

Initial Reconstruction of Ancient ’Qilu’ Dialect

【作者】 杜凤梅

【导师】 张洪明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 比较语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 山东省位于我国太行山以东,黄河下游,东经114。47′-122。43′,北纬34。23′-38。24′。山东也称齐鲁大地,“齐鲁”一词源于先秦齐、鲁两国,是齐、鲁两国的合称,原是国家概念,后成为山东的代称。山东方言的声母读音具有种类多,音值特殊的特点。因此,本文在对诸多方言田野调查后,结合方言志对荣成、牟平、即墨、莒县、利津、博山、新泰、平邑、郯城、金乡、东明十一处方言点进行了细致的比较研究。在构拟过程中也补充了诸城、五莲、日照、济南、威海、烟台、沂水的方言材料,从现代方言材料出发,运用历史比较法、内部拟测法,结合《广韵》,构拟出古齐鲁语的声母系统,同时在构拟的过程中对山东方言古声母历史演变和历史层次都进行了梳理。并把构拟出的声母系统同王力总结出的汉语历代声母系统进行比较。全文共分五章,第一章主要介绍山东省的地理位置、人口、历史沿革等,同时详细指出了山东方言共时和历时研究的成就与不足,阐明了本文的选题缘由。此外还着重介绍了本文的研究方法,明确了历史比较法和内部拟测法的定义、在构拟语言中的应用情况以及国内外专家学者们对它们的评价,肯定了这两种方法在汉语方言构拟中的可行性。第二章是对山东方言韵母、声调分化的总结。由于声母的构拟与韵母、声调息息相关,所以在构拟古齐鲁语声母系统之前,先列出了古果、假等十六摄以及入声字韵母在现代山东方言中的分化表,并总结出了分化的规律。第三章是声母构拟的研究。对见溪群疑、影喻晓匣、知彻澄庄初崇章昌船书禅、日、端透定泥来、帮滂并明、非敷奉微进行构拟。每组的构拟分为三步,第一步总结出古声母十一处方言的分化表,并分类汇总了所有的例外字。第二步精选出能代表每组古声母现代读音的例字,绘制成表。第三步在前两步的基础上进行分析,归纳出演变规则,并说明演变的机制;对没有互补条件的数据,从音理、平行演变、系统平衡等各方面进行论证,梳理清楚各种音值的关系,构拟出了古声母音值。同时对构拟出的结果根据历史文献、语言类型学等证据进行验证。其中群匣澄崇船禅定并浊声母根据现代山东方言的声调特点以及现代山东方言还残存平声读不送气音的语言事实构拟为浊不送气音。知庄章组根据洪细可构拟为两组音,但为了整齐,本文把二者合为一个音位。日母字和精组字构拟过程中采用儿化为论证依据,国内外文献均未见报道,构拟出的结果特殊,充分反映了古齐鲁语的古方言特色。影疑微三母、审非敷奉两组音、知见精三组音在现代山东方言中呈合流状态,本文通过深入的比较分析说明了现代同音值音不一定是同一来源。本章在论证过程中,同时对语言的演变过程、演变层次、例外字演变进行了细致的论述。第四章把构拟出的古齐鲁语声母系统同王力总结出的历代声母系统进行对比,发现了古齐鲁语声母诸多独具特色的音值,并剖析了存在此特色音值的原因。在比较的过程中,我们推断出并不是所有方言的构拟同古共同语是一致的,各方言都有自己独特的古音韵系统。同时本章尝试确定了古齐鲁语声母音值存在的大概年代。第五章对全文的内容进行了概括总结,指出了本文的创新之处,也探讨了论文中尚需研究的地方,为今后更深入的研究工作打下了基础。

【Abstract】 Shangdong Province is situated to the east of Mountain Taihang, along the lower reaches of the Yellow River, between 114°47’and 122°43’E,34°23’ and 38°24’N. Shangdong Province is also called’the land of Qilu’, which came from the name of the’Qi’state and the ’Lu’ state during the Pre-Qin era. Originally the terms referred to the names of the states, then they became the title of Shandong area. The initials in Shandong dialect display a great variety and contain many special values. Combining the results from field work and dialect annals, the dissertation compares the phonological systems of Rongcheng, Mouping, Jimo, Juxian, Lijin, Boshan, Xintai, Pingyi, Tancheng, Jinxiang, and Dongming. In the process of reconstruction, we add dialectal materials from Zhucheng, Wulian, Rizhao, Jinan, Weihai, Yantai, and Yishui. Based on modern dialect materials, the dissertation reconstructs the proto initial system of the ancient’Qilu’dialect with the Comparative Method and the Internal Reconstruction. Relying on the system of Guangyun, this dissertation also details the diachronic development of the ancient ’Qilu’dialect and identifies strata in the modern dialects. We compares the proto initial system of the ancient’Qilu’dialect with the ancient Chinese initial systems at different time periods summerized up by Wang Li.This dissertation consists of five chapters. The main ideas are summarized as follows:Chapter 1 mainly introduces the geographic location, population, historical changes and administrative division of Shandong Province. It provides an overview of previous researches on this topic, as well as an introduction of the method employed in this research,including the concepts, the applications to different languages, and evaluations of the Comparative Method and the Internal Reconstruction.Chapter 2 sums up the changes and diversifications of the finals and tones from ancient Shandong dialect to its modern off-springs. Because initials closely interact with finals and tones, the dissertation up tables to illustrate the changes of finals and tones in different Shandong sub-dialects before we reconstruct the proto initial system.Chapter 3 is devoted to the proto initial reconstruction of the ancient’Qilu’ dialect. We reconstruct ancient initials including Jian, Xi, Qun, Yi, Ying, Yu, Xiao, Xia, Zhi, Che, Cheng, Zhuang, Chu, Chong, Zhang, Chuan, Shu, Chan, Ri, Duan, Tou, Ding, Ni, Lai, Dang, Pang, Bing, Ming, Fei, Fu, Feng, and Wei. Each initial group is reconstructed in three steps. The first step is to sum up the changes from the common ancient form to the current forms in eleven Shandong sub-dialects and list all exceptions. The second step is to draw a table that includes representative examples of each initial. Based on results of the first two steps, the third step is to formulate rules of change and explain mechanism of change. To deal with the data for which we cannot find complementary distribution, we analyze the issues from the perspective of articulation, parallel development and system balance. After that the reconstructed results are checked using information from historical documents and language typology. Ancient voiced initials Oun, Xia, Cheng, Chong, Chuan, Chan, Ding, Bing are reconstructed as unaspirated voiced initials, according to the fact that in modern Shandong sub-dialects these initials co-occur with special tones and they are pronounced as unaspirated in the even tone category. Ancient initials Zhi, Zhuang, Zhang can be reconstructed with two values, but for the sake of regularity, we speculate that these two sets are allophones of the same phoneme. The ’er-suffixation,’is used as an argument in the reconstruction of ancient initials Ri and Jing, yielding special results that reflect the characteristics of the ancient’Qilu’dialect. The ancient initials Ying,Yi,Wei, Shen,Feng,Fu and Zhi,Jing,Jian have merged now, which shows one modern form may have more than one source proto-forms. Chapter 3 also discusses historical development and the strata that reflect different historical stages along with reconstruction.Chapter 4 compares the proto initial system of the ancient’Qilu’dialect with the ancient Chinese initial systems at different time periods summarized up by Wang Li. We offer the explanations for the formation of the special sounds in the ancient ’Qilu’dialect. According to the comparative results, we conclude that each dialect has its own ancient phonological system from which it developed into the current shape. Meanwhile we try to specify the time of the proto initial system of the ancient ’Qilu’dialect.Chapter 5 summarizes the ideas of the dissertation, highlights some original contributions and points out issues to be further studied in future researches.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

