

Political Thought Between History and Reality

【作者】 尹佳涛

【导师】 严正;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 宋代是中国历史上一个辉煌灿烂的时代。作为北宋时期杰出的历史学家和影响卓著的政治家,司马光对中国传统政治文化进行了全面而深刻的总结。在司马光的历史著作中,全面贯穿着儒家伦理纲常和价值评判。在从政期间,他系统地提出改革政治弊端的主张和措施。熙宁年间,他是反对王安石变法的领袖,元祜主政后他又全面废除新法。在司马光去世后的一千年里,对他的政治思想的评价出现许多争论。现在我们重新评价其政治立场,梳理其政治哲学,不仅是历史研究的需要,同时也对今天的政治文明建设具有重要的借鉴意义。司马光是在天人关系的宏大背景下,审视人的存在状态以及人性和人的终极追求等问题的。他综合孟子性善论和荀子性恶论,提出“性善恶混”的观点,将人的现实性和理想性统一起来。他还提出德才兼备的人才观,在人生理想上追求圣贤境界,把圣人看作是主导社会和历史的决定力量。司马光认为人对群居生活的需要是社会存在的前提,国家乃是伦理和权力的双重产物。国与家是一种同构的关系,对家庭伦理的重视构成了司马光思想的一个特点,他编撰的家范和家礼著作对中国传统社会后期产生了重大影响。司马光认为君、臣、民之间要保持一定的制约和平衡关系,才能维持国家的稳定。君主是政治的核心,臣属协助君主实施统治。他肯定了人民的作用,对经济活动和物质生活予以高度重视。司马光重视治道,在君主制下探讨治国方略。礼治是根本,维护礼制的威严是君主的要务。德治和礼治互为表里,统治者要有德,才能教化百姓,淳化风俗。他还主张健全法制,认为法制是辅助性、补充性的。司马光反对因循守旧,在熙宁以前就已经形成了对旧体制进行改革的想法。但他不赞成激烈的变法,而是主张渐进式的因革损益,在肯定宋初体制的前提下进行除弊的工作。司马光与王安石的政治分歧,不是两条根本路线之间的对立,而是儒家阵营内部关于改什么和如何改的争论。司马光的贡献在于他对中国传统政治哲学进行了全面总结,《资治通鉴》提供了一个被后世广泛学习和借鉴的政治文本。司马光在君主制的框架内寻求治国之道,将传统政治哲学发展到一个新的高度,但他并没有完全解决其固有缺陷,只是做了某些调适修补的工作。

【Abstract】 Song Dynasty is a glorious time in Chinese history for its creation in politics as well as in philosophy. Sima Guang, one of the most outstanding historian and statesmen in Northern Song Dynasty, summarized Chinese traditional political culture comprehensively. Ethics guides and value judgments were embodied in his historical works. When sitting on the government and starting his political career, he posited his ideas on political reform and relevant measures. In Xining period, he was the leader of the group opposed to Wang Anshi, prime minister, who held quite different political ideas on reform. In Yuanyou period, he came into power as prime minister and abolished the innovation carried out by his predecessor. However, soon after his death, quarrels about Sima Guang’s merits filled the air and ever since have never ceased even till today.Now in the process of modernization of social science, it is extremely necessary to re-evaluate Sima Guang’s political position and re-examine his political philosophy for the historical research and the political civilization construction. Sima Guang studied human’s status and existence, human nature and the ultimate pursuit under the relationship between nature and man at the grand background. He synthesized Mencius and Xunzi’s theories of human nature, put forward the opinion on "the natural good and evil mixes", unified person’s reality and ideal. He also suggested that both ability and talent should be important for politics. He pursued the ideal realm of saints and regarded the saints as leaders of the society and history. He thought that social life is necessary for the existence of human, that states are the product of ethics and power, and that there are isomorphism relations between the country and family. He attached great importance to the value of the family ethics and wrote books on family virtues and rituals which had a major impact on Chinese tradition society. He thought that there existed balanced relations among monarch, officials and masses, which could maintain the stability of the country. The emperor was basically a political core but needed assistance from the officials. He affirmed the role of people, economic activities and material life. He valued government and discussed it under the monarchy. Rule by rituals was basic, which was maintained by the emperor. Rule by virtues was also indeed. Rulers were supposed to be moral persons and teach their people. He also advocated the rule by law, which was complementary. He was opposed to sticking to old ways and formed his own idea about political reform before Xining period. But he didn’t support radical reform, whereas he thought that the political system in early Song should be selectively inherited and partly changed. Sima Guang and Wang Anshi’s political differences aren’t the contradiction between two basic political routes, but the differences about what and how to change the political systems in terms of Confucianism. His contribution lies in his summary to the Chinese traditional politics philosophy. "History as a Mirror", edited by Sima Guang, provides Chinese people with an important political norm which has been widely studied and used in political practices by later generations.Sima Guang has sought a new road to governing in the framework of monarchy, and developed the traditional political philosophy to a new level, but failed to offer a complete solution to its inherent defect. To some extent, he has done some adjustment and repair work for it.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

