

Minority Literature from the Perspective of Cultural Translation

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 刘俐俐;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 文艺学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “民族”作为一个与“世界”相对照的术语,在“世界”被全球化和普适化的时候,它作为反面愈发凸显出积极的作用。同样“民族文学”也是如此,它在文学的全球化的断裂处生存,对异质性的保存又使它具有更为重要的意义。全球互动的中心问题是文化同质化与文化异质化之间的紧张关系,由此“民族文学”本身就成为了全球化的一部分。那么“民族”是什么?“民族文学”是什么?“少数民族文学”又是什么?便是摆在我们面前的首要问题。可是要真正去解决这些本质化的问题,又是非常棘手的一件事情。福柯的“知识考古学”和“谱系学”以及格尔茨的“地方性知识”理论告诉了我们原因:这些概念在历时态中本身就是现代性建构的产物,是在权利运作中话语的话语构成,在共时态是一种“地方性知识”,那么它们在多维的坐标中都是一种具有边界的知识类型。而在全球化运动之中,这些具有边界有效性的概念怎样获得跨文化、跨国界、跨民族的传播则是我们研究的任务。这样一种“文化翻译”的方法便被前景化了。文章首先将要说明研究对象“少数民族文学”在建构过程中被那些话语形式所决定,这些话语形式包括:“民族”“少数民族”“民族文学”等等,而谱系学的方法有助于我们更好地理解这些概念的意义流变及其背后的权力作用。当然我们还需要注意的是,在这些地方性知识(虽然它们标榜普遍理性)迻译过程中,怎样改造中国的认识结构,怎样从“民族”中生产出“中华民族”,怎样在“民族文学”中生产出“少数民族文学”的。而文章的重点就在于我们怎样运用文化翻译的方法去重新审视这种被建构起来的“少数民族文学”,这样一种多层次的翻译过程就被揭示出来,正是这些过程最终造就了现代的“少数民族文学”样式。这些过程包括:(1)民族“文学”的翻译,也就是“少数民族”接受“大写的”文学的过程;(2),民族“文字”的翻译,突出体现在“少数民族”作家的非母语写作现象上;(3)民族“文化”的翻译,也就是通过“少数民族文学”怎样去“翻译”民族的文化和民俗。对于民族“文学”的翻译,我们试图通过对(中国)“少数民族文学”发生史的揭示来证明西方“大写的”文学怎样进入中国和中国少数民族语境之中,并开始对中国全民族的文本实践进行约束,同时逐渐改造了“中华民族”(包含少数民族)“小写的”文学概念。“少数民族文学”被建构的过程也是学科名称、学科制度、研究机构以及学术圈等众多权力运作的结果。而对于民族‘文字’的翻译,特别在中国的语境中,由于汉族的不自我指涉性,“少数民族文学”是“民族文学”的代名词,而“少数民族”作家的非母语写作则某种程度上是“少数民族文学”的代名词。这种非母语写作的形式由于涉及到两种文化和两种语言的直接转换,也让更具有翻译性。我们通过非母语写作与“双语写作”“流散写作”“翻译文学”之问的对比,揭示它“混杂”的文化形式,以及它既不同于母语民族文学,也不同于非母语民族文学的间性形态。这种形态为我们理解非母语写作带来了双重障碍,但同时它又积极地改造着民族文学本身。对民族“文化”的翻译而言,我们试图从概念内部出发去消解概念的本质性,也就是被认为是民族文化承载形式的“民族文学”所描述的民族文化或者民俗本身就是被建构的产物,大量的非民族成分和被改造和虚构的“伪俗”在“民族文学”之中并不罕见。藉此我们去瓦解“民族文学”本真性的神话。最后我们将为“少数民族文学”研究提供一种思路,那就是作为“方法”的少数民族文学,以此来超越东方/西方和主流民族/少数民族的二元对立,以“少数民族文学”(“小写的”文学)的视野去审视文学本身,以获得文学研究的另

【Abstract】 "Nation" as a concept in contrast to the "world", when globalization and the universal-oriented, it become more prominent as the opposite of a positive role. Similarly, so is national literature, it lies in the fragmentation of globalization literature, for the preservation of heterogeneity also makes it a more important significance. The central issue of global interaction is the tesion between cultural homogenization and cultural heterogeneous, thus "national literature" itself has become a part of globalization. Then What is the Nation? What is National literature? what is Minority literature? became the most important issue in front of us. But to solve these problem of Essentialism is a very hard work. Foucault’s "Archeology of Knowledge" and "genealogy" and Geertz’s "local knowledge" tells us why. The reason is these concepts is a product in the construction of modernity, and is the discourse constitutes in the the discourse of rights in Diachronic,and in Synchronic, it a kind of "local knowledge", then they have the boundary of knowledge in multi-dimensional coordinates.In the globalization movement, how these concepts which have boundarys communication cross the cultural and the border of nation is our research mission. Such a "cultural translation" approach will be foregrounded.The paper first want to show which kinds of discourses would Impact "minority literature" in the process of it’s construction, and these discourse forms include nation, minority, national literature and so on.The genealogical approach helps us understand the meaning of these concepts and the underlying power behind them. Of course, we also need to note that, in the translation process of these local knowledge (although they advertised universal reason), how to impact the structure of Chinese knowledge, and how to product Chinese nation from the nation, and how to product "minority literature" from "national literature ".The focus of the paper lies in how to research "minority literature" with the method of cultural translation, so a multi-level translation process was revealed, which ultimately created a modern "minority literature" style. These processes include:(1) translation for national literature, which is the process of minority’s accepting of "capitalized" Literature; (2) translation for national text, specially is the minority writers’non- native writing; (3) translation for national culture, that is, the minority literature how to translate minority’s culture and folklore.Translation for national literature, we have tried to through the history of (Chinese) minority literature to reveal how the West "Literature" to enter the context of China and Chinese minorities, and start to limit the practice of text, while impact the concept of Chinese national literature. Minority literature is also the result of the construction of the subject name, the subject system, research institutions and academic circles.As for translation for national language, specially in the context of china, minority literature is synonymous with national literature, and minority writers’ non-native writing is e synonymous with minority literature.The non-native writing involve the direct conversion of two cultures and two languages, so it has more translationity. Through the contrast between non-native writing and bilingual writing, diaspora writing and translational literature, non-native writing is considered as a kind of hybrid cultural form, this bring us a double barrier whem we research the non- native writing, and also it transform the national literature positively.Translation for national culture, we try to proceed from the interior of the concept to deconstruct the essential concept——many national culture and folklore are considered the products which are constructed, a large number of non-national elements and fakelore lie in the minority literature, which could deconstruct the authenticity of national literature.Finally, we will provide a approach of minority literature, and that is minority literature as "method" which could beyond the East/West and majority/minority and research literature through minority literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

