

A Comparative Study on Word-formation of Polysyllabic Words in Chinese and Tibetan

【作者】 王用源

【导师】 施向东;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 比较语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 历史比较法在历史比较语言学中得到了成功的运用,学者们在论证语言的亲属关系方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩。但汉藏语系语言中多数语言缺乏形态或形态变化极为贫乏,且有一部分语言的文字不是表音文字,有时运用历史比较方法比较困难。本文将通过汉语和藏语复音词构词的比较研究,探讨汉语和藏语在构词上的共性和个性,探索汉语和藏语是否在词的结构关系和构词方式上具有某种亲密关系,是否具有一些深层共同性,为研究汉藏语系的亲缘关系提供一点线索。本文的研究对象是汉语和藏语的复音词。根据构词法和造词法的分类,我们对复音词的构造方式进行重新分类,主要讨论汉语和藏语复音词的复合构词、派生构词、叠字构词、语音构(造)词。首先,论文分别对汉语和藏语的并列式、偏正式、动宾式、主谓式、述补式和其他构词方式的复合词以及重复合词构同进行了描写和比较。文章对常用的几种复合构词方式进行了逐一比较,找出汉语和藏语的共性和个性,并进行了一定的解释。论文指出,汉语和藏语的句法结构与复合词结构具有渊源关系,早期汉语和藏语的复合词是由句法结构凝固或紧缩而成的。这是汉语和藏语的共性特征之一。其次,文章对汉语和藏语的派生构词进行比较研究,讨论并界定汉语和藏语的词缀、准词缀,提出汉语和藏语复音词的词缀根据词缀的性质和功能可分为构词词缀和成词词缀,按照词缀的位置对汉语和藏语的前加式、后加式以及重派生构词方式进行分类,并根据词缀的性质对汉语和藏语的单音词缀和多音词缀进行了对照描写,从派生构词的类型、功能、结构等方面进行了比较,分析指出,“典型的词根语”和“语素的单音节性”可能是汉藏语系与印欧语系派生构词存在差异的重要原因。第三,文章对汉语和藏语叠字构词进行比较研究,区分了叠音构词和重叠构词,并重点考察汉语和藏语的重叠构词情况。汉语和藏语都可以运用重叠手段构造新词,汉语和藏语常见的重叠格式基本相同,论文按照各类格式进行了逐一的描写和比较,指出汉语和藏语中的重叠不仅是句法手段,也是构词手段,重叠贯通汉语和藏语的构词与句法,是汉语和藏语有别于他系语言的重要共性。汉语和藏语都具有重叠式构词法,并且在重叠格式和重叠方式上具有很整齐的对应关系,汉语和藏语在发生学上可能具有亲缘关系。第四,论文从语音学角度选取了拟声词、联绵词、外来词三种类型的构造方式进行比较研究。论文分别从结构格式、词形、语言的系统性以及语言外部因素等方面比较了汉语和藏语拟声词的构词异同。在联绵词比较研究中,文章重点描写了藏语双音节、三音节和四音节联绵词的衍生策略,并论证了藏语三音节联绵词并不是都来自于四音节联绵词,有不少是由词根直接衍生而成的。通过对汉语和藏语联绵词的衍生策略比较,认为基于以“声韵”二分为音节结构类型而产生的联绵词是汉藏系语言与他系语言的不同之处。汉语和藏语在译借外语词的方式和外来成分的语素化等方面都具有很多相同之处,认为这可能与汉藏语语素的单音节性有密切关系。最后,论文探讨了汉语和藏语构词比较研究的可行性,认为构词法具有稳固性,构词法与语法结构是可分离的,并综合各章的论述,找出了汉语和藏语复音词构词的一些共性特征,如语素的单音节性是汉语和藏语关系的基石,汉藏语复合词结构与句法结构基本一致,汉语和藏语语素具有较高的独立性和组合度。论文还将汉语和藏语的构词情况分别与其他语系语言的复合构词、派生构词、叠字构词和语音造词相比较,从更为广阔的视野中去探寻汉语和藏语复音词构词的共同特征,为研究汉藏语系的亲缘关系提供了一点线索。论文的创新之处在于:论文以分专题的形式系统地描写汉语和藏语复音词的构词法,找出汉语和藏语在某些构词法上的共性和个性特点,并加以解释说明。同时,将汉语和藏语的构词特点与其他语言的构词特点相比较,进一步凸显汉语和藏语的某些共性。论文尝试探讨了构词法是否能作为判断语言亲缘关系的证据之一,并从构词法角度入手研究汉语和藏语的亲缘关系,为证明汉语和藏语的系属关系寻找一个新的视角。论文研究的意义在于:第一,对汉语和藏语复音词的构词法进行描写和比较,探讨汉语和藏语在构词上的共性和个性,为汉语和藏语的亲缘关系提供原始分析材料。第二,判定两种语言亲缘关系的有无、远近,除了靠语音对应和词的同源关系外,探讨构词法是否可以作为判断语言亲缘关系的证据之一。

【Abstract】 With the successful application of historical comparative method in historical comparative linguistics, momentous achievements have been made in the argumentation of language kinship. However, historical comparative method sometimes fails in Sino-Tibetan languages since most of the Sino-Tibetan languages have no or little morphology and some of them are even not phonogram. Through a comparative study on the word-formation of polysyllabic words in Chinese and Tibetan, this thesis aims to aid the research of Sino-Tibetan language kinship by probing into the following aspects:the common and individual characters of word-formation in Chinese and Tibetan; whether some kind of intimate relationship exists between Chinese and Tibetan in word-structure and word-formation; and whether Chinese and Tibetan have some deep commonality.Polysyllabic words in Chinese and Tibetan are the research object of this thesis. Their word-formation is re-classified according to the classification of word building and coinage. The discussion mainly focuses on word formation by compounding, derivation, word reduplication and phonetic-based word formation.To start with, this thesis describes and compares the coordinate, subordinate, verb-object, subject-predicate, predicate-complement and other forms of compound words in Chinese and Tibetan. Through the comparison, this thesis finds out the common as well as individual characters of the two languages and presents relevant explanations. It points out that in both of the two languages, syntactic structures are closely associated with compound words in that the latter originated from the concise or shortened forms of the former. That is the common character of Chinese and Tibetan.Secondly, the thesis carries out a comparative study on the derivation way of word formation in Chinese and Tibetan. After defining the affixes and would-be affixes, it divides affixes of the two languages into word-formation affixes, word-complement affixes and grammatical affixes according to their attributes and function. Thirdly, by a comparative study conducted on words formed by reduplicating in Chinese and Tibetan, this thesis tells the difference between word of geminate syllables and word of reiterative characters. Word of reiterative characters is the focus of the comparative study. After describing and comparing each of the reiterative forms that are basically the same in the two languages, the paper points out that reiterative locution is not only a syntactical device but also a word-formation means and that as a most important general character of Chinese and Tibetan, it distinguishes the two languages from other linguistic families. The corresponding reiterative forms and means in the two languages indicate possible affiliation in origination.Fourthly, the thesis chooses onomatopoeia words, alliterative words and loan words from phonetics perspective and compares the way they are formed. For onomatopoeia words in Chinese and Tibetan, the paper discusses their structure, word form, systematicness and the external factors. For alliterative word comparison, the derivation strategy of disyllable, trisyllable and quadrisyllable words in Tibetan is revealed and it is proved that some of the trisyllable words derive directly from root instead of all coming from quadrisyllable words. According to the strategy comparison, alliterative words whose syllable consists of both initial consonant and compound vowel differ Chinese and Tibetan from other language families. Chinese and Tibetan have a lot in common in the way they bring in loan words and morphemication of loan words. This phenomenon probably has something to do with monosyllabism of the two languages.Finally, the thesis probes into the feasibility of comparative study on word-formation of Chinese and Tibetan. It points out that word-formation which is very stable can be separated from grammar structure and there are some common features between Chinese and Tibetan in word-formation of polysyllabic words, for example, monosyllabism, common compound word structure and syntactic structure. Besides, morphemes in both Chinese and Tibetan possess high independence and composability. The paper also compares the word-formation in Chinese and Tibetan with compounding, derivation, word reduplication and phonetic-based word formation in languages from other families so as to explore common features of polysyllabic words in Chinese and Tibetan from a wider perspective and provide some clues for the kin relationship of Sino-Tibetan family.The thesis breaks new grounds in that it describes systematically and in chapter the word-formation of polysyllabic words in Chinese and Tibetan, finds out and explains the similarities and difference in word-formation. Moreover, it further highlights the similarities by comparing their word-formation characters with these in other languages. To investigate whether word-formation can serve to prove kin relationship between languages, the paper studies the Sino-Tibetan affiliation from a new angle--word-formation perspective.The research is significant in several aspects. First, by means of describing and comparing the word-formation of polysyllabic words in Chinese and Tibetan, it explores the common and individual characters of the two languages in word-formation, thus providing original analysis materials for Sino-Tibetan affiliation. Second, it discusses whether word-formation can be used to judge language kin relationship as corresponding phonetics and paronym do.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

