

The Study of Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan

【作者】 魏晓虹

【导师】 王立;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 《阅微草堂笔记》是清代纪昀创作的文言笔记小说。纪昀作为《四库全书》的总纂修官,.精通儒籍、旁通百家,标举文言笔记小说的创作模式。《阅微草堂笔记》题材包罗万象,内容丰富复杂。叙事简明,说理透彻。《阅微草堂笔记》涉及丰富的中国传统文化,内容驳杂,是一本传统文化的精华和封建迷信的糟粕并存的书,所以要运用辩证分析法,具体问题具体分析,用实事求是的态度来分析研究这部瑕瑜互现的作品。如其中的封建伦理、因果报应、生死轮回等问题,既有封建思想和宗教迷信色彩,但也表现了作者的是非判断和救世苦心。对于同一母题的作品,运用文学主题学的研究方法,结合丰富的文学史料,对《阅微草堂笔记》中的故事主题的孕育及形成进行研究。纪昀继承魏晋六朝的志怪笔法,在主题和内容上也有相同或相似之处,研究要从小说史和社会文化方面分析作品,深入到民族文化心理层面的探讨中去。纪昀偏执于伦理道德的教化,《阅微草堂笔记》为道德劝惩而作,充满了忠孝节义的说教。社会道德批评方法重视社会生活对文学的影响,重视文学对社会生活所肩负的道德责任。社会道德批评兼具社会批评及道德批评的特色。纪昀将道德教化当作自己的社会责任,极力宣传儒家伦理道德。心理学的研究方法能探究当时的社会文化心理,作品中也蕴含着作家的心理情绪,从中可以研究作品的深层意蕴,运用心理学进行研究是对《阅微草堂笔记》研究的一个新尝试。在《阅微草堂笔记》中有一百余篇梦的故事。笔者尝试用新观念解读旧故事,弗洛伊德的《释梦》《精神分析引论新编》等著作能解读一些梦的心理机制,梦是心理活动的外化。民俗学研究在《阅微草堂笔记》研究中依然有一定的空间。纪昀利用民俗信仰,借助民间叙事方法,宣传伦理道德,表现世间百态,也反映出作者猎奇的创作心理。论文对九个专题采用多种方法进行研究,全文共分九章:第一章研究分析了《阅微草堂笔记》中的复生故事。书中复生故事虽为同一母题的故事,但笔法多样,绝不雷同。有纪昀身边发生的故事、婚恋故事、讽世故事、遇救复生的故事、宣佛故事和道教故事。纪昀以志异搜奇为体,凡不解之谜,一概录之,并进行了考证研究。《阅微草堂笔记》中的复生故事表现出古代对生死的认识、鬼神观念、佛教的生死轮回观念和道教观念,具有多重文化意蕴。第二章研究分析了《阅微草堂笔记》中的梦。纪昀对做梦的原因进行了初步的探讨,相信梦兆的应验,对占梦术表示怀疑。纪昀借助梦境表现出地狱、鬼神、轮回、果报等内容,向人们展示出奇妙的梦幻世界,包含着丰富的道德和宗教意蕴。纪昀以笔记小说的手法写梦,梦境简略而概括。以因果报应、生死轮回等宗教观念构思,造成了梦境的程式化。梦作为一种自由灵活的表达方式,超越生死,跨越阴阳,表现作者劝善惩恶的创作目的。第三章研究了《阅微草堂笔记》中的官场。纪昀一生仕途显达,位居清要,并经历了宦海沉浮,因此能洞悉官场内幕。《阅微草堂笔记》揭露了官场黑暗,记录了昏官庸吏、贪官污吏等形形色色官吏的言行,从中看到官场上官官相护、迎合上司、同僚间相互倾轧的复杂人际关系。作者对官场内幕有深刻的理解,对官场腐败给予了揭露。第四章研究了《阅微草堂笔记》中的西商。西商的兴起历史悠久,明清两代最盛,其实力强大,曾雄居明清时全国商帮之首。纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》有多则关于“西商”的故事,对西商的商业活动和人情世态有普遍的体察。《阅微草堂笔记》中的西商,表现出商人的职业特征:既有诚信笃实、道德高尚的廉商诚贾,也有忘恩负义、巧取豪夺的奸商佞人;既表现了富商挥金如土、仆舆华丽的豪华,也反映了小商人夫妻离散、背井离乡的孤独,提供了生动鲜活的历史信息,客观地反映了昔日西商的历史风貌。第五章分析《阅微草堂笔记》中的女子孝行。妇女常常牺牲了自己的幸福乃至生命尽孝道,以其贞孝、节孝、烈孝侍奉父母公婆,表现出孝妇的悲惨命运。能够舍弃自己的利益乃至生命而尽孝,是一种利他行为,是一种极端的自我牺牲,其道德意义是不容否认的。但孝妇的悲惨命运,体现出传统孝文化对女性的压迫,柔弱的身躯承受着沉重的经济和道德负担,表现了封建礼教对女性生命价值的漠视。女孝在封建时代的伦理道德弊端明显地表现出来,道德同质与异质的冲突难以调和。妇女丧失了基本的权利与独立人格,身心遭受摧残,其消极的不近人情的一面很难唤起今天人们的共鸣。第六章研究了《阅微草堂笔记》一夫多妻婚俗。纪昀记录了清代一夫多妻的婚俗,为研究婚俗提供了丰富的资料。妾主要来自于奴隶之女、人口买卖和自甘为妾的贫家女子。一夫多妻的畸形家庭大多数夫妾之间、妻妾之间矛盾重重。纪昀肯定了一夫多妻的合理性,表现了封建社会达官贵人对性和繁衍的一种自由选择,这种选择是对封建家族婚姻的一种浪漫补充。第七章研究了《阅微草堂笔记》中的扶乩民俗。清代扶乩盛行于百姓日常生活、文人的文化生活和士大夫生活中。扶乩与道教联系紧密,也表现一些佛教观念。在扶乩过程中产生了扶乩诗,这些诗词有来源于村野学究之稿本、观坛朋友的旧作,有盗用前人诗作的,还有是粗通吟咏的扶乩者的创作。扶乩诗的风格多样,有仙诗、鬼诗风格,有降坛女鬼的艳诗和婚恋诗,有模拟唐诗的,还有水平不高的打油诗。纪昀在宣传伦理道德时相信扶乩灵验,但用于占卜时认为扶乩是士大夫的游戏,是不可信的。第八章分析了《阅微草堂笔记》的城隍故事。城隍是中国古代民间和道教的城池守护神,城隍故事是中国古代文学中古老的故事类型,在纪昀的《阅微草堂笔记》中有18则城隍故事,故事类型比较丰富,表现出城隍神的多种职能。唐宋时期,城隍神除了保护城市的职能之外,人们又把他视为冥官。由此衍生出一系列的司法职能,形成了小说中常见的故事类型。作为冥间地方官的城隍神有很多职能。《阅微草堂笔记》中的城隍故事很多是借助梦境叙事的。将梦幻世界、鬼神世界和现实世界联系起来,呈现出亦真亦幻的艺术效果。城隍故事也反映出一定的社会内容。冥官城隍与阳间官吏对比、互补,冥官聪明公正,人世间冤狱丛生,影射清代官场黑暗。在我国鬼神文化信仰中,城隍因执掌人的生死大权、除暴安良、护国安民的多种社会职能,拥有广泛的民众信仰。纪昀借助民俗和民间信仰,利用民间素材和民间文学的表现手法,表现劝善惩恶的创作目的。第九章分析了《阅微草堂笔记》中的雷神故事。《阅微草堂笔记》中的雷神故事,表现出我国古代雷神崇拜的民俗以及雷神故事的道教渊源,彰显其神道设教的创作目的。纪昀借雷神这一民间话语,宣传忠孝节义的封建正统思想,以期有助于社会安定,欲以此补充道德法律、文明教化之不足,以期使人远恶向善,以维护封建统治的正常秩序。纪昀写的雷神故事是让人相信天网恢恢疏而不漏、恶行终有恶报的观念。这些故事有一些封建迷信色彩,虽然语颇荒诞,似出寓言,然神道设教,使人知畏,也表现出作者警世之苦心。在《阅微草堂笔记》中劝善惩恶的教化意识是作者的主体意识,也是中国小说的创作传统。作品彰显忠孝节义的伦理道德,宣扬因果报应的宿命思想,这种劝戒之心表现出那个时代的知识分子的一种社会责任感。《阅微草堂笔记》中的伦理道德观既有封建道德的说教,也有中华民族的传统美德;书中的因果报应、生死轮回,既有宗教迷信色彩,也反映出人们的是非善恶标准。《阅微草堂笔记》就是这样一部瑕瑜互现的作品,让我们看到过去的时光,虽然不乏愚昧和落后思想,但那是让人遗忘了的正统和风雅。

【Abstract】 The Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan is a classical Chinese novel written by Ji Yun in Qing Dynasty. As the general compiling officer of Complete library in the Four Branches of Literature, Ji Yun is master of the Confucian classics, and other theories, and initiated a new the model of classical Chinese novels.The Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan contains rich traditional Chinese culture and is diversified in its content, including not only the essence of traditional culture, but also the feudal superstition. Therefore, we should use the method of dialectical analysis, tailored analysis of the specific issues, and use a pragmatic approach to analyze this content-rich works. For example, the questions of feudal ethics, karma and reincarnation and so on, not only dye the color of feudal and religious superstition, but also play a role of education in the society. We should study the embryo and formation of the story themes of the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan by the literature thematic approach combining the rich literary legacy. Ji Yun inherited the mystic writing style of Wei and Jin Dynasties, therefore, the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan is similar to mystic stories in its subjects and content. We should analyze this works from the perspectives of history of novels and social culture, and explore in-depth the psychological dimensions of national culture. The folk custom is a culture inherited among the folks, and it enjoys a long history and broad popular mass base. the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan records many stories of folk events reflecting the prevailing social and cultural psychology. For example, the records, such as the worship of Thunder God and Town God among the people, the prevalence of the cosciomancy, the polygamy marriage customs, all vividly demonstrated the social life at that time. The Folklore Research in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan has its domain. By the folk custom, the author expresses not only the ethical and worldly phenomena, but also his inquisitive psychology of creation. The dissertation is divided into nine chapters:In chapter 1, the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan, there are many revival stories and the stories happened at Ji Yun’s side which include marriage and love stories, world-satirizing stories, saving and reviving stories, Buddhist stories and Taoist stories. Taking the unusual and the rare as his style, Ji Yun puts down all unsettled mysteries into his book and also makes some textual research on them. The revival stories in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan show not only the ancient people’s perception of life and death, but also their conception of ghosts and gods, Buddhist samsara and Taoism. Hence, it is of multi-culture implications.In chapter 2, the author analyzes the recorded dreams in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan. In the book, Ji Yun initially explored the reasons to dreams, demonstrated the wonderful dream world to people by the way of the hell, ghosts, reincarnation and karma showing the rich moral and religious implications. By studying the dreams in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan, the author explores the dreams’form and connotations. This article observes the activities of the human spirit, finds the real-word reflected in dreams, and meanwhile deepens the understanding of the concept of dreams. In chapter 3, throughout Ji Yun’s life, his official career was illustrious and influential. Experiencing the ups and downs in the officialdom, he fathomed the inside story of it. In the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan, his exposure of the inside story of officialdom recorded various fatuous and corrupt officials, from which we can see the phenomena that bureaucrats shielded one another and pandered to superiors, and the complicated relations in which associates jostled against each other. With a profound knowledge of the inside story of officialdom, the writer criticized and reveled the corruption of the official system.In chapter 4, the author elaborates the Western merchants in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan. The group of Western merchants, namely the businessmen in Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces, has a long history as it emerged long time ago. Ming and Qing Dynasty witness the top of its prosperity. They are financially so strong that it once ranked the first among all the commercial groups throughout the country. In Ji Yun’s the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan, there are lots of stories about Western merchants with the general description of the commercial activities, the ways of the world and the relationship among people. The merchants in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan have various professional features, either honest and noble, or unfaithful and greedy. The features show not only such luxury of Western merchants that they spend money like dirt and are always followed by numerous servants, but also the solitude of homesick people who are separated from their families. In a word, it provides us with some vivid historical information and objectively reflects the historical features of Western merchants in the past centuries.In chapter 5, the author analyzes the women’s filial piety. Women often sacrifice their own happiness and even their lives to honor filial piety. They serve their parents in-laws with sadako, section filial and strong filial, show filial women’s tragic fate. To be able to give up their own interests and even lives to honor filial piety is an altruistic act and an extreme self-sacrifice. Its moral significance is undeniable. However, the filial women’s tragic fate reflects the traditional culture’s oppression to women. The fact that women’s weak body bearing heavy economic and moral burden, shows the feudal ethical code’s disregard for the life value of women. Female filial piety’s ethical shortcomings in the feudal era manifest itself clearly. Women have lost their basic rights and independent personality, suffered physical violence and mental agony. Its negative and unreasonable side is difficult to arouse the sympathy of people in the modern times.In chapter 6, the author studies the polygamy marriage customs in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan. Ji Yun has recorded the polygamy marriage customs in Qing Dynasty, and provided social and historical information for the study of marriage c ustoms. The major source of concubine is from the slave women, trafficking in per sons and the poor women who are willing to be concubine. Most polygamous fami lies have many conflicts between husbands and concubines, wives and concubines. In chapter 7, the author studies the cosciomancy in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan. In the Qing Dynasty, cosciomancy was popular in the daily lives of people, the cultural lives of the literati and the lives of the officials. cosciomancy is closely linked with Taoism, and also incorporated some Buddhist ideas. Cosciomancy poetry originates in the course of cosciomancy. These poems are from the manuscripts of Murano pedant, the old works of friends who watching cosciomancy, and the creation of cosciomanciers who had a basic understanding of chant. The styles of the poems’varied, not only covers god and ghost, erotic poetry and marriage poems of women ghost in cosciomancy, but also the style of imitating of Tang poetry, and doggerels with low level. Ji Yun believes the efficacious of cosciomancy in promoting the ethical and moral. However, he believes cosciomancy is the game of litertis and is not credible.In chapter 8, the author analyzes the Town God’s stories in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan. Town God is the tutelary god of the town for ancient Chinese folk and Taoism. Town God’s stories is an age-old genre in Chinese ancient literature. In JI Jun’s Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan, there are 18 Town God’s stories, which are of various types, showing the multiple function of the Town God. In the period of Tang and Song dynasties, aside from his role to protect city, the Town God was regarded as hell official, from which a series of judicial functions were derived, forming the common story types in the novels. As the local official of the nether world, the Town God has many functions. The Town God’s stories in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan were narrated with the aid of the dreamland. Relating the illusory world and the ghosts and gods world with the real world, the Town God’s stories presented both the real and the imaginary artistic effects. The Town God’s stories also reflected some social contents. Contrasted and supplemented with the officials in this world, the official in nether world, the Town God, are more intelligent and fairer, while in this world, unjust charges were common occurrence, which insinuated the darkness of the official circles in Qing Dynasty. In Chinese ghost culture belief, the town god won the widespread belief from populace because he wielded the power to decide a person’s life and death, to remove the bullies to bring peace to the law-abiding, and to protect the country. Drawing on the belief of the folk, the folk materials and the expression technique of folk literature, JI Jun displayed the creation purpose of encouraging good and punishing evil.In chapter 9, The Thunder God in Ji Yun’s Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan shows both the folk-custom of Thunder God worship in the ancient China and the Taoism origin of the Thunder God tales. Ji Yun made the most of this folklore to disseminate the feudal orthodox ideas of loyalty, filial piety, moral integrity and righteousness hoping to stabilize the society and making the good and honesty be the will of the people. As Ji Yun deeply felt the decline of the morality, he admonished the people through establishing religion on the basis of the divine doctrine. Seeing the cardinal guides and constant virtues were completely spoiled and the general mood of the society was getting from bad to worse, Ji Jun wanted to make up the deficiency in morality, law, civilization and cultivation with the expectation of keeping people away from evil and close to good, so as to defend the normal order of the feudal rules. Ji Yun’s Thunder God tale meant to make people believe the ideas that justice had a long arm and that evil would be rewarded with evil. These tales are of some feudal superstitious color. Although the language used in them sounds rather fantastic as if coming from fables, the establishment of religion based on the divine doctrine can make people aware of respect, which is also an extraordinary painstaking effort to make an admonishment to the people in the world.In conclusion, the advocating of the good and criticism of the evil in the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan embodies the subjective awareness of the author and is also the main stream and tradition of the past novel creation of China. In some parts, he gives expression to the filial piety ethic and the concept of karma, this shows his social responsibility as an intellectual at his times. The moral and ethics of Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan contains the feudal moral lecturing and the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. There are karma, revival, and feudal superstitions indicating the standards of people in judging the good and the evil. the Fantastic Tales by Ji Xiaolan is suck a book, it provides us a view of the past though fatuous and decadent, yet the integrity and the past traditions.


