

From Marx to Lenin: Establishment of the "Socialist Ideology"

【作者】 余一凡

【导师】 武东生;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “意识形态”在社会主义革命、建设和改革发展的进程中,从来就是一个关系党和国家事业发展全局的重大理论和实践问题,中国共产党一直重视社会主义意识形态的建设。但是,意识形态在最初的马克思主义那里,却是一种亟待彻底消除的社会现象,“意识形态”一词是一个典型的否定性概念,根本不存在所谓意识形态的“建设”问题。那么,在马克思主义的发展史上,就有一个关于这一概念的认识发展变化的问题,即马克思主义对待意识形态问题在什么意义上由理论批判立场转为正面建设的立场,“社会主义意识形态”又是在什么时候在何种意义上确立的。本文以“社会主义意识形态”为主要线索,对马克思主义理论发展中,从确立处理意识形态的基本原则到建构社会主义意识形态理论学说的过程,进行系统的学术梳理,将“社会主义意识形态”的提出和使用还原到马克思主义创建和发展的历史长河中,在具体的历史环境下理解它的真实内涵,通过对“社会主义意识形态”的历史分析,着重探讨马克思主义发展史上提出“社会主义意识形态”的历史背景、马克思主义如何对待意识形态现象、社会主义意识形态在社会主义运动中的特殊作用和意义。马克思、恩格斯继承了近代欧洲几百年的思想渊源,开创了思考意识形态问题的马克思主义传统。他们站在共产主义的实现和人类解放的高度,在创建唯物史观的过程中,将之前只满足于“解释世界”的种种理论、主义均归为“意识形态”进行彻底的拆解和颠覆,并且在批判种种意识形态、尤其是对资本主义意识形态进行深度剖析的过程中,确立了处理意识形态现象的基本原则,即实事求是,从实际出发。遵循这一原则,在新的历史条件下,他们率先进行了意识形态战略、策略上的调整,肯定在实现共产主义之前有一个过渡时期,因而开始从正面阐述曾经作为批判的武器而存在的无产阶级的“头脑”的建设问题,恩格斯在晚年更是进行了马克思主义体系化的努力。第二国际的主要代表者继续了这一努力,当马克思主义原有的内容无法为他们所面临的新形势、新问题提供现成的答案时,他们遵循实事求是的原则,继续调整意识形态的战略和策略。但是,由于在理论上对历史唯物主义的理解和把握的侧重点不同,在实践中基于对实际形势的不同判断形成的理论立场不同,正统马克思主义者僵化地理解了马克思主义,伯恩施坦等则偏离了马克思主义的根本追求,最终都未能很好地解决马克思主义的现实困境。西方马克思主义的早期代表人物则在直接批评第二国际相关思想的过程中开创了思考意识形态的又一思想流派,他们同样遵循实事求是的原则,试图重新理解马克思主义,对资本主义社会展开深层次的文化批判,从意识形态方面寻找摆脱人类困境的现实路径。与此同时,俄国的列宁遵循马克思主义处理意识形态的基本原则,将马克思主义与俄国的具体国情相结合,推动马克思主义的发展以解决俄国现实面临的新问题。在夺取政权的过程中,他创制了“社会主义意识形态”的概念指称马克思主义,强调要灌输这种“科学的意识形态”以和资产阶级的意识形态展开针锋相对的斗争,“社会主义意识形态”作为革命斗争中的重要武器从此明确有了一个需要建设的问题;在无产阶级专政建立后,“社会主义意识形态”建设作为政权建设的一个环节,也就有了更为具体的内容。从“意识形态”作为一个批判性概念被运用,到“社会主义意识形态”作为一个建设性概念被提出,在具体革命实践与马克思、恩格斯最初设想并不一致的情况下,列宁成功化解了马克思主义意识形态批判性原则与建设性实践之间的矛盾,推动马克思主义的意识形态理论进入到一个新的发展阶段。因此,所谓“社会主义意识形态”,从其产生的历史来看,是作为与资产阶级思想体系相对立的思想体系而被提出的,在性质上有别于资本主义,是社会主义的性质;在无产阶级政权建立之后,它就是社会主义社会的意识形态,即社会主义作为一个独立的社会形态形成之后存在的意识形态,它构成社会主义政权运行的工具性环节。就其表达的内容而言,对外,作为世界观与资本主义意识形态针锋相对,系统地阐述社会主义对人类社会的基本认知;对内,则是对于马克思主义的深刻反省与自觉,是关于社会主义的根本判断、基本假设等。

【Abstract】 The "ideology" was a major theoretical and practical issues in the historic process of the socialist revolution and construction and reform all at times, which bore on the overall interests of the party and state. The Party always attached importance to the development of socialist ideology. However, in the primary marxism, ideology was a social phenomenon to need urgently to eliminate and the concept had the meaning of negativeness. Then there wasn’t a construction question on ideology. So there was a becoming for the concept in the history of marxism. In what sense marxists changed the stand from criticism by theory to positive construction on ideology, and when and in what sense the concept socialist ideology came into existence. Taking the socialist ideology as main clue, this paper makes systemic scholarly re-organization on the historical process from establishing the basic principle on ideology to constructing the theory of socialist ideology, which happened during the history of the construction and the development of marxism. In this paper, we put the concept socialist ideology into the history of marxism and try to understand it under the certain historic circumstances. By the historical analysis of the concept socialist ideology, the text discusses mainly the historical background of the appearance of the concept and how marxists dispose the ideology and the function for socialist ideology in the socialist movement.Carrying on the traditional thought of the Europe over hundreds of years, Marx and Engels pioneered the marxism, which had its principle on ideology. Standing at the top of the liberation of mankind, they thought all kinds of theories and ideological systems contented themselves with explaining the word and called them "ideologies". They worked hard to deconstruct and subvert the ideologies completely. By the deconstruction, especially the critique of the socialist ideology, Marx and Engels established the basic principle on ideology, which was to seek truth from facts and to proceed from reality. Acting up to the principle, they adjusted the ideology strategy and tactics according to the new historical conditions. They considered there was a transition period before the communism, when the weapon of critique needed to construct positively. Then Engels made great efforts in the systematization of marxism in his later years. The Second International kept on the work. When the content of marxism couldn’t provide ready answers to the new questions they faced, the Second International continued to adjust the ideology strategy and tactics acting up to the principle of seeking truth from facts. However, because of the difference in the understanding of historical materialism and theoretical commitments in view of different assessment of the situation, the orthodox marxist understood marxism by a rigid way of thinking while Bernstein deserted the communist ideals. So they didn’t solve the practical dilemma for marxism both. By ways of making cutting remarks about the Second International, the early representatives of Western Marxism pioneered another thought tradition on ideology. They also observed the principle of seeking truth from facts and tried to re-comprehend marxism. They analyzed capitalism from the point of view of cultural critique and strived to find out the realistic approaches to get out of trouble in the area of ideology for the humanity. At the same time, observing the marxist principle on ideology, Lenin integrated marxism with the concrete practice in Russia and developed marxism to solve the practical new problems faced by Russia. In the process of seizing power, Lenin formulated the socialist ideology concept, which was indicated the marxism. He pointed out marxism was a scientific ideology and should be inculcated to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against the capitalist ideology. From then there was a new question that the socialist ideology should be constructed from the positive side. After the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, as an important link of the state political power, the socialist ideology had its specific content. At first the ideology concept was used in critical significance and then the socialist ideology concept was putted forward. When the original ideas didn’t fit in with the actual situation of revolution, Lenin solved the contradiction between the critical principle and the constructive practices about ideology in the marxism successfully. Then marxist ideology theory entered into a new stage of social development.Therefore, the socialist ideology concept was proposed as an ideological system which was opposed to the capitalist ideology from historical clue of its creation, so it was socialistic but not capitalistic. After the political power of the proletariat was established, it became the ideology in socialist society, which was an instrumental link in the organs of the socialist political power. So far as the contents were concerned, it was not only a world view opposing to the capitalist ideology, which expounded systematically the basic understanding about the human society for socialists, but also the profound self-examination and consciousness of the marxism, which was the fundamental judge and basic assumption about the socialism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

