

A Study of Locative Words in Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties

【作者】 刘艳红

【导师】 杨琳;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用共时描写和历时演变相结合的方法,以敦煌文献为基础,结合唐五代的传世文献来探讨整个唐五代方位词。全文由引言编、描写编、阐释编三部分组成。引言编介绍了敦煌语料的特点,选题的缘由、意义、研究方法,以及在研究过程中遇到的困难,论述了方位词的内涵与外延,并且概述了唐五代方位词的特点。描写编分为八章。第一章描写了唐五代时期“上”“下”的形式、语义分布。第二章描写了“前”“后”的形式、语义分布。第三章描写了“中”“里”“间”“内”“外”的形式、语义分布。第四章描写了“东”“西”“南”“北”的形式、语义分布。第五章描写了“左”“右”的形式、语义分布。第六章描写了“边”类方位词“边”“旁”“侧”“畔”“际”“壁”“厢”的形式、语义分布。第七章描写了意义泛化类方位词“头”“首”“底”“所”“处”“许”“行”的形式、语义分布。第八章从唐五代合成方位词的特点、产生的原因、词汇化路径等方面,对唐五代时期的合成方位词进行了概述。在对每一个方位词形式、语义分布描写之后,我们从形式、语义、搭配等方面对该方位词进行了小结,通过与魏晋南北朝时期同类方位词的对比,突出唐五代时期方位词的特点。在第一章我们论述了“上”“下”的对称性与不对称性,在第二章中论证了“后”的时间性,在第三章中对“中”“里”“内”以及“中”“间”的异同进行了辨析。阐释编分为四章。第一章探讨了身体部位名词与方位词的关系,指出身体部位名词与方位词关系密切。在古代汉语中身体名词与方位词有三种关系:身体部位名词具有表示空间方位的义项,身体部位名词演变为方位词,身体部位名词与方位词构成合成方位词,用来表示空间方位。第二节探讨了方位后缀“头”的来源,指出方位后缀“头”来自于意义泛化的方位词“头”。第三节探讨了合成方位词“面上”“脚下”。第二章探讨了方位词“底”的演变,从五个方面论证了结构助词“底”来源于方位词“底”。第二节论述了方位词“行”的来源,作为方位词的“行”来自于义为“家”的“行”,而义为“家”的“行”来自于其本义。第三节探讨了方位词“壁”。第三章探讨了敦煌表状笺启中“右”的含义,并且论证了敦煌契约文书中“左南直北”的意义及其理据。第四章主要阐释了敦煌文献中方位词的文化内涵。第一节对敦煌文献S.4433中妊娠三月时不得面向南、向东浇沐这种禁忌进行了解析。第二节分析了敦煌文献S.4433中求子时强调向“西”“北”背后所蕴藏的文化内涵。第三节从五行的相生、相克,从古人的避王观等方面,分析了P.2615《五姓阴阳宅经》中“东”“南”“西”“北”等方位所具有的文化意蕴。第四节分析了在敦煌文献S.1725、《大唐吉凶书仪》《仪礼》《大唐开元礼》《书仪》的婚俗中不同方位所蕴含的文化观念。

【Abstract】 In this paper, by synchronic method and diachronic method, we study the locative words of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties on the basis of Dunhuang Manuscripts and the handed literature of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties. This paper consists of three volumes, one is introduction, one is description, another is explanation.In the volume of introduction, we describe the characteristics of Dunhuang Manuscripts, the reason of topics selection, significance, research methods and the difficulties encountered in the process of research. We discuss the intension and extension of locative words, and summarize the characteristics of the locative words of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties.The volume of description is divided into eight chapters. In ChapterⅠwe describe the distribution of "shang" "xia" from the aspects of form and semantics. In ChapterⅡwe describe the distribution of "qian"and "hou" from the aspects of form and semantics. In ChapterⅢwe describe the distribution of "zhong" "li" "jian" "nei" "wai" from the aspects of form and semantics. In ChapterⅣwe describe the distribution of the "dong" "nan" "xi" "bei" from the aspects of form and semantics. In Chapter V we describe the distribution of "zuo" "you" from the aspects of form and semantics. In ChapterⅥwe describe the distribution of "bian" "pang" "ce""pan" "ji" "bi" "xiang" from the aspects of form and semantics. In ChapterⅦwe describe the distribution of "tou" "shou" "di" "suo" "chu" "xu" "xing" from the aspects of form and semantics.In ChapterⅧwe summarize the compound locative words in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties from the aspects of the characteristics, the reasons of appearing and the path of lexicalization.There is a summary from the aspects of the form, semantics, collocation after the distribution of every locative word. The characteristics of the locative words of Tang and Five Dynasties are highlighted in contrast to the locative words of Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties. In Chapter I we study the symmetry and asymmetry of "shang" and "xia" in the Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties. In ChapterⅡwe describe the property of time about "hou". In ChapterⅢwe contrast the similarities and differences of "zhong" "li" "nei", "zhong"and "jian".The volume of explanation is divided into four chapters. In ChapterⅠwe discuss the relationship of the nouns of body part and locative words. In old Chinese there are three relationships between the locative words and the nouns of body part:the nouns of body part have senses of spatial orientation, the nouns of body part evolve into locative words, the nouns of body part and locative words constitute compound words which are used to indicate the spatial orientation. In SectionⅡwe discuss the source of locative suffix "tou", we point out that the locative suffix "tou" comes from the locative word "tou". In SectionⅢwe discuss the compound word "mianshang" "jiaoxia". In ChapterⅡwe discuss the evolution of locative "di". We demonstrate structural particle "di" from the locative word "di" from five aspects. We also discuss the sources of "xing" and think that the locative word "xing" comes from the meaning of "home", and the meaning of "home"comes from its original meaning. In SectionⅢ, we discuss the locative word "bi". In ChapterⅢwe discuss the meaning of "you" in the documents of Dunhuang, and demonstrate the meaning and motivation of "zuonan zhibei"in the contracts of Dunghuang Manuscrips. In ChapterⅣwe discuss the cultural connotation of the locative words in Dunhuang Manuscripts. In Section I we analyze the reason of prohibiting pregnant women facing the "dong" and "nan" when they taking a shower in the Dunhuang Manuscripts S.4433. In SectionⅡwe analyze the reason of child-giving toward the "xi" "bei". In SectionⅢ, we analyze the cultural implication of "dong" "nan" "xi" "bei" in the P.2615 "Wuxing Yinyang Zhaijing" from mutual generation and restriction of "wuxing" and the cultural concept of avoiding "wang". In SectionⅣwe analyze the cultural connoation of different directions in wedding customs of Dunhuang Manuscrip S.1725, "Yili" "Datang Kaiyuan Li", "Shuyi".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

