

A Study of Cishe of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 万柳

【导师】 孙克强;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 社团是重要的文化现象,词社是文学社团的一种,是词人以唱和为主要创作形态的规范化的写词组织。词社萌芽于北宋,成型于南宋末期。元明词社罕闻。清代是词学的复兴期和高峰期,也是词社的成熟期和繁荣期,古代词社十之八九都集中在清代。清代词社不仅数量大,分布广,而且有前所未有的自觉结社意识,社集内容也不限于填词,更包括互相评词、共选词集等。因此清代的词社是词社历史上数量最庞大,分布最集中,形态最稳定,最具代表性,对词学发展影响最大,因此也是最有价值的研究对象。论文分为绪论、清代词社概论、清初的词社、清代中期的词社、清代后期的词社、清末民初的词社、余论七个部分。绪论部分介绍了清词中兴与清代词社兴盛的关系,对以往研究成果做出总结和评价,分析了词社研究对于清代词史、词学史、词人研究和词派研究的意义,并介绍了清代词社研究的基本文献和方法。本文研究以大量翔实的考证为基础。考证内容包括词社活动的时间、地点、发起人、成员、名称由来和每次社集的时间、地点、发起者和参加者、主题、所用词牌、词韵、所模仿的词风、最终写成的词作。在考证的基础上,研究的重点是词社的社作和词学理论,根据各个词社的不同情况做出有针对性的判断。在单个词社的横向微观研究的基础上,兼及清代词社的特征流变。概论部分首先简述了词社的起源、定义和历史,特别介绍了诗社对词社的影响。其次从清代词社与诗社的区别和清代词社与前代词社的区别总结了清代词社的特征。最后总结了清代词社的分期、特征流变和类型。论文主体部分对清代词社进行了分期研究:清初的词社(明清之际—康熙前期)除了水绘园唱和之外,规模一般较小,以小令创作为主,多以云间风格寓家国之思,充分反映了当时的词学宗尚。水绘园唱和则以慢词为主,风格豪放。清代中期(康熙后期—乾嘉之际)的词社数量不多,可以分为浙西派词社和浙西派外词社两大类。以韩江吟社和燕市联吟为代表的浙西派词社,词社创作基本上遵照浙西家法,是浙西派创作的重要组成部分。同时也有不为浙西所囿的词社:小山词社南北宋兼修;荆圃唱和风格多样,写出了西北风情。清代后期(嘉道咸同年间)的词社一部分由浙入常,多取两派之长;一部分则探索新的出路。前者以蓉影唱和、吴中消寒会、越台词社、午桥词社为代表;后者以寻求“意趣”和“清空”的聚红榭词社和复北宋之风的探骊吟社为代表。同时也有一些小词社继续浙西风格。清末民初(光绪年间—民国初年)的词社集前代创作及理论之大成,别开生面。其中吴社和城南拜石唱和重举姜张的旗帜;湘社和鸥隐词社不拘一格,转益多师;咫村词社则跨常迈浙,标举梦窗,开创并确立了晚清的新词风。余论对清代词社的意义做出总结。清代词社对词学发展起着非常重要的作用,主要体现在五个方面:引导词人创作,影响词人观念;反映词坛现状,影响词学走向;催生词学流派,促进词学繁荣;培养乡土词人,推动地域词学;增进词人友谊,抒发群体怀抱。清代词社是清词中兴的重要标志之一,是清代词体观念根本改变的体现,是清代词创作和词学理论集前代之大成的表现。

【Abstract】 Associations are important culture phenomenons.CiShe was one kind of the literature associations,which was a kind of constitution of writting Ci which was disciplinary.The main written style was ChangHe. CiShe sprouted in BeiSong Dynasty,grew up in the end of NanSong Dynasty.There were little CiShe in Yuan and Ming Dynasty.Qing Dynasty was the period of revival and prosperity of CiXue,and the perion of maturation and prosperity of CiShe.Most CiShe was hold in Qing Dynasty.There were many CiShe in Qing Dynasty,and they were hold all over China.There were very affirmative intentions to hold CiShe.Besides writting,they also criticized each other,and collected the good works to print. So CiShe of Qing Dynasty had the maximal number,the most concentrative distribution,the most stable style.They were most typical,and had huge affect.So they were very worth studying.There are 7 parts of the paper:the foreword,a survey of the the CiShe of Qing Dynasty,the early days of Qing Dynasty,the CiShe of the metaphase of Qing Dynasty,the CiShe of the evening of Qing Dynasty,the CiShe of the later periods of Qing Dynasty and beginning of MinGuo,and the refletions.The foreword has introduced the relation of the prosperous of Ci of Qing Dynasty and the prosperous of CiShe of Qing Dynasty,summarized and appraised the previous research productions,analysed the significance of the research of CiShe for the history of Ci and CiXue of Qing Dynasty, the research of the writters and the schools,and introduced the basic documents and methods.The paper is based on abundance,full and accurate textual researchs,which including the time,place,holder,members,name and why to chose it of one CiShe,and the time,place,holder,members,titles,CiPai,rhythm,style to imitate,and the works of each meetings.The emphases of study is the works and theories.The paper made judge with pertinency,basing on the different conditions of each CiShe.After the microcosmic researchs,the paper also gives considerations to the changes of characters of the CiShe of Qing Dynasty. The part of the survey at first has resumed the origin,definition and history of CiShe,especially the influence of ShiShe.Secondly,the paper summarized the features of CiShe of Qing Dynasty,from the differences of CiShe and ShiShe and the differences of CiShe of Qing Dynasty and CiShe of previous generations.Thirdly,the paper has summarized the periodizations,changes of features,and types of CiShe of Qing Dynasty.The main body of the paper has made a periodization reseach of CiShe of Qing Dynasty:The CiShe of the early days of Qing Dynasty(from the intersection of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty to the earlier stage of KangXi) were small,and their works were mainly XiaoLing.There were home and country thinks in the works,with a style of YunJian.They reflected the characters of the CiXue in the period.But ShuiHuiYuan ChangHe was a exception.The works of it had an unconstrained style.and most of them were ManCi.There were not many CiShe in the metaphase of Qing Dynasty(from the evening of KangXi to the intersection of QianLong and JiaQing),and there were two types of them:CiShe of ZheXi school and not.The representations of CiShe of ZheXi school were HanJiang YinShe and YanShi LianYin,the works of that were had a style of ZheXi school and were a important part of the writtings of ZheXi school.At the same time there were some different ones:XiaoShan CiShe contained the ideas of BeiSong and NanSong Dynasty;and JingPu ChangHe had different styles,representing the flirtatious of northwest China. Some of the CiShe of the evening of Qing Dynasty(the periods of JiaQing,DaoGuang,XianFeng,and TongZhi) had both the charactors of ZheXi school and ChangZhou school,and some tried to write in new ways.The representations of the former were RongYing ChangHe,WuZhong XiaoHanhui,YueTai CiShe,and WuQiao CiShe;The representations of the latter were JuHongxie CiShe which had gone in for ’interest’ and ’clear’ and TanLi YinShe which had revived the style of BeiSong Dynasty.And there were some small ones which had continued the style of ZheXi school.The CiShe of the later periods of Qing Dynasty and beginning of MinGuo(the periods of GuangXu and XuanTong) were agglomerations of produce and theories of former,and had broken a new path.WuShe and BaiShi ChangHe claimed to study JiangKui and ZhangYan over again;XiangShe and OuYin CiShe hadn’t to stick to one pattern;ZhiCun CiShe had exceeded ZheXi school and ChangZhou school,and had sparkplugged the style of WuWenying,which had started and established a new style of Ci in the later periods of Qing Dynasty.The part of the refletions has summarized the value of CiShe of Qing Dynasty:CiShe had very huge influences to the development of CiXue of Qing Dynasty,which had five aspects:they had guided the writers to write and changed their viewoints;they had reflected the condition and influented the tendency of CiXue;they had hastened the schools and accelrated the thriving;they had cultured the local writers and advanced the local CiXue;and they had enhanced the friendship of the writters and expressed the feelings of the groups.They were important signs of the revive of Ci;they were fundamental reflects of the change of the mind of Ci;and they were reflects of the comprehensive expression of Ci and theory of Ci of Qing Dynasty.

【关键词】 清代词社词学
【Key words】 Qing DynastyCisheCiXue
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

