

1930-1937: The Nationalism Discourse Structure in Modern Chinese Literature

【作者】 房芳

【导师】 李新宇;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在中国近代史的发展过程中,民族主义是一种复杂而影响深远的社会思潮。在晚清以来内忧外患云集的背景下,它既是各大政党基于政治意图在意识形态领域进行话语建构的结果,也凝结着普通民众以爱国守土为主要内容的自发性情感认同。这种复杂性在1930-1937年间新文学的发展轨迹中得到了突出的体现。抗战全面爆发前各派作家在民族救亡旗帜下的联合,便既有作家们基于民族大义自觉捐弃前嫌的结果,也是不同党派及政治集团现实博弈的产物。尽管同样以反帝救亡的民族主义口号为号召,隶属于不伺思想和文学派别的作家的观点主张却往往存在着极大的差异。1930年兴起的民族主义文艺运动虽然提出了反对帝国主义侵略和要求民族复兴的主张,但它一方面以超阶级的民族意识反对普罗文学的阶级思维,同时以强化民众民族责任感的方式来加强了国家对民众的控制。从性质上看,这一文学派别服务于国民党南京政府建立新型现代民族国家的要求,是国民党政府文化统制的重要组成部分。和民族文艺派始终以民族主义口号为标榜的情形不同,30年代中国共产党领导下的左翼文学经历了一个由阶级意识向民族意识转轨的过程。在从反帝拥苏到“国防文学”最终确立的过程中,除了时局环境的作用外,政治因素的影响同样十分重要。1935年共产国际“七大”后,基于新形势下的战略调整,党提出建立抗日民族统一战线的方针,进行了由阶级斗争向民族救亡的策略转变,但这一过渡并不是一帆风顺的,发生在左翼文坛内部的“两个口号”论争,便向读者昭示了这种话语转型过程的艰难。此外,作为30年代新文学的重要组成部分,身处国共两党政治斗争之外的泛自由派作家在这一时期同样面临着国难危机的考验。尽管在思想和文学主张上存在着较大的差别,但民族情感和爱国精神却是渗透在这一时期作家创作中的共同特征。由于较少受到外部因素的干扰,泛自由派作家在选择自己的文学和人生道路时带有更多的自觉性,抗战前夕中国现代作家的思想转折及文学的嬗变过程,在他们的人生和创作过程中均得到了较为清晰的展现。

【Abstract】 In the development process of the modern Chinese history, the nationalism was a complex and far-reaching social thought. Since it was born in the in the context of the late Qing Dynasty,which was a era that gathered different internal and external problems, the nationalism was not only the results of the discourse construction in the ideological field by major political parties for the purpose of their political intentions, but also reflected the spontaneous emotional identification which revolve around of the common people’s patriotism and their aspiration of defend homeland. This complexity was shown obviously in the literature development course from 1930 to 1937. On the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, the united process of different literary genre in the national salvation banner, was the result of the writers discarded the hatchet for national interest, at the same time, was also the game products among the different parties and political interest groups.Although the writers belong to different thought and literature factions presented the similar anti-imperialist nationalist slogans, their ideas often exist great differences. Despite the Nationalism Literary in 1930s demanded the idea of fighting against imperialist aggression and national revival, on the one hand, it was against the left-wing literature’s class position, At the same time, it strengthened the state’s control over the people by the manner of reinforcing the public’s national responsibility. In nature, the literature faction served the Nanjing Government’s requirements of establishing a new modern nation-state, and was an important part of culture control of the Nationalist Party.Different from the Nationalism Literary, the left-wing literature which was under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party experienced a transition process from the class consciousness to the national consciousness. During the process from anti-imperialist and safeguarding the Soviet Union to the foundation of the "defense of literature", besides the effect of the current situation, the political factors’effect was equally important. In 1935, after the Seventh Congress of the Communist International, based on the strategic adjustment of the new situation, the Party proposed the principle of establishment the anti-Japanese national united, finished the change from the class struggle to national salvation. However, This transition was not smooth, the "two Slogans" controversy occurred in the left-wing literary circles shown the difficultity of this discourse transformation.In addition, as an important part of the new literature in 1930’s, the liberal writers who standed outside the political struggle between the Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party also faced test of the national crisis in the time. Although their thoughts literature ideas existed lots of difference, the national sentiment and patriotic spirit was common characteristics in their works. As external political factors seldom affect their writing, the liberal writers could have more freedom to choose their own roads of writing and the life. The transition of the modern Chinese writers’thought and literature was demonstrated more clearly in their life and literatuer career.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

