

The Study on the Influence of Confucian Classics and Their Explanations on Du Fu’s Poems

【作者】 李慧智

【导师】 卢盛江;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在汉代以后,儒家经典地位几经沉浮,经历了各种学术思潮为我所用的再阐释,但一直是士人的必修典籍,不仅是他们知识结构的重要组成部分,也深刻塑造了他们的人生观、价值观,甚至文学观念。这样的影响在反映情志的诗歌中也有或显或晦的体现。唐代经学统一,官修的《五经正义》是学校教育和科举考试的权威读物,儒家经典的学习接受较之前代也更为普及。杜甫所接受的儒家经典的影响来源于两条途径:一方面是儒家经典影响的历史积淀,一方面是《五经正义》的直接经学阐释。本文主要探讨儒家经典及其经学阐释对杜甫诗歌的思想风貌和艺术风貌产生了怎样的影响,包括经典文化积淀的影响。结合儒家经典与诗歌关系的密切程度以及《五经正义》选择经典底本的实际情况,本文选择了《毛诗》、《春秋左氏传》、《周易》及其经学阐释作为儒家经典对杜诗影响的主要考察对象,主要通过文本分析的方法,把三部经典所产生的直接或间接的影响落实到杜甫具体的诗歌观念和创作表现中去。《毛诗》是文学性最强的一部儒家经典,在唐代具有亦诗亦经的地位。杜甫提倡“别裁伪体亲风雅”,自觉向《毛诗》的风雅之作学习。他一方面大量吸收《毛诗》的经语入诗,熟练化用《毛诗》的语典融入自己诗歌语境;另一方面向《毛诗》学习具体的艺术手段,《毛诗》赋法中的以对话入诗、叙事融合议论抒情、以丽景反衬哀情等表现方式,《毛诗》比兴手法的托物寓意传统,《毛诗》经学阐释为诗歌写小序阐释题旨的传统,在杜诗中都有继承。更为重要的是,杜甫接受了《毛诗》及其经学阐释中所强调的诗歌观念:其一,“诗缘政作”的观念。这一观念贯穿《毛诗》的创作以及小序、大序、注、笺、谱、正义等阐释系统。杜甫从诗歌观念上和创作表现上,都可以看到对“诗缘政作”观念的认同接受。其二,“主文谲谏”、“发乎情,止乎礼义”的诗教原则。杜甫对诗教的原则有很深的领会,在诗歌创作中言此意彼、以礼节情,很多诗歌表现出含蓄蕴藉、、温柔敦厚的特色。唐代的《春秋》学主要是《左传》之学,《春秋左氏传正义》采用的底本是晋代杜预的《春秋经传集解》。杜预是杜甫的十三世祖,杜甫对《左传》有着特别的情感。《春秋》学对杜甫诗歌的影响也分为二途:其一是艺术表现上的借鉴。杜甫在诗歌中引用了大量的出于《左传》的语典和事典,对《春秋》书法的原则颇有会心,对《左传》中的叙事艺术也多有借鉴,被认为深得“左史文法”。其二是对《春秋》学思想的接受。《春秋》天事、人事并记,后代的经学家认为《春秋》记录天事大有深意,在汉代借此发展出灾异的“天人感应”说,影响很大。杜甫在诗歌中也记录了当时的不少灾异,其诗歌内涵有“天人感应”的意味。杜甫的后半生正值唐室多难,“安史之乱”、吐蕃入侵、藩镇割据,内忧外患不断,《春秋》学的“尊王攘夷”思想强烈地表现在他的诗歌之中。唐代的《周易正义》采用了王弼、韩康伯注为底本,经过了《正义》的阐释,人生义理之学的倾向更为明显。杜甫在诗歌中流露了对“《大易》理”的兴趣,他除了在诗中直接引用《周易》的古奥经语外,诗歌中还有一些易理、易趣也值得关注。《周易》的审美倾向推重刚健、笃实,杜甫的诗歌从艺文评论到语言艺术表达、思想情感倾向,也具有对刚健、笃实之美高度认同的倾向。《周易》是传统文化忧患意识的源头,《周易》防患未然、积极修德、经纶蹇难等思想在杜诗中都有相当的表现。《周易》中还有很多涉及言辞表达的观念,如“言有物”、“言有序”、“旨远辞文”、“修辞立其诚”等等,杜甫在诗中虽然没有直接提及这类主张,但他的诗歌创作的确以实际行动诠释了这些观念。另外,杜甫的以“神”论诗,以诗传“神”都和《周易》中“神”的观念有或多或少的联系。儒家经典对杜甫诗歌的影响是丰富的,也可以说是复杂的,因为决定杜甫诗歌面貌的还有他所书写的时代、他个人的性情和所有文化教养、诗歌本身的特质等等。但是杜甫作为一个执着的儒者,宗经观念在他的诗歌创作中的确起到了重要作用,他诗歌中所呈现出的辞雅理正、法度井然、情系世俗等整体风貌,正是其宗经观念的延伸。

【Abstract】 Confucian classics had lived through all kinds of re-explaination of academic trend of thoughts served for me. Although their position were ups and downs repeatedly since Han Dynasty, they had been always the literary men’s compulsory books, not only composed their knowledge structures, but also moulded their outlook on life, value as well as literature concepts. This influence reflected obviously or obscurely in the poems which mirrored feeling and ambitions. In Tang Dynasty, the studies of Confucian classics were unified, the official revised Wu Jing Zheng Yi was the authoritative books of schooling and imperial examinations, so the acceptation of Confucian classics was also more universal than the former dynasties. The influence of Confucian classics that Du Fu accepted was proceeded from two paths:the first one was the sediments of traditional culture, the other one was the direct Confucian explaination of wu jing zheng yi. This dissertation mainly discussed the influence of Confucian classics and their explainations on the contents and forms of Du Fu’s poems, including the sediments of traditional culture.Combined with the close relationship of Confucian classics and poems as well as the practical situation of the original version choice of wu jing zheng yi,this dissertation choosed Mao poems, Zuo Zhuan, Zhou Yi and their explainations as the main inspective objects to discuss the influence they had brought to Du Fu’s poems.The author used the method of textual analysis, try to find out the the direct and indirect influence that carried out in Du Fu’s poem notions and writings.Mao Shi has the strongest literariness in the Confucian classics. It has the postion of classic as well as poem in Tang Dynasty. Du Fu advocated "studies and give up flowery poems and be close to the poems which have deep thoughts", he learned from Mao Shi self-consciously. On one hand,he absorbed and melted amounts of words from Mao Shi.On the other hand,he studied practical article methods from Mao Shi, such as used dialogue in poems, combined narration with comments and feelings, used beautiful landscapes served as a foil to sorrowful feelings, the implying meanings through physical phenomena, the preface to reveal main idea and so on.The most important thing is that Du Fu accepted the poem notions which:included in the Confucian explanation of Mao Shi: Firstly, the concept of "poems are born from politics". This idea run through Mao Shi as well as its all kinds of explainations and reflected very clearly in Du Fu’s poem notions and writings. Secondly, the moralized principle of roundabout admonish, begin with affection, end with "Li"and "Yi". Du Fu has deep understanding on this point, his poems expressed feelings indrectly, controlled emotion through feudal ethical codes. Most of his poems represented the characteristics of implication and gentleness.The studies of The Spring and Autumn Annals in Tang Dynasty was mainly the studies of Zuo Zhuan,the original version Chun Qiu Zuo Zhuan Zheng Yi choosed was Du Yu’s Chun Qiu Jing Zhuan Ji Jie in Jin Dynasty. Du Yu was the thirteenth genenaration ancestor of Du Fu, Du Fu had special affection to Zuo Zhuan The influence that studies of The Spring and Autumn Annals exerted on Du Fu’s poems also proceeded from two channels:On the first place was to use the artical presentation for reference. Du Fu used a lot of words, allusions as well as the narrative art from Zuo Zhuan in his poems and got a great success. On the second place was the acceptation of the idea in The Spring and Autumn Annals. The Spring and Autumn Annals recorded both nature affairs and human affairs, the scholars of Confucian classics after the era of The Spring and Autumn Annals considered that there were deep meanings in nature affairs, even in Han Dynasty came into being the notion of Man-nature telepathy and led to important infulence. Du Fu has recorded most of the disaters and marvels in his time, his poems had the implicaton of Man-nature telepathy. The latter half of Du Fu’s life just was the time of many calamities were happened in Tang Dynasty, such as Anshi’s rebellion, the invasion of Tibet,the monopoly of the feudal separatist and so on, so the idea of "respect for the monarch and resistance against foreign tribes"in The Spring and Autumn Annals strongly expressed in Du Fu’s poems.Zhou Yi Zheng Yi choosed Wang Bi and Han Kangbo’s explaination as the original version,the inclination of truth in life was more obviously after the explaination.Du Fu showed his interests for the principles of Zhou Yi,he not only cited its profound words,but also expressed the principle of Zhou Yi. The aesthetic tendency of Zhou Yi were virility and sincerity, Du Fu presented the same taste from his comment on poems and arts to expression of words in his poems, and the inclination of ideas. Zhou Yi was the origin of worrying mentality in traditional culture; its ideas of nipping in the bud, cultivating merit, working hard to pull though difficulties were all represented in Du Fu’s poems. There were also many notions which related with expression of words such as "its word has the thing", "its word order", "graceful words has deep meaning", "honesty was the basis of rhetoric" and so on not mentioned in Du Fu’s poems directly, but his writing activities have reflected these notions. Furthermore, Du Fu’s commenting on poems with "shen", expressing "shen" with poems were both more or less related with the concept of "shen"in Zhou Yi.Confucian classics had important even implicate influence on Du Fu’s poems, for there were too many factors determined his poems, such as the era of the writing,his own temperament and cultural cultivation, the traits of the poem and so on. Whereas, being a punctilious Confucian, the idea of advocate classics played an important part in Du Fu’s poems, the characteristics of elegant words and right truth, orderly principles, deep affection to the secular life were all of the extension of the idea of advocate classics.

【关键词】 杜诗毛诗左传周易宗经
【Key words】 Du poemsMao poemsZuo ZhuanZhou YiAdvocate classics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

