

On the China’s Institutional Innovation of Promoting Agriculture by Industry

【作者】 吕晓萍

【导师】 齐晓安;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 进入21世纪以来,我国政府对两个重大问题给予了高度关注:一是“三农”问题;二是社会和谐问题。在推进城市化和工业化过程中,作为弱势产业的农业问题日益凸显,作为弱势群体的农民权益也缺少保障力度,农村的稳定与发展日渐成为经济社会进一步发展的焦点和关键。农业现代化及农村的社会经济发展,是关系到我国社会经济发展的全局性问题。在传统二元结构下生成的制度,实际上是不同利益主体在社会利益上的策略选择。从世界发达国家发展的历程上看,制度在经济社会发展中具有重大的决定性作用,制度及制度的创新是国家和社会发展的原始动力。在“三农”问题的形成上有很大一部分要归于制度的设计和建立,二元经济结构本身就是制度安排的结果,带着鲜明的中国特色,毕竟我国是传统的农业大国,几千年的文明与腐朽共存,如果仅从制度表层上解决现有的问题,只能是治标不治本,必须从根本上进行制度变革和创新。而制度的变革和创新,不仅表现在经济制度上的变革和创新,而且还要涉及到政治制度的变革和创新;既要涉及农村、农业领域中的制度,也要涉及到城市、工业领域中的制度,还会涉及到各种各样的社会利益关系,诸如城乡关系、工农关系等方面的制度。可以说,以工促农制度,是马克思主义理论与中国农业发展实际状态相结合的理论成果,是中国特色社会主义理论在“三农”领域的新发展,也是建设社会主义新农村,走中国特色农业现代化道路的客观要求。本文在全面阐述马克思经典作家、西方学者、我国领导人和我国学者关于以工促农制度相关理论的基础上,系统地回顾了我国二元经济结构生成的原因,以及二元经济结构形成演化的过程及其影响和弊端,揭示了以工促农制度提出与确立的演进过程,并从工农业协调发展、国民收入利益分配、城乡一体化和农村剩余劳动力向工业和城市转移角度论证了确立以工促农制度的必要性。虽然目前还存在着制约以工促农制度实施的种种因素,但是,我国已经进入工业化发展的中期阶段,具备了以工促农的条件和实力。本文从不同时期制度安排下的工农关系入手,研究工业化中期,我国的制度供给与选择对以工促农有哪些影响;确定制度是解决促农问题的关键,从制度创新的角度找到解决问题的方法和途径,为传统农业向现代农业的转型提出具有建设意义的对策。除了“绪论”和结论之外,全文共分为四部分。第一部分即第一章,主要是论述以工促农的相关理论,通过研究以工促农的基本内涵和特点,找到与其相关的概念区别。科学界定以工促农制度创新的概念与本质,为下面的研究奠定基础。并且阐述了马克思经典作家、西方学者、我国领导人和我国学者关于以工促农制度的相关理论。第二部分即第二、三章,研究我国以工促农的演进和现状。第二章主要对我国以工促农制度生成的背景(二元结构形成的历史背景)进行概述,提出我国以工促农制度在历史上不同时期的选择与演进,从而探究以工促农制度供给与需求,寻求一定时期我国社会经济发展的客观要求。第三章主要对以工促农制度的现状进行分析,指出当前以工促农制度创新的有利条件和现实基础。针对以工促农制度上存在的主要问题,分析其问题的成因,为最终提出制度创新提供依据。第三部分即第四章,主要分析发达国家、新兴工业化国家(地区)和发展中国家以工促农制度的选择,从中总结出可供我国借鉴的经验;揭示了国外以工促农制度创新五个方面的启示:一是制定与国民经济发展水平相适应的促农政策;二是逐步完善法律化规范化的促农政策;三是推动农村社会发展和增加农民收入的促农政策;四是建立与完善促农的金融财政政策;最后是加大对农业科技和基础设施投入并制定农业科技发展战略。第四部分即第五章,在以上各章研究的基础上,提出我国以工促农制度创新的具体对策。首先是发挥制度的有效性与提高政府政策导向能力,从创新农村土地制度、农业经营制度及就业和保障制度入手,构建以工促农制度的长效机制;其次是创新农业科学技术与教育体制;再次是创新涉农领域的公共财政制度力度;最后是要建立健全各种促农制度保障机制,包括经费投入机制、技术支持机制、人力资源培养机制和法律保障机制。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, our government gives a high concerns on two important questions: the first is " three dimensional rural issues"; the second is social harmony, In the process of industrialization and urbanization, agriculture is gradually become weak industry, peasants became weak groups, and the country’s stability and development is becoming the focus and key of economic and social progress. It concerns the matter of overall importance to the agricultural modernization and rural social and economic development. In fact, the system formation of dual structure is the strategy choice of interests in different interests’subjects. It is proved by the world historical development experience, that systems are crucial and should not replace in the role of economic and social development, the systems and systems innovation is an inexhaustible motive force of social development and progress. And systems innovation itself is an extremely important component of the social development. In the forming of "three dimensional rural issues ", there are a large part that concerns the system design and build, it is the result of system arrangements with a distinct Chinese characteristics. It is invaluable that people will try to correct them with economic development theory, such as a dual economic theory, or by the other policy, an effective ways is to innovate systems fundamentally. However, in China with thousands years of traditional agricultural civilization, we want to solve the existing problem from the top of the systems, not only involves the economic system but also involve political system; not only involves the rural, agricultural system but also involve urban and industry system, even urban and rural relations and workers and peasants relations; not only involves the domain system but also involve the middle range and microcosmic system. The system to promote agriculture by industry is the new creation of Marxist theory with china’s agriculture, rural areas and farmers of the realities, is the important expression that Marxism is the guiding ideology and theoretic basement, as formulated the "three dimensional rural issues " policy, is the new development of Chinese characteristic socialism theory in "three dimensional rural issues ", also is the objective requirements that we are also constructing new socialist countryside and Chinese characteristics road of agricultural modernization.The transformation from traditional agrarian to modern agriculture countries is a kind of inspection of our existing system. The creation, development and utility of systems are close to the various conditions. Systems will also be developing and perfecting with changes and development of society. Therefore, a kind of system innovation and reform to the external and internal needs great propulsion, also require a series of relevant external conditions change, the difficulty is very big. So, from the relationship between industrialization and agriculture of the different times under system, this paper will study what influence is that system supply and choose to promote agriculture by industry; system is the key to solve the problem of promoting agriculture, find the ways and means under the system innovation to propose constructive countermeasures for the transformation of a traditional agriculture and modern agriculture.The whole paper is divided four parts except introduction and conclusion.The first part (the first chapter) is to discuss the related theories on promoting agriculture by industry, and find the difference of concept by studying basic connotation and characteristics of promoting agriculture by industry. It will lay the foundation for the following research by defining concept and nature of institutional innovation on promoting agriculture by industry. And also introduce the related theories of Marxist classical authors, western scholars, Chinese scholars and Chinese leaders.The second part (the second and third chapter), is to study the evolution and status quo of promoting agriculture by industry. The second chapter outlines mainly the systems appearance background (the historical background of dual structure) of promoting agriculture by industry, describe choice and evolution of this systems in different times, then inquire into the supply and demand of systems to promote agriculture by industry, to seek for the objective requirement of our social and economic development. The third chapter analysis mainly status quo of this systems, pointed out its advantages and realistic basis. It analyzes its problem causes for providing the basis of institutional innovation.The third part (the fourth chapter), mainly analyses the developed countries and newly industrialized countries (regions) and developing countries’choices of promoting agriculture by industry to sum up for our benefit from experiences; This paper revealed foreign five revelations of systems innovation on promoting agriculture by industry:one is to formulate promote agricultural policy to commensurate with economic development level; second is to gradually perfect promote agricultural policies that legal normalized; third is to promote agricultural policies of rural social development and increasing farmers’ income; forth is to promote the financial and fiscal policy of promoting agriculture by industry; the last is to increase the spending on agricultural science and technology and infrastructure construction, and formulate the agricultural science and technology development strategy.The fifth part (the fifth chapter), proposes the specific countermeasures of systems innovation on promoting agriculture by industry, based on the preceding chapters research. The first is to improve the effectiveness of the system and the guide abilities of government policy, from innovating the land system, agricultural management system and employment and security system, we will establish long effect mechanisms of promoting agriculture by industry; The second is to innovate agricultural scientific technology and the education system; The third is to innovate public finance of agricultural area; The last is to establish a sound system of the promotion and protection mechanisms, including financial input mechanism, technical support mechanism, human resources training system and laws guarantee mechanism.


