

Research on the Changes of China Rural Folk Mutual Aid Since Modern Times

【作者】 卞国凤

【导师】 王处辉;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 乡村互助是乡村社会生产生活中一直普遍存在的现象,在乡村社会生活中不仅发挥着较之国家乡村社会保障体系更大的作用,而且是国家乡村社会保障体系的一种不可缺少的补充,它构成乡村日常生活的重要内容。建立在乡土文化传统基础之上的“互助”恰恰是我们理解乡村社会的关键,是我们在新农村福利建设中有必要加以利用的内容。然而,目前学界对乡村社会民间互助给予的关注并不多,不仅国内的社会保障理论研究没有涉及传统文化所铸就的观念、思维方式和价值观因素,而且国家的社会保障制度设计也没有考虑传统文化因素的影响。这是我国福利制度研究中的一个重要问题和不足。一个国家的社会福利体系设置会受到文化传统尤其是福利文化传统的影响,国家社会福利体系应建立在民间福利传统的基础之上,或对民间福利传统有所承继。那么我们的民间福利传统又是怎样的呢?以往的研究要么在思想领域给予追述,要么以个案的形式把民间互助给予单纯的经验呈现,而缺少对民间互助传统系统性的解读。对于这一互助传统由古至今的变迁情况以及在我们的社会生活情境已经改变的情况下,互助传统有没有发生质的改变等问题更没有专门的探讨。而这两个问题恰恰为我们思考如何设计我们的社会福利体系,尤其是乡村的社会福利体系提供关键依据。本文正是从这个意义出发,对民间互助传统进行的一次系统性解读。本次研究在目前仅有的关于乡村社会民间互助片断性和分散性的研究基础上进行了一次系统性研究的尝试,把乡村社会民间互助放在“乡村文化传统”、“乡村社会变迁”、“乡村基层社会生活实践”等情境中给予综合性的考察。本文的重点在于探讨民间互助在近代以来乡村社会现代化进程中的转变问题,因此,本研究以近代以来的乡村社会变迁为线索,通过对不同时期乡村社会互助的范围、类型、表现形式、维系力量、功能、意义等内容所进行的系统性讨论,来探讨乡村社会互助在乡村社会现代化进程中究竟什么变了?为什么变?什么没变?为什么没变?以期在动态与静态相结合的变迁情境中发现民间互助体系的规律性认识。并在此基础上简要地与国家社会福利体系进行对比,以分析乡村社会中现代福利体系的建构过程中应如何实现国家福利制度与民间互助体系和理念的结合。其焦点是分析乡村社会民间互助所反映的传统要素在乡村社会现代化进程中的适应性。乡村社会民间互助传统由古至今,如果想要了解它在近代乡村社会变迁中有没有发生改变,需要我们了解它的原生态内容。于是作者对乡村社会民间互助传统进行了从思想理念到实践行动的溯源式追问。从中发现乡村社会民间互助的基本价值取向:一,基于父权主义、强调家庭作用的血缘互助是传统社会民间互助的基本形态。二,在互助情境中强调个体的伦理义务首要性是传统社会民间互助的道德要求。三,在报答的互惠格局中,交往礼俗成为乡村社会民间互助的主要实现途径。总之,传统文化中的“血缘伦理本位”、“差序格局”的价值观支配了民间互助。这无疑启发我们,只有形塑了传统民间互助理念及其行为的传统文化特质发生质性改变,民间互助传统才会发生真正的改变。在明确了乡村社会民间互助的基本价值取向的前提下,作者对乡村社会中民间互助存在的基本范围、类型、实现途径、特点及其功能等进行了介绍,从而对本次研究对象——乡村社会民间互助进行了常识性概括。在晚清、民国时期的“被动”社会变迁和人民公社时期政治力量强制下的“国家计划”社会变迁中,乡村社会民间互助虽然在互助范围、互助内容和互助形式上发生了变化,但在支配理念上以及对乡村社会生活发挥的民间保障功能上依然没变。这一变迁特征归根结底是因为乡村社会传统文化价值观在社会变迁中发生了适应性调整,这一调整使乡村社会民间互助仍然在动荡和高压的时代对乡村民众继续发挥了多项功能。自乡村体制改革和开启市场化进程以来,虽然乡村个体重新有了自由选择互助合作的权利,但随着“利益”、“理性”等因素介入到乡村社会生活,乡村社会民间互助在互助内容、发生前提、关系基础、实现途径甚至支配理念上都发生了变化,从而形成了新的特点。本文从三方面总结了对近代以来乡村社会民间互助的变迁状况研究所得。首先,对乡村社会民间互助有了总体认识。乡民间的互助不是一种简单的行为,它是一个持续互动的过程,不断被不同情境中的交往礼俗生产和建构着,内部充满了复杂性和变化性;在乡村现代化进程中,民间互助呈现出血缘性互助范围缩小且稳定性被打破,非血缘性互助范围扩大,传统互助范围的封闭性被打破等发展趋势;随着乡村现代化进程中传统的礼治秩序的逐渐解体,作为一种社会交换行为的乡村互助已经不再以传统伦理义务作为人际互助合作的主要依据,而是转向利益考量,乡村民众正在通过利益首要性这种普遍性规则来构建新的互助秩序。民间互助发展到今天虽然发生了变化,但其作为乡村民众社会支持资源的特点并没有发生改变,从这一意义上来讲,互助是延续的,而促成其延续的原因在于,新时期以来传统文化中“关系取向”价值观的适应性变迁。市场化时代,人们依然通过交往礼俗来建构自己的关系网络,形成自己的互助圈从而获取社会支持资源。其次,对乡村社会民间互助与国家福利体系之间的差异有了具体的认知,通过对比,作者发现乡村社会民间互助为乡村民众构筑了国家福利体系之外的非经济福利。人们把由亲人、邻居、朋友等初级群体提供的非制度性社会支持安排到乡村社会福利体系中去,以国家经济福利为经,乡村社会民间互助传统下的非经济福利为纬,从而自发地实现了对乡村社会福利体系的立体建构。最后,本文认为,乡村社会民间互助作为民间的一种非正式制度既具有自身的体系,也具有适应社会变迁的调适能力。地域性民间习俗等小传统在乡村社会变迁中表现出的强大生命力和能动性让我们不得不承认,非正式制度不仅在内容上蕴含了有关的道德观念、风俗习惯甚至宗法理念,而且还可能存在形成某种正式制度安排的“先验”模式,并且在正式制度创立和变迁过程中,取得优势地位或以“指导思想”形式构成正式制度安排的理论基础。这无疑启发我们,在新农村建设中,以小传统形式存在的乡土知识、地方性知识并不因为传统就一定落后,我们应尊重拥有这些“知识”的乡民的自主选择。这就需要我们在新乡村建设的制度规划中,把正式制度的设计与安排同乡村社会的非正式制度最大兼容。只有两种制度在乡村社会的最大相容,才能为乡村社会带来强劲的发展动力。

【Abstract】 It is a very common phenomenon that rural mutual aid has been living in rural social production and daily life, In rural social life, the rural mutual aid not only play a more important role than the national rural social security system in rural welfare, but also is a kind of indispensable supplement to the national rural social security system, rural mutual aid constitutes an important content of the countryside in daily life. Based on the basis of traditional folk culture, rural mutual aid is the right key to understand our rural society, and it is necessary to utilize this content in the new rural welfare construction. However, in relevant social science research field,there is seldom attention is paid to rural mutual aid, not only domestic social security theory study is not involved in the concept of traditional culture casts, mode of thinking and values, but the country’s social security system design is not considered traditional cultural factors. So this is an important problem and insufficiency in our welfare system research. A country’s social welfare system Settings will be affected by traditional culture, especially the influence of the traditional welfare culture, so national welfare system should be based on the traditional folk welfare, or succeed to the traditional folk welfare. Then what about our traditional folk welfare? Previous studies on traditional folk welfare either focused on the thought field, or displayed the mutual aid experience by the case research simply, but was lack of systematic interpretation of traditional mutual aid. Even never inquired if the traditional mutual aid has had qualitative changes since the ancient times to now and under the circumstances that our social life situation has changed much more today. But these two problems just provide key basis as we think about how to design our social welfare system, especially the rural social welfare system. This paper will do a systematic interpretation to the traditional folk mutual aid starting from the meaning above.This research conducted a systematic study of the rural mutual aid based on present relevant researches which incontinuous and dispersive, the rural folk mutual aid tradition was comprehensive researched under the situation of "folk traditional culture", "rural social changes" and "country grass-roots society life practice ". This article focused on the transformation problems of rural mutual aid in the process of rural modernization, therefore, this research took the changes of rural society since modern times as a clue, according to systematically discussing the different period of rural mutual aid’s range, type, form, function and significance of sustaining power, to explore what on earth had changed on rural mutual aid during rural modernization? Why? What were not changed? Why not? Hope to achieve knowledge on the regularity of mutual aid system in the situation of dynamic and static combination of change. And based on the above the author conducted a briefly comparison between the national social welfare system and the rural social welfare system, so we can analysis how to realize the national welfare system and the folk mutual aid system and idea to combine during the construction of modern welfare system. The focus of this article is to analysis the suitability of traditional folk elements which were reflected by rural mutual aid in the process of modernization.Traditional folk mutual aid is existent since the ancient times, if we want to know whether it has changed from modern rural social changes, we need to understand its original content. So the author conducted a backtrack on the traditional folk mutual aid from its idea and practice of the action. Then there were some basic ideas of the rural mutual aid be found:First, the basic form of traditional rural mutual aid is that its based on the patriarchal family and emphasized the role of family function in kindred mutual aid. is related to the basic form of folk assistance. Second, the traditional ethics and moral requirements of traditional folk mutual aid is to emphasize individual ethical obligation to help other kindred relatives must be obeyed firstly in the context of mutual aid. Third, the main way how to realize mutual help among people is the custom of association etiquette, whose foundation is the mutual return benefits interaction pattern. Anyhow, the traditional culture of "blood & ethics centered " and preface-structure values dominated the folk mutual aid. It inspires us, only the traditional culture characteristics which had shaped the idea and thd behavior of traditional folk mutual aid changed qualitatively, the changes of traditional folk mutual aid will really happen. Under the premise of the value orientation of the rural mutual aid, the author introduced the basic scope, types, characteristics and its realization ways, function, etc. So the research objecf"the folk mutual aid of rural society "can be defined in a common sense.In the late Qing dynasty and the Republic of China period "passive" social change and people’s commune period of political power mandatory state plan ", "social change in rural society, though there were some changes on scope, content and form of mutual aid, the dominate idea of mutual aid and its safeguard function in folk life hadn’t changed. This characteristically change of traditional mutual aid ultimately because the cultural values had done adaptability adjustment in the social changes, this adjustment made rural mutual aid still to play multiple functions in the era of social unrest and political pressure. Since the rural reform and marketization process starting, the rural individual has the right to choose mutual aid and cooperation freely, but with "interest", "rational" factors involved in rural social life in rural society, the premise, contents,basis, approaches, and even the dominate concept of the folk mutual aid changed, thus there are new characteristics form on rural mutual aid.On the conclusion part of this research, the author summarizes the research achievements from three aspects to the changes of rural mutual aid since modem times.First, there is a general understanding of rural folk mutual aid. The mutual aid among rural people is not a kind of simple behavior, it is a process of constant interaction, it is being producted and constructed continuously by the custom of association etiquette in different situation,it is full of complexity and variability in its internal. In the process of rural modernization, the folk mutual aid presents the develop trend that the scope of kindred mutual aid becomes narrow and the stability is broken, the scope of nonkindred mutual aid is expanding the range,and the closeness of traditional mutual aid is broken too; With the traditional ethic government disintegrating in the process of modernization, as a kind of social exchange act of rural mutual aid, it already no longer with traditional ethical obligations as the main basis of mutual cooperation relationships, but to interest, rural public construct new mutual aid order by this the universality of interest is primary rules. Although the folk mutual aid have changed today, the characteristics as the rural public social support resources had no change, from this sense, the mutual aid tradition is a continuation, the reason that contributed to the continuation is the traditional culture of "relational orientation" values conducted adaptability adjustment in the new period. In Market times, people still through the custom of association etiquette to establish their relationship networks, to form their mutual support social circle, then to gain the social support resources.Secondly, there is a concrete knowledge on the difference between the rural folk social welfare system and national welfare system, through the comparison, the author found the rural mutual aid build noneconomic welfare benefits for the rural public folk outside the national economic welfare system. The people arrangements the non-institutional social support which be from the support of relatives, friends and neighbors into the rural nongovernmental welfare system, by taking the national economic welfare as a longitude and the nongovernment noneconomic welfare which is in the rural folk mutual aid system as latitude, the folk construct a three-dimensional rural social welfare system for themselves spontaneouslyFinally, this article thinks, as an informal institution the rural folk mutual aid system has its own system, also has the ability to adjust to changes in society. What a powerful vitality and initiative the regional folk customs and traditions present in the rural social changes let us acknowledge, the informal institutions not only contains moral ideas, customs in its content,but also even may form some formal institutional "transcendental" mode, and in the process of the formal system establishment,it can take advantage of status or in the form of "guiding ideology" formal institutional arrangements of the theoretical basis. It inspires us, in the construction of new countryside, the rural folk knowledge, local traditional knowledge which exist as little traditional knowledge is not must lagging for it is traditional, we should respect the folk choice who possessed this kind of knowledge. This needs us arrange the national formal system design and rural informal institutional design into maximum compatibility in the new rural construction of system planning. Only these two systems are maximum compatibility in rural society, there will bring the strong power of development for rural society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

