

Research on the History Book of Japanese Studies in Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 时培磊

【导师】 乔治忠;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国和日本是一衣带水的邻邦。中国很早就开始对日本进行了解和认识,传统史书中的日本记载贯穿始终。特别是到明清时期,先后出现了大批的日本研究史籍,掀起了两次研究日本的热潮。本文是在借鉴前人研究的基础上,对明清时期编纂的研究日本的史学专著进行的系统探研。明清以前史学中对于日本的记载主要集中体现在历代正史中的日本传。其中包括十四部正史中的十五篇日本传记,记载了日本从上古到幕府时期的历史。记载的连续性和研究内容的不断扩充是这个阶段的重要特点。明清以前很少有史家踏足日本,所以在史料的采择上就只能依靠间接的手段。从明代开始对日本的研究发生了很大转变,其表现之一就是专著的出现。这与当时中日关系的变化和倭寇之患的影响密切相关。宁波争贡之役发生后,定海知县郑余庆支持薛俊编纂完成了《日本考略》。此书篇幅较小,重点记载处理日本问题的内容。虽然此书主要是抄撮旧书而成并且错讹较多,但是由其首创的《寄语略》具有较高的价值。《日本考略》开创了专书研究日本的编纂方式,在史学史上具有重要的意义。嘉靖中期以后倭患日益严重,大批的日本研究和专门御倭的史籍纷纷出现。郑舜功曾亲自前往日本调查并编纂了《日本一鉴》,此书主要是向明朝统治者提供日本的真实情况并辨明倭寇问题。在研究方法上,郑舜功采用了实地调查和采访的方式,获得了第一手资料。《日本一鉴》体现了郑舜功强烈的史学致用意识,他详细调查了倭寇问题的实情并为统治者提供借鉴。《日本风土记》是明代研究日本的重要史籍,一直被误认为是侯继高的著作。由李言恭、郝杰署名出版的《日本考》与此书内容完全一样,只是对版心做了剜补而已。总体而言,明代日本研究史籍主要体现出五个方面的特点:对于日本的研究比较全面;重视地图和寄语部分的编纂;重视对于倭寇问题的研究;编纂的内容中很多都是因袭传抄而来;表现出了强烈的史学致用意识。清朝的日本研究大致可以分为三个阶段。从清朝建立到日本明治维新前后的这段时间为第一个阶段。陈伦炯的《海国闻见录》、童华的《长崎纪闻》和汪鹏的《袖海编》中均用大量的笔墨来记载长崎贸易的景象,由此而扩展到对于长崎社会、风土人情和地方政治状况的描述,其主要特点就是通过长崎一隅来认识和研究日本。《吾妻镜补》又名《日本国志》,它是我国最早的一部体例规范的日本通史,也是这个阶段中最具分量的史籍。此书的编纂体现了翁广平特色鲜明的日本研究思想。从《中日修好条规》签订到甲午战争之前为清朝日本研究的第二个阶段。清政府驻日使团中的许多成员利用在日本的便利条件,纷纷开始撰著日本研究史籍。其中由随员姚文栋编译的《琉球地理志》被认为是近代中国最早的一部汉译日籍。他编译《日本地理兵要》介绍日本沿海要塞的地理情况,为清政府提供军事信息。陈家麟的《东槎闻见录》中记载了日本明治维新后在工商各方面取得的巨大进步,但是他反对动摇国体的根本变革。《日本环海险要图志》是王肇鋐受清政府的委派而撰,主要从军事战略角度来研究日本的沿海地理情况。《游历日本图经》和《日本新政考》是由清政府派遣的海外游历使傅云龙和顾厚焜分别编纂的日本研究史籍。《游历日本图经》是一部深入研究日本各个方面问题的史籍,书中傅云龙大量运用图表以配合说明内容。《日本新政考》主要研究日本的政治、经济和军事方面的问题,重点关注明治维新以后的新变化。黄遵宪编纂的《日本国志》与同时期其他日本研究史籍相比具有卓越的识见和较高的史学价值。《日本国志》中不仅详细记载了明治维新的过程和推行的各项措施,而且总结了日本的成功经验,更可贵的是提出了仿照日本经验建议清政府进行政治改革的思想。可以说,《日本国志》是清代日本研究史学中一部里程碑式的著作。甲午战争之后进入清朝日本研究的最后一个阶段。康有为的《日本变政考》是用编年体来记载日本明治维新二十四年的历史,此书对光绪帝在戊戌变法中推行新政改革起到了重要的参照作用。康有为用史学来为政治服务的理念,以及研究日本意在中国的思想成为此书的重要特点。王先谦编纂的《日本源流考》是一部编年体日本通史,他将明治维新的经验总结为重农和兴商这样的经济改革。《日本源流考》展现了王先谦较强的史学功底和欲通古今之变的史识,其中还蕴含着经世致用的史学思想。总而言之,明清的日本研究史籍中体现了鲜明的时代特色,蕴含着经世致用的史学思想,并且得到官方的重视和支持。但是在史著体裁、史料来源、研究重点和日本观方面,明清又有很大的不同。就中国史学史和中日关系史的研究来讲,应该重视对于明清日本研究史籍问题的探讨。

【Abstract】 China and Japan are neighboring countries. China has started to understand Japan since very early. Thus, there is continuous history record about Japan in China. The Ming and Qing dynasties witnessed the culmination of Japan Studies, which is evident in a multiple of books about Japan. On the ground of past research, this paper is to systematically explore history books about Japan in Ming and Qing dynasties.The main record of Japan is reflected in the official history books before Ming and Qing, including 15 Japanese biographies of 14 official history books that record Japanese history from ancient to Shogunate Times. The important features of this period are continuity and expansion of the research content. Since few historians had been in Japan, they had to rely on indirect means to select historical facts.Research on Japan has undergone great changes from Ming Dynasty, one of which is the appearance of monograph. This change was closely related to Sino-Japanese relations and the impact of Wokou—Japanese pirates. After the Ningbo battle, Dinghai magistrate Zheng Yuqing supported Xue Jun to compile Ribenkaolue. Although the scale of the book is quite small, it focused on the records of how to deal with the Japan issue. Although the book is mainly made up of copies of other books and suffers many errors, its Jiyulue is of great value. The particular way in which Ribenkaolue is compiled is significant in historiography.The peril of Japanese pirates became serious from Jiajing period when a large number of Japan studies and books on military defense had emerged. Zhen Shungong went to Japan to investigate it personally and compiled Ribenyijian. This book aims to provide the facts in Japan as well as Japanese pirates problem to Ming Dynasty rulers. Ribenfengtuji is an important historical record of Japan in Ming Dynasty, however, which has been mistakenly considered Hou Jigao’s work. Its content is the same as Ribenkao which was written by Li Yangong and Hao Jie, and the minor difference is that the latter made a few supplement for the former. Overall, there are five characteristics in books of Japan Studies—more comprehensive in studying Japan; emphasis on the compilation of maps and words;increasing attention to the issue of Japanese pirates; copying from other related complications; strong sense of putting history research in use. Japan studies can be divided into three stages in Qing Dynasty. The period from the found of Qing Dynasty to Meiji Restoration in Japan is the first stage. During this period, the prosperity of Nagasaki Trade was recorded in Chen Lunjiong’s Haiguowenjianlu, Tong Hua’s Changqijiwen and Wang Peng’s Xiuhaibian. Then the records was extended to the description of the society, custom and local political situation in Nagasaki. Its main characteristic is to understand Japan as a whole by researching one part of Japan—Nagasaki. Wuqijingbu, also known as Ribenguozhi, is the earliest Japan history book of formal formats, which is the most significant history book of this stage. Besides, the compilation of this book reflects Weng Guangping’s distinctive thinking of Japan Studies.The research from the "Sino-Japanese Rapprochement Regulations" to Sino-Japanese War forms the second stage of researching Japan in Qing Dynasty. Many of the members of Qing government stationed in Japan began to make historical records of Japan. Liuqiudilizhi compiled by Yao Wendong is considered to be the earliest translation book from Japanese in modern China. Yao compiled Ribendilibingyao recording the geography of the Japanese coastal fortifications in order to provide military information to Qing government. Chen Jialin’s Dongchawenjianlu demonstrated Japanese great progress in trade and commerce after the Meiji Restoration, but he opposed reforms changing the foundation of the state. Wang Zhaohong is appointed by Qing Government to compile Ribenhuanhaixianyaotuzhi by researching Japan’s coastal geography from the perspective of military strategy. Youliribentujing and Ribenxinzhengkao were compiled respectively by Fu Yunlong and Gu Houkun who were sent by Qing government as overseas traveling officials. Youlliribentujing is an in-depth study of various aspects of Japanese history including extensive use of charts and illustrations. Ribenxinzhengkao is mainly to research Japan’s political, economic and military issues, which focusing on the new changes in these aspects after the Meiji Restoration. Ribenguozhi, compiled by Huang Zunxian overrides other books of the time in that it is more insightful and valuable considering not only its detailed documentation of the process of the Meiji Restoration and the implementation of various policies, but also the suggestion that Qing government should carry out political reforms according to Japan’s experience. It can be said that Ribenguozhi is a landmark book in the history of researching Japan of Qing Dynasty.After the Sino-Japanese War, there came the final stage of Japanese Studies in Qing Dynasty. Kang Youwei’s Ribenbianzhengkao is a chronological record of twenty-four-year history of Meiji Restoration. This book played an important role, as an essential reference, for Emperor Guangxu’s implementation of new deal reform. Kang’s idea that history study should serve politics and that researching Japan to benefit China became an important feature of this book. Wang Xianqian’s Ribenyuanliukao is a chronological history of Japan, which credited the success of Meiji Restoration to the adoption of valuing agriculture and prompting business. Ribenyuanliukao demonstrated Wang Xianqian’s abundant knowledge of history, the realization that consulting the past to change the present, and Statecraft Ideology.All in all, the books of Japan Studies in Ming and Qing reflect the distinctive characteristics of the time, contain Statecraft Ideology of history, and attract the attention and support of the government. However, there are huge differences between Ming and Qing in the aspects of genre, data sources, research priorities and the views of Japan. In terms of Chinese history and the history of Sino-Japanese relations, we should pay attention to the issue of history books of Japanese Studies in Ming and Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

