addition method’research and the development of accurate ball-load-addition method software.The main content of research of the dissertation are the following:1). The dissertation make a thorough account of the relative theories on role & function of grinding and ball mill.From this, dissertation bring forth research background,research content, total framework and significance. This dissertation analyse the research evolution of ball-load-addition method and ball media by consulting documents.Finally, dissertation discuss the enlightment and experience of documents to the ball-load-addition method and set dissertation research objective and research plan.2). The dissertation set out from the optimization of grinding, discussing the ball mill working condition and ball media research evolution which has great significance to establish ball-load-addition method assessment index system.After defining the conception and analysing the influencing factor of ball-load-addition method,the dissertation establish the theoretical model to ball-load-addition method in a general way.3). The dissertation analyse profoundly how to define,assess,quantitate, the assessment factors of ball-load-addition method.These factors includes law of ball wear, quantity of fisrt ball load,the size of ball, proportions of ball, and way of addition ball.According to the factor, dissertation establish initial anthology of ball mill’s ball-load-addition method4).According to the ball mill’s ball-load-addition method’assessment index system, this dissertation analyse the superiority of accurate ball-load-addition method in detail at size of ball,way of addition ball and proportion of addition.Dissertation also expand analysis accurate ball-load-addition method with ball mill’s ball-load-addition method assessment index system in the calculating way of reasonable load ball quantity and proportion of addition ball.5). The dissertation choose mainstream software development tool Delphi 6.0 which combines object-oriented technology with component technology as accurate ball-load-addition method software development tool after analysing modern software development theory and technology in detail.According to software development flow,we develop accurate ball-load-addition method software system by analysis, desgining,coding and testing.6).To meet scientific research projects pratice need,the dissertation apply accurate ball-load-addition method software to XingFa dressing plants Yunnan HuanLian Zinc & Indium Company with its crush system to calculate ball mill ball-load-addition. The research results indicated that all of four contrast scheme, the scheme calculated by software is the best.It can be used to guide production activity.It also indicated that accurate ball-load-addition method software can replace some of test research in laboratory room and save the amount of grinding work.7).At last we sum up the main points of the dissertation and creativity of the dissertation,discuss some key problems to work out about ball-load-addition method.


