

Research on Universal Quantification Expressions in Chinese

【作者】 董正存

【导师】 洪波;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要从历时角度研究汉语全量表达系统,全文内容共分为九个部分:第一章简要介绍本文的研究对象和研究范围、全量表达的研究现状、本文的研究目标和研究方法、汉语史的分期及语料来源等问题。第二章讨论汉语全量表达的词汇系统。依据各个词汇形式的表义特征,本文将全量表达的词汇系统分为两大类:叠加性周遍和一体性周遍。前者包括“统指”、“任指”和“逐指”三个小类,后者包括“整指”一个小类。第三章以“完结”义动词为例,说明全量表达成分的一个语义来源——“完结>全量”。“完结”义动词演变出来的全量表达成分可出现在两种句法格式:(1)S+~+VP;(2)(S)+[~+NP]+VP,此格式要求名词性成分NP自身内含“范围”义。前一种句法格式对应的意象图式为“套件图式”,属于叠加性周遍,对应的周遍意义为“每”“所有”;后一种格式对应的意象图式既可为“套件图式”,也可为“浑然图式”。前者属于叠加性周遍,对应的意义为“每”“所有”;后者属于一体性周遍,对应的意义为“整”“全”。另外,本章总结出全量表达的两个特性:有定性和离散性。第四章讨论由否定词参与构成的全量表达格式。按所表达的意义,此种全量表达格式分为“全量肯定”和“全量否定”两类。全量肯定构式主要只考察构式前件和构件后件均含有否定词即Neg……Neg……的情况。全量否定构式以“从(从来)”“再”“初”和“了(liao)”为例,讨论它们前置于否定词的情况,并提出“全量>强化否定>情态”的演变连续统和“起始>全量”、“完结>全量”两个语义演变模式。第五章讨论由疑问词参与构成的全量表达格式。按照所连用成分的不同,本文将疑问词参与构成的全量表达格式分为三种情况:(1)疑问词与否定词连用,即“WH……Neg……”格式,疑问词主要为“孰”、“何”、“哪”、“什么”和“谁”,否定词主要为“不”、“无”、“没”和“未”;(2)疑问词与副词“也/都”连用,即“WH……也/都……”格式,疑问词主要为“哪”、“什么”和“谁”;(3)同一疑问词的对应连用,即“WH……WH……”格式,疑问词主要为“谁”系、“什么”系、“哪”系和“怎么”系疑问词。第六章讨论由数量词参与构成的全量表达格式。按所表达的意义,此种全量表达格式分为“全量肯定”和“全量否定”两类。全量肯定构式以“一+NP+总括副词+VP”为例来说明,NP为自身内含“范围”义的名词性成分。全量否定构式以数词“一”与否定词“不”、“无”和“没”连用为例来说明。按照否定词与数词“一”的位置关系,分为(1)否定词在前,“一”在后;(2)“一”在前,否定词在后两种情况。两种情况描写完后,讨论全量否定构式的发展演变过程及其特征。第七章讨论由反义语素构成的全量表达格式,以“是X是Y”和“若X若Y”为例来说明。本章对“是X是Y”产生周遍意义的过程及原因进行了深入探讨,说明“是X是Y”发展出周遍用法,与“是”的词义演变过程及X与Y之间的反义关系密切相关,并指出通过具有反义关系、成对互配使用的两个语素来涵盖整个语义场是一种基本的认知方式,在人类各民族中具有广泛的普遍性。在讨论“若X若Y”时,讨论用法、性质、语法化过程及与其相关的一些问题。第八章讨论无条件连词构成的全量表达格式,并在此章重点讨论全量表达成分的演变方向。本章以“无XY”、“无X无Y”和“不问”为例讨论无条件构式的历时演化过程。在讨论全量表达成分向情态化方向演变之前,先简单描述无条件连词“无论”的用法及其发展过程,从句法表现和语用环境两个方面说明“无论如何”的用法,然后重点讨论“无论如何”产生情态用法的过程及原因。“无论如何”产生情态用法经历了构式日益凝固化、疑问代词指称的虚无化、副词“也/都”的消失等过程,经历了小句句法降级的过程——“复句>复杂句>简单句”,逐渐由无条件复句的前一小句内嵌为简单句谓词性成分的状语性成分。与此相对应的是,全量成分的语义角色由核心论元成分变成了非论元成分,在语用推理的制约下,造成了无条件构式具有“一定”这一情态意义,并使得全量表达成分承载了这一意义。除“无论如何”外,还有一些跟无条件构式相关的结构或词语能够表达情态意义,据此提出“全量>情态”的演变连续统。第九章是本文的余论和结论。通过全量成分、大量成分和小量成分能够发展出情态用法可知,在汉语中量与情态具有十分密切的关系,据此提出“量>情态”的演变模式,并总结了本文的主要创获以及不足之处。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studies the system of universal quantification expression in Chinese from a diachronic perspective and it consists of the following nine chapters.Chapter One is an introduction. It first defines the object and scope of this study and provides an overview of the current research as well as the objectives and methodology of this dissertation. It also gives an introduction to the period division of Chinese language history and the source of corpus.Chapter Two discusses the lexical system of the universal quantification expression in Chinese. According to the ideational feature of each word, the lexical system of the universal quantification expression has been classified into two categories, superposed universality and holistic universality. The superposed universality includes collective reference, arbitrary reference and distributive reference. The holistic universality involves one reference of entirety.Chapter Three takes the verb with the meaning of’accomplishment’as an example to argue that’accomplishment>universal quantification’is one of the semantic sources of universal quantification expression. Those universal quantification expressions come from these verbs can be found in two syntactic structures. (1) S+~+VP (2) (S)+[-+NP]+VP, in which the NP must have a meaning of’scope’. The image scheme for syntactic structure (1) is a set scheme which is superposed universality and refers to "every", "all". The image for structure (2) can be both set scheme and whole scheme while the former refers to "every", "all" and the latter is holistic universality and refers to "whole", "entire". This chapter also concludes that universal quantification expression has the properties of definiteness and discreteness.Chapter Four discusses the universal quantification expression with negative words. According to the meaning expressed, this format can be of two types, the universal affirmative and the universal negative. For universal affirmative construction, this chapter confines its study to the Neg……Neg……construction which contains negative words both in the front and in the rear. For universal negative construction, it takes "cong(conglai)" "zai" "chu" and "liao" as examples and examines the sentences with these words before the negative words. Based on the result, this chapter presents the "universal quantification>strengthened negative>modality" continuum of evolution and two semantic evolution modes, "beginning>universal quantification", "accomplishment>universal quantification".Chapter Five discusses the universal quantification expression with interrogative words. According to different combinations, this kind of format is classified into three categories:(1) Interrogative word used together with negative word. In this "WH·Neg……" construction, interrogative words are usually "shu(who)" "he(what)" "na(which)" "shenme(what)" "shui(who)" and negative words are "bu(no)" "wu(without)" "mei(have not)" "wei(not yet)". (2) Interrogative word used together with adverb "ye/dou".In this "WH……ye/dou……" construction, interrogative words are usually "na(which)" "shenme(what)" and "shui(who)". (3) Combination of the same interrogative word. In this "WH……WH……" construction, interrogative words are usually those in the "shui(who)"group, "na(which)"group and "zenme(how)" group.Chapter Six discusses the universal quantification expression with quantifier. According to the meaning expressed, this format can be of two types, the universal affirmative and the universal negative."yi+NP+inclusive adverbs" has been taken as an example to illustrate the universal affirmative construction in which the NP must have a meaning of’scope’. The universal negative construction is illustrated using the combination of numeral word "yi" with negative word "bu(no)" "wu(without)" and "mei(have not)". According to the positional relation of the negative word and "yi", two types of this construction are presented and followed by a discussion of its diachronic development and features. These two types are (1) negative word in front and "yi" in the rear, (2) "yi" in front and negative word in the rear.Taking "shi X shi Y" and "ruo X ruo Y" as examples, Chapter Seven discusses the universal quantification expression with antonymous morphemes. It makes a deep probe into the evolution of "shi X shi Y" and the reasons causing the emerging of universality. It argues that the emerging and development of universality of "shi X shi Y" are closely related to the lexical evolution of "shi" and the antonymy of X and Y. This chapter also points out that in all ethnic groups, it’s universal and it’s a basic cognitive style using two antonymous morphemes in pairs to cover the entire semantic field. The usage, property and grammatical process of "ruo X ruo Y" are also discussed.Chapter Eight discusses the universal quantification expression with arbitrary conditional conjunction and focuses on its evolutionary direction. Taking "wu XY", "wu X wu Y" and "buwen" for examples, this chapter illustrates the diachronic evolutionary process of arbitrary conditional construction. Prior to discussion of the evolutionary process of universal quantification expression to modality, this chapter briefly introduces the usage and developing process of conjunction "wulun", explains the syntactic and pragmatic usage of "wulunruhe", highlights the reason and developing process of modality function of "wulunruhe". This process has experienced the solidification of construction, the indistinction of referentiality of interrogatives and the extinction of adverb "ye/dou". It also has experienced the syntactic degradation of clause, "complex sentence>complicated sentence>simple sentence", and gradually becomes an embedded adverbial of a predicative component in a simple sentence from the front clause in a complex sentence. Accordingly, the semantic role of the universal quantification component has shifted from core argument to non-argument and under the restriction of pragmatic inference, the arbitrary conditional construction gains the modality of "yiding(certainly)" which is conveyed by the universal quantification component. In addition to "wulunruhe(no matter what/in any case)", there are some other relevant constructions and words bear the modality and on the basis of that, this chapter presents the "universal quantification>modality" continuum.Chapter Nine is further discussion and conclusion. Components expressing either an universal quantity or a large quantity or a small one, can all develop into modality, therefore, the conclusion can be reached that quantity has a very close relations with modality in Chinese. Based on the result, this dissertation puts forward the evolution mode of "quantity>modality".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

