

Aiding Vietnam Resisting USA and the Evolution of Sino-Vietnam

【作者】 张秀阁

【导师】 刘景泉;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1979年11月20日,中国《人民日报》公布:“在越南抗美救国战争期间,中国向越南派出的防空、工程、铁道、后勤保障等支援部队先后总计达32万人,最高年份达17万余人。”这是第一次中国公开宣布中国军队援越抗美军事行动的情况。随着部分档案资料的开放和回忆材料的发表、研究的不断深入,中国援越抗美军事行动慢慢揭开了神秘的面目。中越之间由最初中国援助越南抗击法国殖民统治,其间中越同心协力抗击美国在越南的侵略行径,发展到逐渐走向疏远、甚至敌视。究其原因,很重要的一点在于国际冷战格局下中美苏三角关系变化的制约和影响。中国援越抗美军事行动的真相是什么,中国是如何作出向越南派遣支援部队决策的,中国支援部队究竟担负什么样使命?中美关系及中苏关系的变化对中越关系的发展为何具有决定意义?本文试图借助中国抗美援越这样一个平台,梳理援越抗美决策的过程,探讨全力支持越南抗击美国的原因,考察中越关系由“同志加兄弟”般的亲密,发展到逐渐疏远、甚至对抗这一过程中美国、苏联等诸多的影响因素。通过这一研究,了解冷战时期亚洲国际关系的演变历程,以及这一时期中美、中苏、中越关系的变化,以求为正确认识当前世界格局,妥善处理好中美、中越乃至中俄关系提供一个历史参照。论文以中国援越抗美事件为切入点,以越南战争进程中中越关系的发展变化为主线,将问题集中于中美、中苏关系变化对中越关系的影响,坚持论从史出,从多学科的角度来研究这一问题。本文共分为3个部分。第一部分,绪论,包括选题意义、研究现状、研究方法、创新和不足之处。第二部分,中国援越抗美的过程与中越关系变化的演变历程。这一部分包括第一章到第四章的内容,是本论文分析阐述的重点。中国积极支持越南北方反抗美国侵略,中越在抗美战争中相互支持与合作,使双方关系获得了前所未有的巩固和发展,但是中越在战争中也有矛盾与分歧。中美关系因在越南的间接对抗一度严重对峙,但随着越南战争的推进却跌宕起伏。越南战争后期,随着国际上各种政治力量的分化重组,中美和解,联合抗苏,中国实际退出冷战,中国与越南关系呈现出恶化的前景,苏联则与越南结成盟友,转入与中国和美国抗衡的历程。第三部分,论文的结论部分。通过对中国援越抗美和中越关系演变的梳理,得出国家利益是处理国家战略关系的最高准则,对中国援越抗美军事行动进行了客观的评价,对中美、中越关系进行深层思考。

【Abstract】 On November 20,1979, China People’s Daily announced:"in Vietnamese War of Salvation against America period, China Support troops grand total and so on anti-aircraft, project, railroad, logistics support sends out to Vietnam reach 320,000 people successively, the highest year reaches 170,000 people." This is the Chinese first announce publicly China helping more anti-America military action situation. Along with part recollection material publication, reference material opening and research unceasingly thorough, the Chinese helping more anti-America military action had opened in a veil of mystery gradually. Firstly, between China and Vietnam aids Vietnam by China to resist France colonial rule at first, middle China and Vietnam work with concerted efforts resist the US in Vietnam’s aggressive act, develops the trend to become estranged gradually, to be even hostile. Investigates its reason, a very important spot lies under the international cold war pattern the Sino-US Soviet three-cornered relation change restriction and the influence. The Chinese help more anti-America military action’s truth how is,how is China to make to Vietnam dispatches the Support troops decision-making, what mission does China Support troops shoulder do? Why the Sino-US relations and the Sino-Soviet relations’ change have the decision significance to the Chinese and Vietnamese relations?This text attempt with the aiding Vietnam resisting USA platform, comb the course of decision of aiding Vietnam resisting USA,probe into China support Vietnam reason to resist U.S.A. wholeheartedly, investigate China and Vietnam by intimate, develop into a great deal of influence factors such as U.S.A., the Soviet Union while drifting apart, even antagonizing gradually. Strengthen the research of this field, understand the development of the Asian international relations of cold war period develops, cold war period China and the United States, Sino-Soviet, Sino-Vietnam development and change of relation, purposing in we correct understanding the present world pattern, handle Sino-US, Sino-Vietnam, even Sino-Russia relations well to offer a historical reference system properly. The article regards aiding Vietnam resisting USA incident for the breakthrough point in China as, as the thread with the development and change of the Sino-Vietnam relation of process of Vietnamese war development, will discuss the question of concentrates on in what great intensity the development and change of Sino-US,Sino-Soviet relation influence the Sino-Vietnam relation, insist the theory happens from the history, the uses the methods of systems analysis, and studies this issue from the perspective of many disciplines.The thesis concludes three parts.First, it concludes the significance of topic, writing ideas, research methods, innovation and deficiency.Second, the development course of Chinese aiding Vieinam resisting USA and Sino-Vietnam relation change. This part includes the content to chapter four of chapter one, it is this thesis that analyzes the focal point explained. China supports the North of Vietnam to resist U.S.A. actively, Sino-Vietnam support and cooperate each other in resisting the American war, enable relation acquisition unprecedented consolidation and development of both sides, but the Sino-Vietnam has contradictions and difference. The Sino-US relations confront with each other and confront each other seriously for a time because of the indirectness in Vietnam, but as the promotion of the Vietnamese war rises and falls and frees and easies. Vietnamese with of different political strength division and reorganization in the world in later stage in war, China and the United States realize conciliating, set about jointly resisting Soviet, China withdraws from the cold war actually, China and Vietnamese relation demonstrate the prospect worsened, the Soviet Union forms the ally with Vietnam, changes over to the course of contending with China and U.S.A.Third, Conclusion part of the thesis. Through aiding and resisting the combing of the course and development course of Sino-Vietnam relation, obtain national benefit to consider national supreme criterion of strategy relations,the military operation of aiding Vietnam resisting USA go on objective appraisal, ponder over the deep layer to Sino-US, Sino-Vietnam relation.

【关键词】 援越抗美中美关系中越关系
【Key words】 Aiding Vietnam resisting USASino-USSino- Vietnam
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

