

The Research on the Central Administrative Setup of New China from 1949 to 1954

【作者】 徐悦

【导师】 徐行;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 在新中国历史上,1954年宪法的颁布是中央行政体制发生转变的分水岭。从1949年至1954年,新中国建立并实行了中央人民政府下辖政务院的二级政府体制;《五四宪法》颁布后,即正式确立了国务院即中央人民政府的一级政府体制。本文将1949至1954年中国中央行政体制作为主要研究对象,在对中央行政体制建立、运行、调整及转变过程进行整体关注的同时,对中央行政体制的组织架构和运行机制展开深入分析,以此达到对中央行政体制基本特征、存在问题、历史作用及深远影响的总体把握。1949至1954年是中国中央行政体制建立与发展的重要历史时期。建国之初,以《共同纲领》和《中央人民政府组织法》两个纲领性文件为基础和框架,中国建立并实行了中央人民政府下辖政务院的二级政府体制。政务院作为最高国家行政机关,迅速组建完毕并开始运转,统一管理全国政务。新中国建立的最初三年,中国共产党作为执政党,对国家政权的领导主要表现为政治领导,党政职责和各自权力相对分离,政务院在领导国家政务方面事权比较专一。自1952年下半年起,中共中央相继采取措施对党政机构进行了两轮调整,最终从体制上确保了党对政府工作的集中统一领导,使中央行政体制的组织架构与运行机制均发生了不同于建国之初的重大变化。1954年宪法的颁布,对国家机构体系进行了重新规定,正式确立了国务院即中央人民政府的一级政府体制,结束了二级政府体制的过渡状态。政务院体制作为过渡性体制,虽然只存在于1949至1954年的5年时间,但却以其高效性保证了建国初期国家各项工作的顺利开展,并初步形成了中央行政体制的内在结构和基本格局。周恩来作为新中国第一任总理,在建国前即为中央政府的组建进行了大量工作,包括主持筹备召开新政协会议,制定《共同纲领》;新中国建立后他具体领导了政务院的组建和运行工作,在政务院的机构设置、人员配置、法规制度建设等方面作了精心安排和具体部署,为确保国家行政活动的顺利开展发挥了不可替代的重要作用。本文将周恩来在1949至1954年中央行政体制确立、运行及调整中所发挥的作用,作为该课题研究的另一个切入点。通过对周恩来在中央行政体制运行中所发挥的作用进行深入探讨和客观评价,使我们对当年中央行政体制的建立和调整有更深刻的认识。

【Abstract】 In the history of the People’s Republic of China, the system of the State Council has been established since 1954 when the constitution was enacted. Before that, China established the Government Administration Council as the system of government. The dissertation takes the system of the Government Administration Council which was practiced from 1949 to 1954 as the main object of study. On one hand, the dissertation discusses the whole course of establishing, operating, adjusting and changing which happened to the central administrative setup. On the other hand, it also analyses the inner structure and the operational mechanism of the central administrative setup. On the bases of the above work, the dissertation analyses the basic feature, the problems and the historical function of the central administrative setup practiced from 1949 to 1954.At the founding of New China, our country established and carried out the system of the Government Administration Council according to "the common programme" and "the organic law for the Central People’s Government". As the highest organ of state administration, the Government Administration Council was established and put into force immediately. As ruling party, the leadership given by the Communist Party of China had been mainly political from 1949 to 1952. So the Government Administration Council had certain centralized administrative powers during that time. Since the latter half of 1952, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had begun to adjust CPC and administration institutions for twice, which lead to the centralized leadership between the Party and the government. As the result, the inner structure and the operational mechanism of the central administrative setup were changed greatly. When the constitution was enacted in 1954, the system of the State Council was established formally. Although the system of the Government Administration had only been practiced during the time from 1949 to 1954, it was very effective in ensuring the setup and development of all kinds of work of New China. At the meanwhile, the system of the Government Administration Council from 1949 to 1954 laid the primary foundations for the central administrative setup in the future.Also, the dissertation takes it as a breakthrough point—what Prime Minister Zhou Enlai had done and what role he played during the progress of establishing and changing of the central administrative setup. As the first Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China, Zhou Enlai made great contributions to the setup of central government. Before the founding of New China, he took charge of the preparatory work for Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and draw up of "the common programme". After the founding of the People’s Republic, he led the establishment of operation of the Government Administration Council. So it’s necessary to make an objective evaluation on the work and part did by Zhou Enlai. The dissertation tries to make a proper combination of the study of the system of government and historical figures which could bring out the best in each other.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

