

A Study of Zhang Dainian’s Life Philosophy

【作者】 杜运辉

【导师】 周德丰; 李翔海; 乔清举;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 张岱年(1909—2004)先生是中国现当代著名哲学家、哲学史家、文化巨人,为中国哲学和中国文化的总结和创新做出了重要贡献。总体上来看,虽然学界近年来对张岱年哲学的主要范畴和命题都已经有所论及,但对张岱年哲学还存在着重视不够的现象,特别是还缺乏对张岱年人生哲学的系统研究,而这正是本文所要完成的主要任务。第一章从哲学观、方法论、认识论、宇宙论和人生哲学五个方面来审视张岱年哲学体系,论证人生哲学在张岱年哲学中的核心地位。第二章价值论是张岱年人生哲学的理论基础。张岱年既是20世纪30—40年代中国价值哲学的重要开创者,也是80—90年代“价值热”思潮的重要参与者,其价值论包括一般价值论和人生价值论,论文分别论述其价值界说、内在价值和外在价值、“兼和”价值标准,并归纳其人生价值体系的基本原则。第三章理想论是张岱年人生哲学的核心,论文首先论述人生意义(人在宇宙间的地位)问题;其次论述人性论,包括人性的界定、人性善恶以及“尽性”等问题;最后论述以“理生合一”为核心的人生理想的基本内涵。第四章是道德论,首先论述张岱年的道德范畴、道德的起源和本质、道德的基本原则、道德与社会制度等问题;其次论述其建立新道德的方法论、20世纪30—40年代和80—90年代两种道德规范体系的具体内涵。第五章是自由论,首先论述张岱年对意志自由的界说,以及意志自由与道德责任的关系、实际自由及其实现途径等问题;其次通过“力”、“命”问题集中论述其有关自由与必然关系的思想。第六章探讨张岱年发扬人生之道的终极关怀思想、以道德境界与天地境界为主要内容的境界论,和以对“仁智勇”新诠释为核心的“兼和人格”。张岱年在中国现代哲学史上建立了第一个系统化、理论化的中国化马克思主义人生哲学。加强对张岱年人生哲学的个案研究有助于弥补当前学界对张岱年哲学研究的不足,从而对张岱年的整个哲学体系有更准确、更完整的理解;更重要的是,这有助于实事求是地评估张岱年对建立中国现代马克思主义人生哲学的理论贡献,为当代建构具有中国特色的新人生哲学提供极其有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Zhang Dainian(1909-2004) is a famous philosopher, historian of philosophy and cultural giant in the twentieth century in China.He made great contributions to the summary and innovation of Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture. Generally speaking, although the academic circle has made great efforts to study the main categories and propositions of Zhang Dainian’s Philosophy in recent years, it is still not concerned properly enough. There still lacks the systematic study to Zhang Dainian’s Life Philosophy, this is exactly the main task that this paper is trying to accomplish.Chapter 1 examines the Philosophy of Zhang Dainian with respects to Philosophy View, Methodology, Epistemology, Cosmology and Life Philosophy, and demonstrates Life Philosophy is in the core position in Zhang Dainian’s Philosophy.Chapter 2 deals with the theory of Value, which is the theoretical basis of Zhang Dainian’s Life Philosophy. Zhang Dainian is not only an important pioneer of Chinese Value Philosophy in the 30-40’s of 20th century, but also is one of the important participants of the research upsurge of value in the 80-90’s. Zhang Dainian’s Axiology includes the General Axiology and the Axiology of Life, the paper studies the definition of Value, the theory of Intrinsic Value and Extrinsic Value, the Value Standard of JianHe (Harmony with Diversity, Creativity, Integrality and Dynamic Equilibrium as its essential factors) in turn, and induces the basic Principles of the System of Life Value.Chapter 3 deals with the theory of Ideal, which is the core of Life Philosophy of Zhang Dainian. Firstly, the paper discusses the Meaning of Life or the Status of People in theUniverse. Secondly, the paper discuses the theory of Human Nature, including the definition of Human Nature, Good and Evil, "Jinxing" (The fully realized of the Human Nature). Finally, the paper discusses the basic connotations of the Ideal of Life with "Oneness between Life and Principle" as its heart.Chapter 4 deals with the theory of Moral. Firstly, the paper discusses the problems such as the Category of Moral, the basic Principle of Moral, Moral and Social Institution. Secondly, the paper discus the Methodology of buildind up the new Moral System, the concrete content of the two kinds of Moral System in the 30-40’s and 80-90’s of 20th century.Chapter 5 deals with the theory of Freedom. Firstly, the paper discusses definition of Free Will, the relationship between Free Will and Moral Responsibility, the definition of Actual Freedom and the approaches of realizing it. Secondly, the paper discusses his thoughts about the relation between Freedom and Necessity through the form of "Effort" and "Fate".Chapter 6 discusses the thoughts of Ultimate Concern of Zhang Dainian, the Sphere Theory with Moral Sphere and Heaven-Earth Sphere as its major content, the "JianHe Personality" with a new interpretation of "Benevolence, Wisdom and Courage" as its core.Through the systemic construction of Axiology, Theory of Ideal, Theory of Moral, Theory of Freedom, Theory of Sphere and Theory of Ideal Personality, Zhang Dainian has established the first systematized and theorized Chinese Marxist Life Philosophy in the modern Chinese philosophy history. The intensive research of Zhang Dainian’s Life Philosophy will contribute to compensate for the weaknesses in the research of Zhang Dainian’s Philosophy of the current academia, thus we can gain a more accurate and more complete understanding to Zhang Dainian’s Philosophy. More important is, it will contribute to estimate matter-of-factly the contributions which Zhang Dainian has made to build up the Chinese Marxist Life Philosophy, provide extremely useful references to the constructing of the new Life Philosophy with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

