

Study on the Value Evaluation of Integrated Ecological Rehabilitation in Mentougou District of Beijing

【作者】 钱一武

【导师】 聂华;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在历史上,北京市门头沟区曾进行了大规模的矿山开采和工农业活动,后伴随着城镇建设的扩展以及旅游资源的开发,并加之自然灾害的影响,使得该区域原有的生态环境退化、破坏严重,因此,进行门头沟区生态环境保护和修复工作十分必要。按照《北京城市总体规划(2004年-2020年)》实施方案的要求,北京市门头沟区属于生态涵养区,作为保证北京市可持续发展的关键区域,起到维持北京市区良好自然环境的重要生态屏障作用。按照这样的功能定位,市、区各级政府对生态修复的投入逐年加大,目前该区正处于由矿产资源区向生态涵养区转变的过程中,全区的产业结构和功能定位正在发生着重要变化,区位生态修复效益初步显现。生态修复不仅能够带来像旅游观赏、增加就业等直接的经济效益,还能够产生如水源涵养、土壤保持、生物多样性保持、空气净化等生态及社会的间接经济效益。本文从经济学研究的视角出发,以门头沟区近年来开展生态修复工程所产生的各种间接效益为主要研究对象,构建科学的生态修复综合效益评价理论模型与核算框架,系统地分析、计算门头沟区通过生态修复后所产生的生态、经济与社会效益,力图为相关决策机构提供有说服力的理论依据和数据参考,使门头沟区生态系统对北京地区提供的生态服务价值得到充分认识,从而建立科学合理的生态保护制度和生态补偿机制,更有效的发挥门头沟区的生态服务功能。通过计算,门头沟区生态修复土地每年带来的综合效益价值为4.2761亿元。其中:生态效益2.8341亿元/年,占总效益的66.3%;经济效益0.9379亿元/年,占总效益的21.9%;社会效益0.5041亿元/年,占总效益的11.8%。与2008年门头沟全区GDP值67.8亿元相比,占全区GDP的6.31%,与2008年门头沟全区财政收入8.9亿元相比,占全区财政收入的48.05%,约占全年区级财政收入的一半,显示显示门头沟区通过生态修复所产生的生态系统服务功能具有巨大的价值,同时其生态修复所产生的生态服务功能远大于其经济功能。此外,在美化环境、疗养保健、促进就业、促进社会文明程度等方面,门头沟区生态系统显示出的社会效益潜力巨大,这对于加强对门头沟生态系统的修复和保护,具有十分重要的揭示意义。另据研究结果,在2005年至2009年五年时间内,门头沟区生态修复累计投入12亿元,平均每年投入大约2.4亿元,年均产出效益大于年均投入,一次投入长期受益,生态修复综合效益逐年递增,凸显出生态修复工作作为一项利在当代、惠及子孙的民生工程和公益事业的极端重要性。随着人口的增加和经济的发展,门头沟生态环境压力将进一步增加,其在北京市承担的生态功能远超过其经济功能。因此,加强生态环境的保护,建立资源节约型的社会生产和消费体系,加大财政转移支付力度,建立生态修复与生态补偿相关制度,对于缓解门头沟区人地矛盾,更好的发挥生态服务功能显得十分迫切。随着有效的生态保护手段和生态修复技术的不断运用,门头沟区生态系统服务必将步入科学发展的轨道,从而为北京市全面、协调、可持续地发展不断贡献力量。

【Abstract】 In history, Mentougou District had been conducted a large-scale mining and industrial and agricultural activities. Then with the influence of urban construction expansion and tourism development, the ecological environment of Mentougou District had been severely disrupted which with combined effects of natural disasters, so it is beyond doubt that the Mentougou ecological protection and restoration can not be ignored at present. According to "BEIJING Municipality Master Plan (2004-2020 years)", Mentougou District is orientated to the eco-conserving division. As a key conservation area to maintain a good environment for Beijing, Mentougou District plays an important role of ecological barrier in ensure a sustainable development in Beijing Municipality. Accordance with this functional position, the ecological rehabilitation investment has increased year by year at all government levels in Mentougou District, which making the area in a transformation process from the mineral resource-orientated area to the eco-conserving division. Great changes in industrial structure and function orientation in Mentougou District have taken placed and the ecological rehabilitation benefit has appeared.The issue from the perspective of economic research, systematic combing of different ecological restoration mode Mentougou generated ecological, economic and social benefits, construction comprehensive benefit science of ecological restoration Assess the theoretical model and accounting frame, and the region’s typical project to account for the government to provide a convincing theoretical basis and reference data. Through the study of this issue, the scientific evaluation of the services Mentou gou value of ecological systems, for the full understanding Mentougou ecosystems in the Beijing area the value of ecological services provided, led up scientific and reasonable ecological protection of vegetation and ecological compensation mechanisms to more effective play Mentougou of ecosystem services is of great significance. Ecological restoration is not only the ecological benefits, social benefits and other indirect economic benefits, such as water conservation value, the value of soil conservation, biodiversity conservation value, the value of air purification, climate regulation value of the region, as well as travel watch efficiency, and increase employment direct economic benefits. In this study based mainly on forest ecosystems, ecosystem services on Mentougou landscaping benefits, convalescent care benefits, increase employment and improve the progress of social civilization and other social benefits to be evaluated.By calculating, we know the Mentougou ecological restoration of land to bring the comprehensive benefits of annual value is 427.61 million yuan. Of which:Ecological benefits of 283.41 billion/year,66.3%of total benefits;Cost 93.79million/year,21.9%of total benefits; social benefits of 50.41 billion/year,11.8%of total benefits.GDP 67.8 billion in 2008 compared to the region, the region accounted for 6.31%of GDP, and the region in 2008 compared to financial income 890 million yuan, accounting for 48.05%of fiscal revenue region, accounting for annual district revenue half.Ecological restoration of ecosystem services generated far greater than its economic function.According to the information Mentougou, In the 2005-2009 five-year period, Mentougou ecological restoration has invested 1.2 billionThe average annual investment of about 2.4 million, the combined benefit is greater than current year’s investment.Therefore, the ecological restoration work is benefits to the present, livelihood projects to benefit children and grandchildren and public welfare undertakings.This paper derived Mentougou area ecosystem services of great value, The ecosystem services is far greater than its economic function, Mentougou ecosystems also have great social benefits, for landscaping, convalescent care, promotion of employment, improvement of social civilization of great value. Therefore, the strengthening of the Mentougou ecosystem protection is of great significance. At the same time as population growth and economic development, Mentougou will further increase pressure on the ecological environment, the Mentougou ecological functions undertaken in Beijing far more than its economic function. Therefore, the improvement of ecological environment protection, the establishment of resource-saving system of social production and consumption, for ease the contradiction between people Mentougou, Ecosystem services play better, it is extremely urgent. Therefore, to avoid over-exploitation and the general development of the development model Effective means of ecological protection, Ecosystem services for Mentougou continued to play.


