

Study on Marketization of Public Welfare Forest’s Construction

【作者】 陈绍志

【导师】 任恒祺;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 加强生态建设、维护生态安全是21世纪人类面临的共同主题。森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,在社会发展和文明进步中具有举足轻重的地位。人们对公益林及其生态效益的需求是通常刚性的、无止境的,因此增加公益林的供给(投资、面积),提高公益林供给的效率(蓄积、质量、结构、效益),建立公益林有效供给的长效机制(权责相统一)是学术界和政府部门广为关注的重大问题。本文在充分肯定我国公益林建设成效基础上,深入分析了目前以政府投资、政府组织、政府生产为特点的公益林建设模式存在的主要问题及根源,从林业的特点和可持续发展、现代林业发展的需要出发,运用经济学、管理学和生态学等学科的相关理论和方法,搭建了以政府责任为主导、市场机制为补充的公益林建设理论体系。以建立公益林建设长效机制,运用市场机制增加公益林的供给,提高公益林供给效率,增加经营者收入为目标,明确了构建公益林市场要素,推进公益林建设市场化的可供借鉴的现实途径和模式,提出了相关的经济、行政和法律保障建议。本研究得出如下结论:一是我国公益林建设规模举世瞩目,取得了巨大成就。二是目前以政府投入、政府组织、政府生产为特点的公益林建设模式没有充分发挥其他主体的作用,存在资金渠道单一、投资缺口大,工程建设行政化、主体行为不规范,管理体制僵化、经营管理粗放,投资效益低、资金管理难度大,以及政策不完善、法规不健全等方面的问题。这些问题的本质在于公益林建设没有形成再生产的自我循环,没有形成全社会办林业的长效动力机制。这在客观上限制了市场主体在投资、生产、管护、经营、适度利用等各环节的潜力,降低了公益林建设的效率。三是公益林建设有效方式是政府主导与市场机制的有机结合,实现公益林建设由政府包揽向多元化主体行为的转变,由单一政府投资向多元化投融资的转变,由计划为主的资源配置向市场化配置资源的转变,由以行政方式生产组织向主体自主经营模式的转变。四是构建公益林建设市场主要包括是主体界定、产权的界定及关系人界定。五是公益林建设市场化,包括从公益林投融资、公益林建设生产、公益林产品(效益)经营全过程的市场化。六是完善公益林建设市场化机制应从经济政策、行政管理和法规制度方面给予保障。本文通过对公益林建设市场化模式研究,较为系统地揭示市场机制在公益林建设中发挥作用的机理,从而有助于我们在下一步的林业分类经营及公益林的营造、管护过程中,更好地引导、激励和规范造林、营林、护林行为,进一步调动造林积极性,提升全社会参与的深度和层次,确保社会各界持续有效参与生态林工程建设,进一步巩固生态公益林建设成果和确保工程的可持续发展。进一步的研究应该集中在以下几个方面:一是加强对生态公益林生态效益评价方法和标准的研究,为公益林市场化提供理论基础;二是加强对公益林市场化建设过程中规则的制定研究。

【Abstract】 Strengthen the ecological construction and maintain the ecological security is the theme which are faced by all the human beings in the 21st century. And the public welfare forest, as the main part of forest ecosystems, plays an irreplaceable role. People’s demand of public welfare forest and its ecological benefit is usually rigid, endless, thus increase the supply of public welfare forest (investment, area), improve the efficiency of the supply of public welfare forest (volume, quality, structure, benefit), establishing long-effect mechanism of effective supply of public welfare forest(rights and responsibilities unifies) is the major issues widely concerned by academia and government departments.This paper is based on the affirmation on the public welfare forest construction achievements, analysis the current welfare forest construction problems related to government investment, government organization, government production, from the characteristics of forestry and needs of sustainable development, modern forestry development, using theories and methods related to economics, management and ecology etc., build a public welfare forest construction theory system which led by the government responsibility, supplement by the market mechanism. To establish long-effect mechanism of public welfare forest construction, using the market mechanism increase the supply of public welfare forest, improve public welfare forest supply efficiency, in order to increase the managers’ income, clear the constructing public welfare forest market factors, provide reference and the practical way mode of public welfare forest market construction, puts forward the relevant advices of economic, administrative and legal protection.This research conclusion:1, Construction scale of our country’s public welfare forest effaced and scored tremendous achievements.2, The current construction mode of public welfare forest does not utilize other subject role, has a lot of problems. This objectively limits the potential of market subject in investment, production, management, operation and appropriate use, reduces the construction efficiency of public welfare forest. These problems lies in that public welfare forest construction have not been formed self cycle of reproduction, have not form a long-term dynamic mechanism of social forestry.3, The effective way of ecological construction is the combination of government lead and market mechanism, realize transition from the government clinching to diversified subjects, from allocation of resources by plan to resource allocation in market, from administrative way production organization to independent operation.4, Constructing the public welfare forest construction market mainly includes the principal definition, the property of the definition and participant define. 5, Ecological construction market including the whole process of marketization of public welfare forest financing, public welfare forest construction production, public welfare forest products (benefit) management.6, Perfecting the public welfare forest construction market mechanism should consider economic policy, administrative and regulatory system.Through the research to market model of public welfare forest construction, the paper systematically revealed the market mechanism in public welfare forest construction, thus did great help in better guide, motivate and regulate plantation, management and protection, arouse reforestation enthusiasm, ensure all sectors of social continue participating in construction of public welfare forest effectively, consolidate the achievements of public welfare forest construction and ensure the sustainable development of the project in forestry classified management and the process of public welfare forest’s plantation, management and protection.Further research should focus on the following aspects:1, To strengthen assessment method and standard research of public welfare forest’s ecological benefit; 2, To Strengthen rules research in marketization process of public welfare forest construction.


