

Gender and Literature in Yan’an Liberation Daily

【作者】 李振

【导师】 乔以钢;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以延安时期《解放日报》中涉及性别问题的文学作品为主要研究对象,结合相关史料及政策文献,讨论自1941年至1947年延安文学中的性别书写。《解放日报》早期文艺栏及“文艺版”发表的作品,对现实性别问题有着积极的参与意识。在创作意图上,有的对女性的艰难境遇表达了同情,有的对不公正的婚姻方式进行了批判,有的意在歌颂新政权下两性秩序的改观,有的则只是比较客观的记录与叙述;在性别立场上,有些作家表现出鲜明的女性意识,有些作家虽然没有性别姿态的流露,却也表达了对性别问题的积极关注,也有作家在潜意识中还保留着陈旧的性别观念。这一时期《解放日报》刊载的文学创作对现实性别问题有着普遍而具体的观照,性别书写多彩纷呈,在性别意识与性别姿态上亦保留着相对真实的多样面貌,特别是一批作家针对延安性别秩序中某些弊病所进行的文学书写,表现出了强烈的批判意识和对女性境遇的人文关怀。《解放日报》创办初期,正值张闻天主持文教宣传工作,延安知识分子得到了足够的尊重,拥有当时条件下良好的生活和创作环境。1940年《解放日报》连续发表的几篇社论,明确表达了当时中国共产党对知识分子的态度以及欢迎知识分子的热情。由于性别问题与政治权力之间的特别关系,这一时期相对宽松的政治、文艺环境为《解放日报》前期性别书写繁荣局面的出现提供了必要条件。丁玲的编辑思想也对性别书写在延安文学中的凸显起到至关重要的作用:1941年底至1942年初由丁玲筹划发起的杂文热潮,为具有较强性别批判意识作品的破土而出提供了适合的气候,《解放日报·文艺》成为延安以文学形式表达性别诉求的重要平台。另外,《解放日报》发表的一系列社论、理论文章和杂文显示,“妇女解放”思想与此时号召全民抗战的民族主义结成了坚实的同盟;作为延安主流政治思想的阶级论也对“妇女解放”思想进行了整合。多重思想观念的杂糅为“妇女解放”在延安取得合法地位提供了帮助。但是,它们之间亦互相牵制、消解,女性诉求常为处于强势地位的民族、阶级思想改写或遮蔽。与此同时,作家不同的性别意识、性别姿态也带来了文学创作中性别书写的多样化。延安性别书写的多元局面并没有得到充分拓展,而是很快于1942年春夏之交戛然而止。本文通过对延安整风中丁玲检讨过程的分析发现:在极端的政治功利主义之下,性别诉求难以与阶级、革命话语实现同向发展;合理的性别诉求难敌阶级话语的强力;对丁玲的批判标志着《解放日报·文艺》多元化性别意识表达的终结。在整肃运动中,丁玲与王实味的不同命运也揭示了性别议题在延安的尴尬处境,表面上轰轰烈烈进行的“妇女解放”实则是“天塌不下来”前提下戴着镣铐的舞蹈。随着《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》对延安文艺创作方向的规定以及中国共产党妇女工作政策的调整,延安文学创作中的性别书写出现了根本的转向:对文艺创作无产阶级化的特别强调,限制了其中性别表达的空间;妇女工作政策为维护稳定、缓和矛盾而进行的调整,改变了延安对妇女问题的关注视角。从具体创作看,被延安立为典型的赵树理的文学创作虽然表面上反映了边区青年的婚姻自由,但其中隐藏着的陈旧性别意识和歌颂新政权优越性的主要创作意图,削弱了其对延安性别问题的观照;一批以女性翻身或女性抗战为主题的作品,在叙事过程中以民族独立、阶级翻身替换了女性的自觉,使之呈现出被动的语态;母性叙事建构了新型的母子关系以取代自然的血缘,亲生子女在叙事过程中的缺席以及母性认定及权利的缺失,意味着女性基本诉求的变形和遮敝。综上所述,政治功利目的使《解放日报》文学创作中的性别书写发生了骤变——早期文艺栏及“文艺版”中张扬性别意识的多元书写为延安整肃后栖身于阶级、革命话语并不断被遮蔽、改写的伪性别书写所取代。《解放日报》性别书写的流变,实际上是自十九世纪末提出的妇女解放思想经历了发展、成熟之后,在政治强力的干预下被纳入到阶级、革命话语体系的缩影。它不仅为我们理解“妇女解放”之走向提供了可靠的参考,同时也从性别的侧面映射出“五四”新文化运动中尊崇个人、张扬个性的思想潮流在政治的强压之下面临着怎样的际遇。另外,对于1949年之后27年里文学创作中男女两性性别特质模糊不清,以两性的同化替换男女的平等,“铁姑娘”形象充斥作品等现象,借助有关1940年代延安文学创作中性别书写的研究,可以追寻到其产生的原因及思想源起。因此,从《解放日报》这一窗口重新审视延安文学的风风雨雨,将有助于我们更深入地探寻中国现当代文学走向的秘密。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, Yan’an, Liberation Daily in the literature related to gender issues as the main object of study, combined with relevant historical and policy documents, discussion from 1941 to 1947 in Yan’an Literature gender writing.Liberation Daily early literary field and the Art Edition published work on gender have a positive real sense of participation. In the creative intentions, some women expressed sympathy for the difficult situation, some of the unjust way the criticism of marriage, some intended to praise the new regime of gender order, change, and some are just more objective record narrative; in gender position, some authors showed distinctive female consciousness, although some authors did not reveal the gender profile, but also expressed an active interest in gender issues, there are writers still preserved in the subconscious gender stereotypes. This time, Liberation Daily published in literature has a universal reality of gender and specific reflection, written in colorful gender scene, in the attitude on gender awareness and gender also retains the many faces of relative truth, especially a group of writers in Yan’an gender order, carried out some shortcomings of literary writing, showing a strong sense of criticism and concern to women the human situation.Liberation Daily the initial phase, a time when cultural and educational publicity chair Zhang Wentian, Yan’an intellectuals get enough respect, then had the good living conditions and creative environments.1940 Liberation Daily published several consecutive editorials clearly expressed at the attitude of the Chinese Communist Party intellectuals as well as attracting the enthusiasm of intellectuals to Yan’an. Because gender and special relationship between political power, this period is relatively relaxed political, cultural environment, Liberation Daily early emergence of gender writing prosperity is a necessary condition. Ding Ling is also thinking of writing on gender highlighted in Yan’an Literature plays a crucial role:by the end of 1941 to early 1942, initiated by the Ding Ling’s essay craze planning for a strong awareness of gender-critical work first emerged to provide a suitable climate, Liberation Daily. Art has become the literary form of Yan’an an important platform for expression of gender appeal. In addition, the Liberation Daily published a series of editorials, theoretical articles and essays show, "Women’s liberation" and now called National War nationalism formed a solid alliance; as Yan’an class of mainstream political thinking also " women’s liberation "were integrated. Mixture of multiple ideas and concepts as "women’s liberation" in the Yan’an provided assistance to obtain legal status. However, they also each contain between, digestion, women often demand a strong position in the nation, class ideology rewritten or shelter. At the same time, writers of different gender awareness, gender attitude has brought literature written in gender diversity.Multiple gender writing Yan’an situation has not been fully expanded, but soon ceased suddenly in spring and summer of 1942. Based on the Yan’an Rectification Movement in Ding Ling’s analysis found that the review process:under extreme political utilitarianism, gender appeal and class is difficult, revolutionary discourse to achieve with the development; reasonable demands face of the gender discourse of the powerful class; on Ding Ling’s criticism marks the Liberation Daily. Art end of the expression of diverse gender. Movement in the purge, Ding Ling and Wang Shiwei also revealed the different fate of the gender issues in the awkward position of Yan’an, a charade for "women’s liberation" is actually a "heaven will not fall" under the premise of the dance in shackles."Speech of Forum on Literature in Yan’an" on the creative direction of the provisions of Yan’an and the Chinese Communist Party women’s work policy adjustment, in Yan’an gender writing literary creation has fundamentally Turn:The art and literature with particular emphasis on the proletariat oriented restrict the space of which gender expression; women’s work policies to maintain stability, ease of adjustments carried out contradictions, changes the focus of women’s issues in Yan’an. Creation from the concrete, was established as a typical Zhao Yan’an literary creation Although on the face of freedom of marriage reflect the border youth, but the old hidden gender awareness and extolling the superiority of the new regime, the main creative intentions, weakening its Yan’an Gender Perspective; a group of female emancipation and female war-themed works, in the narrative process to national independence and emancipation replace the female class consciousness, so that shows passive voice; maternal narrative construction of a new mother relations to replace the natural blood, the process of own children in the absence of narrative and the lack of maternity rights recognized and means the basic aspirations of women deformation and shelter.In summary, the purpose of political utility to the Liberation Daily in the gender literature written in a sudden change took place-early on Literary and Art Edition in Zhang Yang’s multi-gender writing for the shelter in the class after the purge of Yan’an, the revolutionary discourse and continue to be obscured, the pseudo-overwrite "Gender Writing" replaced. Liberation Daily evolution of gender writing, in fact, since the late nineteenth century’s "women’s liberation" through the development of mature, strong intervention in politics has been integrated into the class, the epitome of the revolutionary discourse. It is not only for our understanding of "women’s liberation" in reference to providing a reliable, but also mapped out from the side of gender, "5.4" New Culture Movement in respect of individuals, publicity personality currents of thought, under extreme pressure in the face of politics what fortune. In addition, for 27 years after 1949, literary men and women in gender-ambiguous character to replace the assimilation of gender equality between men and women, "Iron Girl" image full of works of such phenomena, with the 1940 Yan’an literature written in gender-research, can trace its cause and origin of ideas. Therefore, Liberation Daily, the window to re-examine the ups and downs of Yan’an literature, will help us explore more deeply into Modern Chinese Literature secret.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】596

