

Emperor Han Wu’s Stories and Cultural Interpretation about Them

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 宁稼雨;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 汉武帝事迹见于《史记》、《汉书》、《资治通鉴》等历史典籍。演绎历史是中国文学的一个重要特征,作为中国历史上的一个强盛时期,汉代为后人留下了太多的阐释空间和叙事题材,作为盛于汉世群主的明俊特异之士,汉武帝自然成为后人津津乐道的对象。汉武帝故事不仅成为小说戏曲的重要题材,也是诗歌笔记中典故和意象的重要来源。汉武帝故事从汉代以来就进入到文学的视野,魏晋南北朝时期,汉武帝故事形成一个独特的叙事体系发展演变至今。汉武帝故事的发展演变过程是叙事者演绎历史、整合传说、吸收神话的过程。梳理这一过程的发展演变态势,不但能发现不同叙事者对汉武帝故事进行增删取舍的主观能动性,而且能够观照故事演变所折射出来的某些社会思想文化背景。本文在对汉武帝故事进行文献梳理的基础上,分析汉武帝故事发展演变规律及其折射的社会文化背景。论文包括五个部分:第一章文献叙录,梳理与汉武帝故事相关的文献材料。第二章梳理汉武帝故事中求仙主题的发展演变,分析相关思想文化背景。灵魂不死观念及受此影响的神仙思想是汉武帝求仙的文化背景和理论源头。汉武帝求仙活动规模宏大,这既与汉武帝的多欲性格有关,又是汉代政治舆论宣传的结果。魏晋南北朝时期,汉武帝求仙故事发展演变的主要文化背景是道教文化,汉武帝求仙故事被用来作为宗教宣传的工具,充满了仙道色彩。隋唐五代,汉武帝求仙故事的书写者主要是文人,汉武帝求仙故事是文人借以进行政治讽喻和抒发个人感慨的媒介。宋元明清时期,汉武帝故事中的求仙色彩表现出淡化的趋向,这主要是市民文化兴起和道教世俗化的结果。第三章分析汉武帝故事中的遐方异国主题及其文化背景。根据形象学理论,遐方异国描写是对异族文化认识的总和,是关于“他者”的描写。《山海经》和《穆天子传》是早期遐方异国文学的代表。汉武帝朝的对外交流活动和政治思想文化为汉武帝故事中的遐方异国主题提供了素材和思想来源。魏晋南北朝时期,汉武帝故事中的遐方异国主题除了受到道教仙境描写影响外,还和博物思想的发展有关。隋唐五代时期,汉武帝故事中的遐方异国主题与仙道内容相剥离,表现出唐人博物思想的新旨趣。宋元明清时期,汉武帝故事中表现遐方异国内容的作品不多,《镜花缘》等涉外题材小说汲取了汉武帝故事中的一些材料,但是叙事者的空间意识和作品的表现主旨都发生了变化。第四章梳理汉武帝故事中帝妃爱情主题的发展演变情况,分析相关思想文化背景。帝妃爱情主题受人神之恋故事影响很大。根据史书记载,汉武帝与陈阿娇、卫子夫、李夫人、钩弋夫人等人的爱情生活特点各异,但都表现出超爱情因素特点,或与政治相联系,或涉及神仙方术。受道教文化影响,魏晋南北朝时期,汉武帝故事中的帝妃爱情主题充满了神仙道化色彩。隋唐五代时期,汉武帝故事对唐明皇故事影响颇深,唐人诗歌中,汉武帝爱情故事则被文人用来进行身世感慨和政治讽喻。宋元明清时期,汉武帝爱情故事适应大众审美需求,表现出通俗化和民间化的倾向。第五章分析王权政治背景下汉武帝形象的演变。汉武帝是中国王权政治建立的标志性人物,由于汉武帝治国思想的多元化,汉武帝作为王权政治的符号,又为后人留下了消解的可能。魏晋南北朝时期,汉武帝被塑造成一位卑微的求仙者形象,反映了道教与王权政治的复杂关系。隋唐五代时期,汉武帝形象表现为两个特点:求仙误国者和潇洒的风流帝王,反映了士人与王权政治的关系。宋元明清时期,汉武帝形象有去帝王化的倾向,具有很多普通人的特点,这是市民文化流行的产物。

【Abstract】 Emperor Han Wu’s stories can be mainly seen in the Historical Records、History of Han Dynasty、Mirror of Universal History. Interpretation of history is an important feature of Chinese literature. Han dynasty, as a powerful and prosperous period of the Chinese history, provides too much room for interpretation and narrative subject for latter generations. Emperor Han Wu naturally becomes the topic latter generations often talk about because of his wisdom and special abilities prior to other emperors in the Han dynasty. Emperor Han Wu’s stories have not only become an important theme of the novels and operas, but also an essential sources of stories and images of poetry notes.Emperor Han Wu’s Stories have come into the visual field of literature since Han dynasty. During Wei Jin Northern and Southern Dynasties period, Emperor Han Wu’s Stories were formed into a unique narrative story system, and which is developed and evolved until now. The process of Emperor Han Wu’s stories’development and evolution involves the historical interpretation of the narrator, integrated legend, absorption of myth. Through this trend of the evolution, We can be not only able to find the different narrators’subjective initiative of additions and deletions for Emperor Han Wu’s stories, but also able to observe cultural background of some social thought refracted from the evolution of the Emperor Han Wu’s stories.Based on hackling literature of Emperor Han Wu’s stories, This paper makes an analysis of the law of Emperor Han Wu’s stories’evolution and social cultural background refracted by it. The paper consists of five parts:Chapter one carding literature about Emperor Han Wu’s Stories.Chapter two is about the evolution of begging immortals and analyzes relevant cultural background in the story of Emperor Han Wu. Immortality of the soul, and affected thought of celestial being is cultural background and theoretical beginning of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals. The activities of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals are large-scale, which relates to both the multi-character of Emperor Han Wu and the result of political opinions in the Han Dynasty. During Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, Taoist culture is major cultural background of the stories of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals. The stories of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals, being used as a tool of religious propaganda, is full of mystical colors. In Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, The stories of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals are primarily written by scholars, being a political allegory and the medium of expressing personal feelings. In Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, The stories of Emperor Han Wu’s begging immortals show a decreased tendency,mainly cause by the rise of civic culture and results of mundane Taoism.Chapter three analyzes the subject of biography and its cultural background of Emperor Han Wu’s stories. According to the theory of visualize, Ya party exotic describes the culture of different races and "otherness". The Classic of Mountains and Rivers and Biography of King Mu are the representatives of the early biography literature. The foreign affairs and political culture in the Han Wu dynasty provides materials and sources of the ideas for Ya party exotic subject. During Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the subject of Ya party exotic literature also relates to the development of natural history, besides affected by the immortal description from Taoism wonderland. In Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, the subject of Ya party exotic separates from Taoism, expressing new ideas of Tang’s natural history. In Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, seldom can be found about the literature expression of Ya party exotic in Emperor Han Wu’s stories, but some novels with foreign themes, e,g Flowers in the Mirror and so on, still derives some materials from Emperor Han Wu’s stories, to be different, the dimensional consciousness of authors and the main idea of works has changed.Chapter four hackles the evolution of the love between Emperor and his concubines and analyzes relative culture background. The subject of love between Emperor and his concubines is affected by the story of supernatural being’s love. According to Historical Records, the love between Emperor Han Wu and Chen ajiao, Wei zifu, Lady Li, Lady Gouyi and so on differs, however, embodies the characteristic beyond love, maybe relevant to politics or immortal’s necromancers. During Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, the love between Emperor and his concubines is full of the colors of immortals’ideas because of the Taoism culture. In Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, Emperor Han Wu’s stories has a deep influence upon Tang Dynasty Emperor. In the poems of Tang dynasty, Emperor Han Wu’s love stories are often used by scholars for exclamation of life experience and sarcasm of politics. In Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, Emperor Han Wu’s love stories adapts to the aesthetic demands of the public, having a tendency for popularization and folk creation.Chapter five describes the evolution of Emperor Han Wu’visualize under the royal politics. Emperor Han Wu is a mark figure of the establishment of royal politics in China. Emperor Han Wu, as a symbol of royal politics, leaves the possibility of resolution for latter generations due to Emperor Han Wu’s multi-angled ideas of ruling a state. During Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties period, Emperor Han Wu is described as a lowliness image of begging immortals, reflecting the complex relationship between royal politics and Taoism. In Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, the visualize of Emperor Han Wu has two features:delay the development of a state due to begging immortals and a handsome romantic Emperor, which expresses the relationship between intellectuals and royal politics. In Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the image of Emperor Han Wu has many traits of ordinary people as a result of the product of popular civil culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

