

Nationalism and Anti-Americanism in South Korea

【作者】 刘银萍

【导师】 王晓德;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界历史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 反美主义是战后国际政治中的一个非常重要的现象,韩国反美主义有其突出的特点。深入了解韩国反美主义并通过韩国反美主义来思考全球化时代的民族主义具有重要的理论和现实意义。但这一问题尚为目前国内研究的薄弱环节,本文从民族主义角度切入,以反美主义兴起而高涨的80年代为中心,对韩国反美主义的来龙去脉、结构机制等进行较为系统、深入地探讨。本文力图融合历史学与社会学的理论、视角与方法,纵横结合,即将过程研究与结构研究相结合:从纵向上总体展现韩国反美主义与民族主义渊源流变的过程,从横向上深入剖析韩国反美主义诸领域、结构及反美机制,以期全面、立体展现80年代韩国反美主义的全副图像,并进而总结、反思韩国的民族主义。正文部分共六章。第一章首先从总体上分析阐述韩国的民族特点、韩国民族主义的渊源流变,指出韩国人具有强烈的自豪感和优越感,同时保持着一种深深的忧患和危机意识,韩国民族主义正是在近代反殖民主义和帝国主义基础上产生的一种进步思潮和运动,其目标是争取民族独立、建立统一的国家。第二章对韩美关系作一历史考察,揭示出正是这种长期军事上对美屈从、经济上对美依附的关系成为韩国反美主义的诱因。前两章主要为分析韩国反美主义提供一个总的历史背景,第三章则直接进入本文探讨的主题——反美主义,阐述韩国反美主义的由来与演变,对韩国反美主义的类型、阶段划分等作一概述,并从中总结归纳出韩国反美主义不同于他地区的特点,以为全面论述80年代的反美主义做-必要的铺垫。这一章还把20世纪80年代韩国反美主义高涨的导火索——光州事件作为典型案例,深入分析其如何触发了其后的反美运动。第四章从纵向上介绍了韩国80年代反美运动史的脉络,对反美运动的主要事件、主体和阶层以及影响等加以叙述分析。在以上几章纵向分析的基础上,第五章从横向上探讨韩国反美主义所涉及的国家社会生活各具体领域,将韩国反美主义区分为军事反美主义、政治反美主义、经济反美主义、文化反美主义等各具体层面,并在分类叙述、分析的基础上抽象归纳,指出80年代韩国反美主义的兴起与高涨,是美国在韩国的军事存在、对韩国极权政权的支持、对韩国经济的压制、对韩国的思想文化渗透以及韩国人民族自信心与自主意识的增强等多方面交织的结果。第六章进一步将反美运动作为一项社会运动加以分析,依然是从横向结构的角度对韩国经济起飞以来的社会结构的变迁、年轻一代的崛起、青年学生主体、反美运动的形成机制、反美策略与手段等等方面进行阐述与剖析,以期对反美运动有更为全面、深入的认识。结语部分进一步归纳总结,认为80年代韩国反美主义是韩美关系和韩国人对美认识不断发展演变的结果,作为一个社会运动,它是一种以青年学生为主体的民众性反美主义,是一错综复杂的防御性的民族主义运动。韩国反美主义与民族主义的复兴相辅相成。全文通过纵横探讨,在对韩国反美主义整体认识的基础上,进而反思全球化背景下的国际关系和民族主义的应然走向,肯定其合理性的同时更应清醒认识其局限性。

【Abstract】 Anti-Americanism is a prominent phenomena in post-war international politics, among which the one in South Korea has taken on particularly attractive characteristics. Yet this area has not been fully worked over in domestic research. A deep investigation into the anti-Americanism in South Korea and a reflection of the nationalism in the age of globalization definitely bears theoretical and realistic importance. Anti-Americanism sprang up and went on the upsurge in the 1980s, by focusing on this period, this dissertation tries to probe into the cause, effect, organization and mechanism of the South Korean anti-Americanism and provide an in-depth and systematic study from the nationalism perspective.Methodologically, the dissertation combines the theories, perspectives and methods from historical and sociological field, which is, to exam both process and results of the movement. This approach, on the one hand, enables a complete unfolding of the origin and evolvement of the South Koreans’anti-Americanism and nationalism, and on the other hand makes it possible to penetrate into the various related fields, organization, and mechanism in the campaign. With the help of the approach, an overall picture of the movement can be better displayed, and a summary and reflection of it can also be made.This dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters provide historical background for the anti-Americanism in South Korea. Based on the analysis of the South Korean national characteristics and the origin and change of the nationalism, the first chapter points out that South Koreans not only have an intense sense of pride and superiority but also keep a profound consciousness of suffering and danger. It is based on the modern movements of anti-colonialism and anti-imperialist that South Korean nationalism, the progressive trend of thought and movement, originated, which aims to fight for national independence and a united country. The second chapter suggests that the succumbing and depending on America in military force and economy have basically resulted in its anti-Americanism by reviewing the history of the Korean diplomatic relationship. The third chapter expounds its origin and evolvement in Korea, outlines its different patterns and stages, and sums up the different characteristics that Korea has from other countries. This chapter also gave an all-sided investigation of the Guangzhou event, examines how the direct cause of the uprising of anti-Americanism in the 1980s has triggered the following-up national movement. Chapter four introduces the chronicle evolvement of the history in the 1980s’anti-Americansim in South Korea and provides a detailed depiction of the major events, the main participants, social classes and its influences. With the above analysis, chapter five is devoted to a transverse discussion of various social aspects related to the Korans’anti-Americanism. It has been approached and studied from military, political, economical and cultural perspective respectively and consequently the writing reveals that the spring up and upsurge of the movement comes into being as a result of multiple causes:the existence of American military force in Korea, the support of the domineering politics of Korea from America, the suppress of the economy, the pervasion into culture and thought and increase awareness of national self-confidence and self-determination. Chapter six examines this movement from the social perspective. It takes into consideration the change of the social structure since the taking off of the economical development, the rising up of the young generation, the main participants of young students, the formation mechanism of the movement and the strategy and tactic used.The dissertation concludes that the anti-Americanism in South Korea results from the Korea-U.S relation and Korean continuous evolvement of the conception of the United States. As a social movement, it exists as a mass movement, mainly held by young students, and also a national one, intricate and self-defensive. It is also proposed that this movement perfectly complement with the revival of nationalism in this country. Threaded with both chronicle and transverse study, this dissertation has displayed an all-sided reflection of the possible direction of the international relations and nationalism, under the trend of globalization. In addition, the writing points out the limitation of the movement while confirming its reasonability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

