

Discuss of Khazak Novels in New Period

【作者】 赛力克布力

【导师】 逄增玉;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 新中国成立以后,我国哈萨克族的文学创作事业经过了发育期,开始走向了繁荣发展的道路。特别是到了新时期,哈萨克族的文学创作得到了充足的发展条件,各种文学体裁都有了可喜的成就。哈萨克小说创作也是在这一时期有了真正繁荣的空间,在原有的基础上,不断吸收和借鉴外国和我国小说界的创作经验,通过老中青年小说家们的努力,有了初步的成果。我国对哈萨克文学的研究虽然起步比较早,但是早期的研究不够系统、科学,文学评论性的文章比较多,正规的研究型论文少。到了新时期,哈萨克文学研究初步走向了正轨,文学创作的实践和理论得到了比较系统的研究。深入研究新时期新疆哈萨克族小说创作并指出它的主要特点,对发展哈萨克族在内的中国少数民族文学事业来讲是很有必要的。党的十一届三中全会以后,在良好的历史条件下,新疆哈萨克族的小说创作得到了迅速的发展。新时期的哈萨克小说创作领域里产生了一批颇有才华的、由老中青年小说家组成的作家群,他们把自己的聪明才智都用在了小说创作中,发表了数量多、质量较高的作品。新时期的哈萨克小说作品题材广泛,有丰富多彩的历史题材、饱含血泪的“文革”题材、尊重人才的知识分子题材、批评民族弱点的题材等。在新时期的哈萨克小说创作领域里小说文体得以拓展,特别是历史长篇小说、儿童小说、科幻小说、散文等都得到了迅速地发展,形成了专门从事上述各类小说创作的作家队伍。他们的作品无论从内容上,还是从艺术表现手法上都有了显著地提高。这个时期小说创作领域里作家队伍也出现了明显地变化,特别是女作家和“双语”作家展现出了自己的风采,发表了高水平的小说作品,获得了国家级的奖励。新时期的哈萨克作家在小说艺术的表现手法方面也在进行着不断的探索,从传统写作模式转变到现代的全方位写作模式,叙事模式方面有了较显著的变化。但是,新时期的哈萨克小说创作中也存在着一些问题,主要是作家们的文学观念不能够及时的更新,小说题材范围较狭窄,艺术表现手法不够新颖,部分作家知识结构陈旧,素质不是很高,创作水平参差不齐。要解决这些问题,就需要对新时期哈萨克小说创作进行深入的研究,肯定成绩,突出特点,指出问题,而且找出有效的办法,如:提高作家的自身素质,提倡作家争取做学者型作家,提倡“双语创作”等有效措施。本文主要采取归纳总结和阐述的方法,对新时期新疆哈萨克小说创作进行较深入的研究,重点突出新时期哈萨克小说创作的五个主要特点,从作家们的具体作品和创作特点出发,论析新时期哈萨克小说创作所形成的特点。

【Abstract】 It is necessary for the literature of the majority nationalities as well as Kazakh literature to further study Kazakh novel in new era and it’s features in Xinjiang. After the opening up and the reform policy, the creation of Kazakh novel in Xinjiang has developed quickly under the better historical and social conditions.In this new era, a team of talented writers has sprung up in the field of Kazakh novel creation, which consists of different age group from the young to the old. They put all their intelligence into the creation of novels, most of which are high-qualified works. Meanwhile, the theme of the Kazakh novel varies very much in the new era, such as colorful historical theme, theme of "culture revolution with blood and tears", theme about showing respect to intellectual and theme on criticizing weakness of Kazakh nation. The types of Kazakh novel have been much improved and developed, especially the historic novel, children’s story, and science fiction. Many Kazakh writers begin to write professional novels. Not only is the content of their works but also their artistic techniques have been greatly improved. During this period there are some changes in the Kazakh novel writers. Many female writers and bilingual writers who have published novels with high qualities and gained nationwide reputation come to the front stage. The Kazakh writers in the new era try to explore the way of expressing novel art by traditional model into modern model. The narrative way of novel also has changed greatly. However, problems still exist in the creation of Kazakh novel.For instance, it has no novelty in expressing art; subject matter is too narrow; the writer’s knowledge is out of date. We should intensively do a research on the creation of Kazakh novel in the new era and find out some efficient ways in order to solve these problems, like being scholar, advocating bilingual writing and so on.This paper will discuss the creation of Kazakh novel in the new era in Xinjiang in the form of thesis, using scientific methods.It lays stress on five features of the creation of Kazakh novel by characterizing writers’concrete works to prove the creation of Kazakh novel has its own features in the new era.

【关键词】 新时期新疆哈萨克小说创作研究
【Key words】 New periodNationalities KazakhNovel writingdiscuss

