

The Regenerate People Magazine

【作者】 刘珊珊

【导师】 李喜所;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过解读20世纪初发刊于日本的《新民丛报》,力图全面展示出该报的相关面相,进而分析该报对近代中国政治、文化及社会转型所产生的影响。20世纪初的中国,正处于由传统迈向近代的十字路口。在西力东侵与西学东渐的过程中,中国延续了2000余年的专制政治体制遭到了强烈的质疑,数千年的传统文化也面临着前所未有的危机,以三纲五常为内容的道德价值体系亦出现“解纽”的趋势,正是在这种古今中外矛盾交集之时,《新民丛报》诞生。本文第一章内容扼要展示了该报的创办及其时代背景。我们发现,在该报的创办初期,经营方式属于股份制;编作者群体来源多样化;思想言论激进化;宗旨国家化。这一切都表明该报是一份相对独立于保皇会的,以梁启超为核心的同人刊物。本文第二章详细介绍了该报的编作者构成,指出这些年龄、身份、教育及背景各异的知识分子,分别由不同的途径,聚合在《新民丛报》周围,主要是出于对新知一新民—新国思想的认同,及政治态度的相近。故新民同人在很大程度上是一群思想政治主张相近的新知识群体所构成的松散的同人团体。第三章《新民丛报》的政治理想。研究者常言,《新民丛报》的思想一直在变化。本章欲进一步探讨:在这些变化背后,《新民丛报》是否存在不变的一以贯之的内容?《新民丛报》的思想从何而来,目的为何,其思想基础是什么?围绕上述问题,最后揭示出,国家思想是《新民丛报》的思想基础与终极目标。第四章、第五章、第六章分别从政治主张的变化、学术思想、社会思想三个方面阐释了《新民丛报》的内容,《新民丛报》以其国家理想为基础,从政治、学术、社会各个方面进行新民,提出政治变革、学界革命、社会改良等思想主张,掀起了一场广泛而全面的社会思想启蒙运动,这是一场全方位的新民运动,同时对中国政治、学术及社会转型具有重要意义。最后,本文从“新闻史”的角度,剖析《新民丛报》。具体考察该报的读者构成、读者对该报的参与情况及读者与该报的互动。通过考察我们发现,该报对中国新知识群体产生了深远的影响,并进而对中国社会的发展方向发挥了重要的导向作用。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the Regenerate People magazine, published in Japan in late Ch’ing dynasty, to reveal the influence of the magazine to the modern Chinese politics, culture and the impact of social transformation.China is in a social transitional period, on the early 20th century. Chinese political institution is challenged, Chinese traditional culture is questioned, and the Chinese social customs suffer from the West. The Regenerate People magazine birthed in this context.The first chapter introduces the beginning of the magazine.It was found that the magazine adopted the share-holding system in the modes of business. The editors came from the variety of groups. The idea was radical. The purpose of the magazine is Nationalism.The second chapter introduces the composition of the authors of the magazine.These intellectuals from the different age structure, the various identity, the diverse educational background, gathered around the Regenerate People magazine. They agreed about the opinion on the Regenerate People.The third chapter interpret the political ideal of the authors around the magazine. There is thought that the political views of the magazine were changed. We want to study that the constant part.I think the constant part is just the center.From the fouth to the sixth chapter,we explain the context from the political opinion, cultural ideas,and the social thought.The magazine advocate the political changes, academic revolution, and the social improvement.At last,the dissertation analyze the readers.The seventh chapter expree the formation of the readers, and the interaction between the readers and the editors. Furthermore, reveal the significance of the magazine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期
  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】838

