

Research on Construction of Competitive Intelligence System Based on Information Ecology

【作者】 吴礼龙

【导师】 刘玉照;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 图书馆学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 企业在构建竞争情报系统(CIS)的过程中,如果只重视技术问题,而忽略了应用信息的人的行为习惯和心理感受,以及创新的特性,那么这样的竞争情报系统不可能产生满足用户需求的情报产品,甚至被企业所抛弃。所以企业在竞争情报系统的构建中,应注重人的作用。本研究正是在此背景下,引入了信息生态以人为本的信息管理思想来指导与支持竞争情报系统的构建。本文在分析企业竞争情报系统面临信息生态失衡的基础上,以信息生态的理论内容为基础,提出了CIS2.0范式;接着提出了以人的参与为动力的CIS2.0结构模型;最后在此结构模型的基础上提出并构建了三层CIS2.0系统框架。本研究采用文献调查、归纳与演绎、问卷调查等方法对基于信息生态的企业竞争情报系统的结构模型与系统框架进行了构建研究,全文共分七章,各章主要内容如下:第一章,绪论。在阐述论文的研究背景、研究目的和意义之后,说明了论文的研究思路、框架与研究内容,最后指出了论文的研究方法以及创新点。第二章,相关理论回顾。分别从竞争情报系统相关理论、信息生态的相关理论以及竞争情报系统与信息生态相交叉的相关理论等三个方面,进行了相关理论研究的回顾与评述,在总结现有理论的基础上,为本研究奠定了理论基础。第三章,分析当前企业竞争情报系统运行中存在信息生态失衡问题的原因。通过问卷调查,分析当前企业竞争情报系统运行中存在面临信息生态失衡的问题,主要原因是由于企业的内因:人、信息和信息环境等三个方面因素对信息流动的不合理作用和影响,核心内因是人的因素的作用。第四章,分析以人为本的信息管理思想,提出CIS2.0范式。本研究认为解决竞争情报系统面临信息生态失衡的根本之道就是要实现以人为本的信息管理思想。本研究在分析了信息生态以人为本的信息管理思想后,探索性地提出了CIS2.0范式。相对于以技术为中心的CIS1.0而言,两者在构建的原则、指导思想、具体的设计目标以及与环境的关系上都有很大的不同,本研究对此做了比较。本研究认为,在信息生态下,CIS2.0应构建成为社会技术混合系统,同时指出CIS2.0的构建具备四个方面的特征。第五章,基于信息生态的CIS2.0结构模型的构建。信息生态理论认为:个系统只有具备自动调节能力,才能适应环境而生存发展,这种能力来源于人的参与。信息生态强调对人的特性及其信息行为的描述与观察,通过组织学习与信息共享行为,实现人与人的互动,人与环境的互动,从而实现了信息的充分挖掘以及顺畅流动,提高了信息的利用率与价值的创造,这样的CIS2.0才能适应企业的需要。本研究在探讨了CIS2.0结构模型的构成要素后,构建了一个在人的信息行为作用下,强调动态、开放、创新的新型CIS2.0结构模型。第六章,基于信息生态的CIS2.0系统框架的构建。当前,企业信息管理系统框架的设计多是以生产或业务流程为基础,以信息技术为实现条件的,没有过多考虑人参与的因素。基于信息生态的CIS2.0系统框架是以上述新型的CIS2.0结构模型为基础,充分发挥CIS2.0构建中以人为本的指导思想,构建CIS2.0的三层系统框架。表层是由信息人组成的子系统,中层是在人的作用下的信息储存与流动的管理子系统,底层是信息环境组成的支持、保障与促进子系统,并分别实现了三个子系统的构建。第七章,结论与展望。本章总结了本研究的主要结论与贡献,以及本研究的局限性,并对未来的研究提出了方向与建议。本文的创新之处在于:第一,把信息生态引入竞争情报系统构建领域,提出CIS2.0。本研究从当前竞争情报系统运行中的问题入手,提出了以人为本的信息管理思想的必要性。而信息生态是以人为本的一种新的信息管理范式,本研究对信息生态的相关理论在竞争情报系统构建中的作用进行了探讨,探索性地提出了CIS2.0范式。相对于以技术为中心的CIS1.0,两者在构建的原则、指导思想、具体的设计目标以及与环境的关系上都有很大的不同。第二,构建基于信息生态的新型CIS2.0结构模型。本研究从信息生态的以人为本的信息管理思想出发,利用信息生态相关理论,在分析了CIS2.0的构成要素与动力关系之后,构建了以人为中心的,具有开放、动态、创新等特征的CIS2.0结构模型。第三,设计并构建基于信息生态的CIS2.0系统框架在信息生态以人为本信息管理思想的指导下,在新的CIS2.0结构模型的基础上,设计并构建了CIS2.0的系统框架,这种系统框架包括三个层次的内容:前端是信息人层,中层是信息内容层;最后是信息环境保障支持层,实现支持与保障人与信息的互动,这三个层次的框架分别以三个子系统的形式来实现信息在CIS2.0内的充分获取、顺畅流动,从而提高CIS2.0的运作效率。总之,本文从信息生态的角度来审视竞争情报系统的构建问题,探索性提出了CIS2.0构建的一些理论。希望本文所阐述的基本观点对该领域进一步的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用,同时也希望所提出的理论方法对我国推广竞争情报系统具有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 For enterprises competitive intelligence system (CIS) construction, it’s important to avoid paying too much attention to technology, while neglecting the subjective concerns on information acquisition and usage, and its characteristics of acceptation and innovation. Therefore, we need to emphasize on human functions in information circulation. In this dissertation, the author conducts the CIS construction study under the guiding principle of people-oriented information ecology. CIS2.0 is put forward on the basis of CIS problems analysis, then a CIS2.0 structure model is proposed based on the information ecology theory, a 3-level system framework is proposed at last.Document survey, deduction and induction, questionnaires are used in conducting the study. The subject is spreaded out by 7 parts.In chapter one, Introduction. Set forth the idea, structure and the content of the study, and points out the study methods and innovations after introducing the background, intention and the significance.In chapter two, relevant theories review. The review and comments are proposed from CIS, information ecology and the correlations between CIS and information ecology respectively, which form the theory foundation of the study.In chapter three, questionnaires survey on CIS operation. It’s reported that information ecology unbalance is resulted by the internal organization mechanism, which can be summarized as 3 factors, namely, people, information and the influence of environment on people and information, while the most important factor is people.In chapter four, it’s necessary to carry out people-oriented information management in order to solve information ecology unbalance of CIS. After analyzing Information ecology theory, this dissertation proposes CIS2.0 paradigm. The people-oriented CIS2.0 is differentiated from the technology-centered CIS 1.0 on the aspects of construction principle, guidance, concrete design object and the relationship with the environment. After the comparison, it’s concluded that CIS2.0 should be constructed to be a hybrid social-technical system.In chapter five, construction of CIS2.0 structure model is based on information ecology. According to the information ecology theory, one system should have the self-organization function, and thus adapts to the outside environment automatically in order to survive and develop. To get the self-organization function, people participation is needed. Information ecology stresses the description and observation on people characteristics and their information behaviors. Through organization learning and information sharing, interactions among people, interactions between people and the environment can be realized, information can be fully mined and freely circulated, and the utilization efficiency and value of information will also be increased. Such CIS2.0 can meet enterprise. The proposal constructs a dynamic, open-ended, valuable, innovative CIS2.0 structure model.In chapter six, construction of the CIS2.0 system framework is based on information ecology. The CIS2.0 system framework here is founded on the innovative CIS2.0 structure model, which gives full play to people-oriented guidance. Such a CIS2.0 system framework is composed of 3 levels, namely, the surface-level subsystem of the information practitioner, the middle-level subsystem of information storing and information flow management under people-controlling, and the bottom-level subsystem of information environment support, guarantee and promotion. Constructions of the 3 subsystems are realized.In chapter seven, conclusions and forecasting. Conclusions and contributions are summed up finally. It also discusses the limitation of the research, as well as several directions on future research in the field.Innovations of the study are included but not limited to the following.Firstly, introduces the information ecology into CIS construction, proposes the CIS2.0 paradigm and formulizes the CIS2.0. This research proposes a people-oriented information ecology management guidance, studies on the functions of the relevant information ecology theories and their applications in CIS construction, puts forward the CIS2.0 paradigm explanatorily, which is all of importance for the combined study on information ecology and CIS construction from both practice and theory aspects.Secondly, innovative CIS2.0 structure model based on information ecology is constructed. In this dissertation, CIS2.0 structure model is set about from the people-centered information management guidance, with the foundation of organizational information ecological factors and the relevant information ecology theories, analyzes the motive power of the CIS2.0, constructs a people-centered CIS2.0 structure model with the characteristics as open-ended, dynamic, innovative, and so on.Thirdly, a CIS2.0 system framework is designed and constructed based on information ecology. The innovative CIS2.0 system framework is guided by information ecology’s people-oriented principle, reflects the new CIS2.0 structure model, which included 3 levels as information practitioners, information content, and information environment, which guarantes the information acquisition and circulation inside CIS2.0, thus improves the CIS2.0 running efficiency.All in all, the study is conducted from the information ecology, CIS2.0 construction problems are resurveyed from the new perspective and some new CIS2.0 construction views are explored. Hope that my crude remarks may induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions, or can guide the CIS2.0 extension.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

