

The Study on Zhili Local Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 方广岭

【导师】 林延清;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 直隶在清代曾经属于政治文化发达地区,因此这一区域地方志编修活动也十分繁荣,并且产生了许多的优秀作品,数量位居全国前列,代表着清代地方志编修的最高水平之一。以往学术界对于清代直隶方志的研究,只是从个别角度和浅层次进行探讨,缺乏从多角度、深层次进行综合性研究。主要表现在这些论文和论著是将直隶历代编修志书状况作为考察的对象,清代方志只是作为其中附属的一部分内容,对于清代直隶方志的史料价值,以及编修的创新之处等重要方面,则缺乏深入研究。同时近年来对于清代直隶方志文献的整理,虽然取得一定成果,但是仍然存在许多问题。如各种论著中所收录清代直隶方志的数量难言详尽,甚至有些论著中仅仅反映其中的一小部分,因此不具广泛的代表性。再加上对有关方志的编修者姓名、卷数、刊印时间、版本存佚等内容的反映,也都不同程度存在着问题。本文从整体上介绍清代直隶地区行政管辖区域的沿革,清代直隶方志的编修源流及其演变,编纂组织与经费保障,体例、理论与类型,志书的主要内容,续修和增修等状况。探讨清代直隶方志兴盛的原因,以及对后世方志编修产生的影响。本文的创新之处,在于填补以往学术界对于清代直隶方志综合研究的空白,创新点主要集中表现在:运用大量的清代地方志资料,并且结合明清时期部分正史、文集、笔记等的相关内容,进行深入的分析。认为清代直隶方志的史料价值,主要体现为“详正史之略,补正史之缺,纠正史之误。”并围绕这一观点,进行认真的探讨。清代是中国方志编修及方志学发展过程中的重要发展阶段,直隶方志自身也体现出这方面的特色。晚清社会的现实环境,促使很多直隶方志编修者更加注重发挥其本身具备的教化功能,注意结合社会现实。伴随着社会的逐步转型,西方进化论观念不断深入人心,注重经济,发展实业,也作为一条救国救民重要而有效的途径逐步受到重视。因此方志编修者的理念,开始向“变法维新”、“振兴实业”的思想方向转变,目的就在于唤起全社会的忧患意识,改革积弊,救亡图存。这些观点已经超越了旧志编纂仅仅侧重于资政辅治、训化臣民和供史籍取材等要旨的藩篱,是方志基本功能的一次升华。晚清直隶方志在体例和内容上,较之以往开始展示出创新和发展的迹象。体现在志书的编修上,补充了不少新的内容,设置了许多新的门类。如经济上有关铁路运输、邮政、电报、采矿等内容。政治上第二次鸦片战争中清政府与西方列强签定不平等条约的过程及主要内容,西方列强在天津强行设立“租界”的情况,以及十九世纪末,二十世纪初清政府施行“新政”,其中涉及“警政’等内容。教育上清末各类新式学堂的设立等内容,都开始见诸于直隶方志。而涵盖这些新内容的“经政”、“铁路”、“矿山”等,逐步成为方志编修中设立的新门目。这些内容和体例在旧志编修中都是不曾出现过的。本文对此也都给与充分的重视,进行深入的分析。目前学术界有关清代直隶方志整理的著述较多,每种著述收录清代直隶方志的数量多寡、内容详略程度各不相同。其中以中国科学院北京天文台主编,中华书局1985年1月出版的《中国地方志联合目录》;河北大学地方志研究室编著,河北人民出版社1989年5月出版的《河北历代地方志总目》;以及由金恩辉、胡述兆主编,台北汉美图书有限公司1995年12月出版的《中国地方志总目提要》为主要代表,具有一定的权威性。据《河北历代地方志总目》统计,清代直隶地区现存志书达477种,另外还有佚书48种。《中国地方志联合目录》统计直隶地区现存的各类清代方志为430种,《中国地方志总目提要》统计直隶地区现存的各类清代方志为440种。这些重要书目文献关于清代直隶方志的数量、卷数、编修者、编修刊刻时间以及版本,都存在许多缺漏和错误之处。笔者在继承学术界既有成果的基础上,经过认真的梳理,并参考其它有关文献的记载,对现存清代直隶方志种类、纂修者、卷数、版本、存佚情况,做一次比较全面的整理和考证。经过本人的考辨,并结合有关文献的记载,大体确定现存清代直隶各类地方志文献应为519种,另外还有佚书72种,高于学术界以往有关文献中的记载。综上所述,正确认识清代直隶方志的历史地位具有重要的意义。清代直隶方志既是中国古代方志编修活动发展到鼎盛阶段的产物,为研究中国古代方志的编修,提供了很多有价值的佐证;又是中国近代方志编修活动开端的重要标志之一,包括直隶方志在内的晚清方志编纂出现的变化,为中国方志学的进一步发展提供了铺垫和桥梁。而民国时期方志编纂的发展和成就,正是在这一基础上取得的。

【Abstract】 Zhili in the Qing Dynasty used to be a culturally prosperous region where the chorography thrived with many excellent works produced. Zhili local chronicles outnumbered many other regions, representing the highest level of chorography. Previous scholarship on Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty stopped at the superficial level without making an in-depth or comprehensive study. Most of the research papers and books attempted to give a general and chronological picture of Zhili chorography in which the local Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty is only a part, but failed to make an in-depth study of the specific historical value and innovation of Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, there are still a lot of room for improvement in terms of the documentary compilation of Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty. The limitation is manifested by the fact that Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty entering the relevant books are inexhaustible and unrepresentative.This dissertation attempts to explore the overall administrative divisions of Zhili in the Qing Dynasty, the origin and transformation of Zhili Chronicles, the organization for compilation and the funding support. It also studies the genre of the local Chronicles, its theory, types, main content as well as the general picture upgrading. As well as the causes for its prosperity and its far-reaching impact on the later generations. The innovation of the dissertation lies in the fact that it fills in the blanks of the comprehensive study of Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty. The innovation can be summed up as:A large amount of reference documents about local Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty are employed for the comprehensive study on Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty, including their organization, financial support, genre setting, upgrading, content, causes for prosperity and the consequences they bring about. The focus is the in-depth analysis in combination of the official history of the Ming and Qing dynasty, and of some collected works and notes. Zhili Chronicles of this period is thus characterized by the combination of its didactic function and education about social reality. Therefore, with the gradual transformation of the society, the Western concept of evolution began to take roots in people’s consciousness. The development of economy and industry is also considered an effective way to save the nation. The concept of the Chronicles compilers began to shift to "reform" and "develop industry," with the aim of awakening the whole society to the country’s survival, redressing the long-established social evils and recuing the country. These important viewpoints have far transcended the shackles of the past local Chronicles which overemphasized the political assistance, subjects exhortation and material offering, thus marking the important distillation of the basic function of local Chronicles.Chronicles showed signs of innovation and development in terms of style and content.To be more specific, new contents and categories were added. Economically, the newly set up contents included railway transportation postal, telegraph, mining and so on. Second Opium War, how the western powers imposed "leased territories" on Tianjin, and the "New Deal"(including police policy) implemented by the Qing Government from the late nineteenth century to early twentieth century. As far as education is concerned, the establishment of all new kinds of schools found its place in Zhili Chronicles. To these content and style absent in the old Chronicles complication, this dissertation will pay special attention.At present, there are many academic texts about Zhili Chronicles of the Qing dynasty, but they disagree on the number of Zhili Chronicles and they are also different in the density of information covered. The recognized authority books include "The Comprehensive Catalogue of Chinese Local Chronicles",edited by the Beijing Observatory and published by Chinese Academy in January of 1985,"The Catalogue of the Successive Local Chronicles of Hebei Province",edited by Annals Research Department of Hebei University,published by Hebei People’s Publishing House in May of 1989, and "Synopsis of Chinese Local Chronicles " with Jinen Hui and Hu Shuzhao as the chief editors, Chinese Taipei, the United States Book Co., published in December 1995. According to "The Catalogue of the Successive Local Chronicles of Hebei Province", the number of the extant Chronicles in Zhili of the Qing dynasty is up to 477, and that of the lost Chronicles is 48. The statistics by "The Comprehensive Catalogue of Chinese Local Chronicles "shows that there are 430 Zhili Chronicles in existence, and that born in "Synopsis of Chinese Local Chronicles "shows 440. These important documents are inadequate in terms of number, volumes, editor information and versions of Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty. Research by the candidate shows that the figure is bigger than that in the past documents, roughly 519 kinds of Zhili Chronicles documents, in addition to the lost 72 Chronicles.In summary, the realization of the historical status of Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty is of great significance. Zhili Chronicles of the Qing Dynasty marks is both the peak of chorography of ancient China, providing a valuable evidence for the study on Chronicles compilation of ancient China, and the beginning of chronicle compilation of modern China. The transformation of chorography of the late Qing dynasty, including Zhili chronicle, paves the way for the further development of chronicle study of China, which is evidenced by the great achievements of The Republic of China.

【关键词】 清代直隶方志史料价值创新
【Key words】 Qing DynastyZhili ChroniclesHistoricalValueInnovation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

