

Research on Relationship Among Need, Socitey Supports, Mental Healthy for the Urban Lower-Age Senior Citizen in the City

【作者】 吴捷

【导师】 乐国安;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国已经进入老龄化社会,老龄化问题给国家的社会经济发展带来了巨大压力,影响了经济发展速度,妨碍了人民生活水平的提高,引起党和国家的高度关注。勿庸置疑,低龄老年人在老年群体当中占有相当大的比重。随着日益增长物质与文化精神生活的深入发展,他们需求更呈现出多样化的趋势。如何满足他们的需要,积极地创造条件,实现老有所养、老有所教、老有所学,老有所为和老有所乐,让他们身心健康为进入高龄期和长寿期是一项重要的研究内容。同时也可为国家制定老龄事业发展规划以及解决老龄问题有关决策如发展老年相关产业方面、为老服务体系、老年人力资源利用等提供一定的参考依据,因此本研究具有较强的理论意义和现实意义。本研究以城市低龄老年人的需要为接入点,通过对城市低龄老人进行一系列的访谈和问卷调查,确立了城市低龄老人的需要结构和社会支持结构,编制了城市低龄老年人需要问卷和城市低龄老年人社会支持问卷。运用所编制的问卷对城市低龄老年人的现状进行了研究,并对城市低龄老年人的需要满足状况、社会支持和心理健康之间的关系进行了研究。在对城市低龄老年人需要问卷和社会支持问卷的编制过程中,确立了城市低龄老人需要的7维结构和社会支持的4维结构,具体来看,需要的维度包括人际需要、经济需要、亲情需要、认知需要、尊重需要、价值需要和保健需要;社会支持的维度包括照料支持、关爱支持、扩展支持和指导支持。经过项目检验、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和信度检验,发现所形成的问卷的结构良好,各项指标均符合测量学要求。在对城市低龄老年人基本状况的研究部分,通过对城市低龄老年人的11项生活背景信息、生活满意度、需要、社会支持的研究,对城市低龄老人的生活概况进行了量化的描述,对生活满意度、需要、和社会支持内部的各个方面进行了排序。为有针对性、有重点的满足城市低龄老人的需要提出了建议。在需要满足状况、社会支持和心理健康的关系的研究部分,结合文献研究和探索性研究中提出的社会支持和心理健康之间具有主效应关系的结果,对需要的满足状况在社会支持和心理健康之间是中介效应、调节效应还是相关关系的问题进行了探索,通过模型比较发现在需要满足状况、社会支持和心理健康之间三个变量为相关关系,需要的满足状况和社会支持共同影响心理健康。对需要满足状况的各维度同社会支持和心理健康之间的关系分析结果显示:人际需要满足状况和亲情需要满足状况分别对关爱支持和心理健康起到了部分中介效应;人际需要满足状况、亲情需要满足状况、认知需要满足状况和价值需要满足状况分别对指导支持和心理健康起到了部分中介效应。从理论角度来看,需要满足状况、社会支持和心理健康关系的研究结果,一是通过对老年人多元化需要内容的探索,丰富了老年心理学理论,为各级各类为老服务与管理机构提供了参考;二是通过对老年人需求的社会心理机制研究,为老年人心理健康服务发展了开辟一条新途径。从实践角度来看,本研究为更深入了解城市低龄老年人群体的需要和社会支持提供了测量工具,成为洞察老年人心理健康的窗口,为健全城市低龄老年人的社会支持网络提供了依据。

【Abstract】 China has ushered in an aging society. Aging problems have brought great pressure on the social economic development. It is no doubt that the low age senior citizen has taken up great proportion in the senior citizen as a whole. With the development of material and cultural life, the needs of the senior citizen are versitile.How to meet their needs, create actively conditions and let them live a long life is a very important research issue. This study could be helpful for the policy-maker. The present has great theoritical and pratical meanings.From the perspective of low age senior citizen in the city, the present study conducted a series of interviews and questionnaires, making it clear that what the need structure and social support structure of the low age senior citizen in the city were. The author also compiled the Urban Low Age Senior Citizen Need Questionnaire and the Urban Low Age Senior Citizen Social Support Questionnaire. The questionnaires were used to investigate the current situation of the Urban Low Age Senior Citizen. The relationship between the senior sitizen’s needs social support and mental health were also investigated.The present study found that there were 7 dimensions for the senior citizen need structure and four dimensions for the social support structure. Namely, the need structure included interpersonal social intercourse need, economy need, love needs, cognitive need, value need and health need. Social support dimensions included care support, love support,extension support and direction support etc. By the item analyses, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability test, the two questionnaires have a good structure. It is proved that all indicators of the two questionnaires were up to the standard of the psychological testing requirements.The present study described the senior citizen life quantitatively in terms of 11 personal information, life well-being, need, social support. The following items are ranked:life well-being, need, and all aspects of social support. Some suggestions are made in terms of meeting the needs of the senior citizens in the city. In the research of the relationship among the different dimensions of need, social support and mental health, the present study investigated that what kind relationship existed among the needs satisfaction situation, the social support and mental health. The result showed that the three variables were co-related. Both the needs satisfaction situation and the social support can influence the mental health.The results further showed that interpersonal need satisfaction played partial intermediting role; interpersonal needs satisfaction, affection satisfaction and cognitive need satisfaction and value need satisfaction were intermediating partly the direction support and mental health. From the perspective of theory,the research of the relationship among the needs satisfaction situation, the social support and mental health was the pioneer study on the needs of senior citizen in China, enriched the theories of senior citizen’s mental health and clinical intervention. From the perspective of practice, the present provided a measuring tool to understand the senior citizen needs, put forward useful suggestions. The present study is also a window on to see senior people’s mental health, and pave the way for seting up the social support network for the low age senior citizen in the city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

