

On the Methods of Ancient Chinese Ci Study Criticism

【作者】 刘军政

【导师】 孙克强;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 词学批评方法是词学批评的工具和手段。对于词学批评方法的研究,就是对词学批评中使用的学术工具的研究,深刻理解中国古代词学批评方法,有利于把握古代词学批评的发展脉络,以开阔的视野认识词学批评领域的各种学术争论,可以更好地把握词学批评的个性特征。中国古代词学批评方法的研究,建立在以下三个认识的基础上:第一,充分认识古代文学研究领域中关于批评方法研究的问题,明确词学批评方法研究的现状及其成果。第二,全面考察词学的各种基础文献,发现不同文献形态本身具有的批评方法意义。第三,选择西方的批评方法理论,印证中国古代文学的批评方法,并引入词学批评方法的理论阐述中,开阔理论视野。中国古代词学批评方法的研究,分为文献形态研究和理论思想研究两个层面。一至三章为词学批评方法的文献形态研究,针对词学各种文献形态,如词话、词籍序跋、论词诗词、词集评点、词选等,研究它们本身的批评方法意义和特点。四至六章为词学批评方法的理论思想研究,从词学批评的不同视角、不同主体着手,如外在的时代与环境因素、词人因素、受众因素等,阐述、分析、评价不同批评方法的不同理论表现及其理论思维的差异。具体如下:词话是词学批评最重要的一种文献形态。词话的发展从纪事为主到理论阐发为主,从散漫的语录体到有理论体系,从简短到鸿篇巨制,它的发展过程也是词学批评方法的发展过程。词话从成书方式可以分为原创型和汇集型两种基本形态,然而两种形态并非泾渭分明的,原创之作可以汇集材料,汇集之作也可以加入点评。词话中的典型批评方式有纪事、评论、考证、辑录,批评方法的意味强弱不同。词籍序跋是词学批评的另一种主要文献形态。词籍序跋数量大,作者多,内容丰富,写作自由,是词学研究的基础文献。序跋中的批评方式主要是纪事、说明、评述、考校辨析等,有许多与词话不同之处,如序跋的作者多与词籍著者相熟,他们的纪事更为可靠,评论更能切中要害,更具有针对性。论词诗词、词集评点、词选本虽然不是主要的词学批评文献,但均有独特的批评方法意义。论词诗词采用的批评方法受到文体限制,或直接进行结论性的评断,或通过比较异同表达作者的批评意图。词集评点本身就是一种批评方法,其具体批评方式有总评、夹批、眉批、旁批、圈点等,虽然大多数评点文字都很简洁,但蕴含着丰富的词学思想。词选本身也是一种批评方法,这种批评方法是把选者的思想表现在对作品的选择和编排上。如为歌唱而选讲究声韵和谐,为词史而选注意选人、选词的全面性,为弘扬词派而选注重对作品的理论阐发,为传授词法而选重视所选作品的规范。时代和具体的历史环境决定了词的创作,也决定着词学批评,知人论世的批评方法在词学批评中与诗、文中的使用不同,随着时代的变化,从不受重视转变为普遍使用,不仅意味着批评方法的作用在词学批评中发生了改变,也意味着词学思想的变化。创作模式是词人完成作品的方式。词人是词的创作主体,批评中需要注意其内在世界,词人的创作是词人内在世界的外部呈现,对创作模式的批评需要依靠对词人的内在世界批评和文本批评完成,因此借助象征主义的批评方法,理解“言”、“意”关系,有助于完成这一批评过程。受众是实现词的价值的关键,他们通过诠释和接受完成了对作品的批评。诠释和接受本身都具有批评方法的作用,词的诠释是受众以具体的方法对词进行解释,词的接受是在诠释的基础上对词进行选择和价值评判。这个过程中,以意逆志的批评方法得到普遍的使用,受众的主体意志体现为作品的意义重构和审美呈现,这也是受众的意志通过词的文本与作者的意志妥协的结果。

【Abstract】 The methods of ci study criticism are the tools & means of ci study criticism. The research into the methods of ci study criticism is exactly the research into the academic tools used in ci study criticism. An in-depth understanding of the methods of ancient Chinese ci study criticism is advantageous to grasping the development sequences of the ancient ci study criticism, thus to get acquainted with all kinds of academic disputes in the field of ci study criticism with expanded horizons by which we could master the characteristics of ci study criticism.The research into ancient Chinese ci study criticism is based on the following three perceptions. The first one is the full recognition of the issues concerning the research into the critical methods in the fields of ancient literary study. The second one is the comprehensive investigation into various sorts of basic literature on ci study and the discovery of the significance of the critical methods possessed by various sorts of literature morphology. The third is choosing the theory of western critical methods, corroborating the critical methods of ancient Chinese literature, and broadening theoretical horizons.The research into ancient Chinese ci study criticism falls into two aspects:the research into literature morphology and the research into thoughts. Chapters 1-3 are about the research into the literature morphology of the methods of ci study criticism, aiming at various sorts of literature morphology and researching into the significance & characteristics of the critical methods of their own, such as notes & commentaries on ci poetry, prefaces & postscripts of ci collections, commenting on ci, annotations of anthologies of ci and selected works of ci. Chapters 4-6 are about the research into the thoughts of the methods of ci study criticism. These three chapters expound, analyze and appraise different sorts of theoretical representation of various critical methods as well as the differences in theoretical thinking from different perspectives & subjects such as exterior times & environmental factors, factors of ci poets and factors of poetry readers. Below are the details:Notes & commentaries on ci poetry prove to be the most important literature morphology in ci study criticism. Notes & commentaries on ci poetry have developed from records of events to elucidation of theories, from desultory utterances to theoretical systems and from brevity to masterpieces, and its development process is also the development process of methods of ci study criticism. According to compilation types, notes & commentaries on ci poetry can fall into two kinds of basic morphology:the originality type and the collecting type. Nonetheless, the two types are not totally different from each other. Original works can collect material, and collected works can involve comments as well. The typical critical methods in notes & commentaries on ci poetry include records of events, commentaries, textual criticism and compilation. Critical methods are different in the intensity of their significance.Prefaces & postscripts of ci collections are another kind of important literature morphology in ci study criticism. As basic literature of ci study, prefaces & postscripts of ci collections are substantial in amount and the number of poets. They are also rich in contents and allow free writing. The critical methods of prefaces & postscripts of ci collections are mainly records of events, explanations, comments, verification & analyses and so on. Thus there’re lots of differences from notes & commentaries on ci poetry. For instance, the writers of prefaces & postscripts are acquainted with the writers of ci collections in most cases, their records of events are more dependable, and their comments can hit the nail on the head and are more pertinent.Although commenting on ci, annotations of anthologies of ci and selected works of ci are not the primary critical literature of ci study, they are possessed of unique significance of critical methods. The critical methods utilized by commenting on ci are restricted by types of writing. These methods also make conclusive comments or express authors’ intention of criticism by means of comparison of similarities & differences. Annotations of anthologies of ci are a critical method themselves, and this method mainly consist of general comments, comments between the lines of writings, marginal notes, marked dots or small circles for special attention for words & phrases, etc. Though most annotative remarks are succinct, they contain abundant thoughts of ci study. Also, selected works of ci are a kind of critical method themselves, and this critical method embodies selection makers’ thoughts in the selection & arrangement of the works, such as being particular about the concord between rhymes & tones for the sake of singing, the comprehensiveness of the selection of candidates & ci for the sake of the ci history, the elucidation of the theories of the works for the sake of developing & enhancing of schools of ci, and the regulation of selected works for the sake of imparting morphology.The times and specific historic environment determine the literary creation of ci as well as morphological criticism. Critical methods, of which the characteristics of the times & the writers of the works get across by learning about the times & the society they lived in, are different from the critical methods used in poetry & prose as regards ci study criticism. As time goes by, it has shifted from being ignored to being widely used, which means that the function of critical methods in ci study criticism has changed and that the thoughts of ci study have varied as well.Creation mode is the method of work completed. Ci poets are the subjects of literary creation. Criticism on ci poets should pay attention to their inner world, and ci poets’ literacy creation is the external presentation of ci poets’ inner world. The criticism on creative mode needs to be finished by relying on the criticism on the ci poets’ inner world and the textual criticism. Hence it would administer to finishing the entire process of this criticism to comprehend the relationship between "utterance" and "meaning" by means of symbolistic critical methods.The poetry readers are the crux of the realization of the value of ci, and they actually criticize works by annotation & acceptance. Annotation & acceptance themselves are possessed of the effects of critical methods. The annotation of ci means that the readers make explanations of ci by specific means, while the acceptance of ci refers to the choices and the value judgments of ci made on the basis of annotation. In this process, the critical method, of which the readers realize the writers’ intention & aesthetic creation by using the perceptions & aesthetic elements of the readers themselves, has been widely used, and as the subjects, the readers’ wills are embodied as the aesthetic presentation and the reconstitution of the significance of works, which has also come as the result of a compromise between readers’ wills and writers’ wills via the text of ci.

【关键词】 词学批评方法文献形态理论思想
【Key words】 ci studycritical methodsliterature morphologythoughts
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 08期

