

Empirical Research on the Firm’s Inter- Organizational Learning in the Strategic Alliances

【作者】 邓雪

【导师】 周菲;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当今时代,企业的核心竞争力是企业在全球市场竞争中立足与发展的根本。企业知识理论认为,企业是知识的集合体,组织知识尤其是隐性知识,是企业核心竞争力的基础。而企业知识的获得与积累,主要途径是开展组织学习,具体表现为组织内学习和组织间学习两种方式。企业战略联盟是企业开展组织间学习的一个重要平台,企业通过参与战略联盟合作,开展有效的组织间学习,可以吸收大量的知识与经验,通过知识的吸收与内化过程,转化为企业的核心竞争力,从而增强企业竞争优势。因此,对企业战略联盟组织间学习进行研究,有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。论文正是围绕这一核心问题进行研究。论文共分为七章,各章的主要研究内容和研究成果如下:第一章绪论,主要介绍论文的研究背景及研究意义,进行总体研究设计。研究设计包括论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究内容与结构安排以及主要创新点。第二章理论综述,主要对企业战略联盟、企业知识理论、组织学习、组织间学习四个方面的研究进行了文献梳理,并对现有研究进行评价,得出论文的主要研究方向与目标。第三章企业战略联盟组织间学习概述,主要分析了企业战略联盟环境下组织间学习的本质特征,具体内容包括企业战略联盟组织间学习的内涵与基本特征、学习类型、学习内容及企业战略联盟组织间学习的过程。第四章理论模型与研究假设,提出了企业战略联盟组织间学习影响因素模型和企业战略联盟组织间学习与组织绩效关系模型。在企业战略联盟组织间学习影响因素模型中,主要分析了企业自身因素、知识属性因素和组织间情境因素对组织间学习的影响;在企业战略联盟组织间学习与组织绩效关系模型中,组织间学习为自变量,组织绩效为因变量,同时引入联盟形式、联盟范围、联盟控制方式、联盟竞争规律作为调节变量。第五章数据收集与整理,论文主要采用问卷调查法进行实证研究。首先,进行问卷设计与变量测量,借鉴国内外学者所设计的成熟量表,从中国企业的特点出发,进行一定的修正,形成本研究的问卷。然后,进行样本选择与问卷发放。选择组建战略联盟的中国企业作为样本,调查对象是企业管理人员。接着,进行数据整理与样本的描述性统计。最后,进行问卷的信度与效度检验。第六章假设检验,运用结构方程模型统计分析方法,通过SPSS15.0和AMOS7.0统计软件对问卷调查所获数据进行统计分析,以验证理论模型与研究假设是否成立。研究结果表明:第一,企业本身因素是企业战略联盟组织间学习的正向显著影响因素。企业本身因素包括企业学习动机和学习能力两个方面。其中,企业学习动机是开展战略联盟组织间学习的有效前提条件,而企业学习能力是影响战略联盟组织间学习的最重要因素;第二,知识属性因素、组织间情境因素是战略联盟组织间学习的负向显著影响因素。知识属性因素包括知识的隐性和知识的模糊性,组织间情境因素涉及组织间知识差异与组织间文化差异;第三,企业战略联盟组织间学习提升了组织绩效,而不同的联盟形式、联盟范围、联盟竞争规律、联盟控制方式对于提升组织绩效有着不同的影响,权益式联盟、联盟范围较广、主要职能活动没有分布在相同行业、采用社会控制方式更有利于产生高组织绩效。第七章结论与展望,总结论文的研究成果与主要研究结论,以此为基础,提出中国企业进行战略联盟组织间学习管理的策略与建议。与此同时,总结本研究的局限及未来的研究方向。论文的创新点主要有以下三个方面。第一,研究了企业战略联盟环境下的组织间学习问题。论文从企业战略联盟的角度去探究战略联盟中组织间学习的规律,初步形成了企业战略联盟组织间学习理论的基本框架,丰富了组织学习理论的研究成果;第二,构建了企业战略联盟组织间学习影响因素模型。在模型中综合考察了企业本身、知识属性和组织间情境三方面因素对组织间学习的影响,考虑因素较全面,模型较贴近现实;第三,构建了企业战略联盟组织间学习与组织绩效关系模型。在模型中引入联盟形式、联盟范围、联盟竞争规律和联盟控制方式等作为调节变量,对于企业战略联盟组织间学习与组织绩效的关系研究更为全面、深入。

【Abstract】 In the present era, core competence is fundamental to the firm’s competition and development in the global market. Knowledge theory indicates that the firm is the collection of knowledge. Organizational knowledge, especially the tacit knowledge, is the basis of core competence. However, organizational learning, which includes intra-organizational learning and inter-organizational learning, is the main way to acquire and accumulate the firm’s knowledge. The strategic alliance is an important platform for the firm to carry out inter-organizational learning through which the firm can absorb a lot of knowledge and experience. Then knowledge and experience will be transformed into the core competence through the absorption and internalization process of the firm’s knowledge, thereby enhancing it’s competitive advantages. Therefore, it has important theoretical and practical significance to research inter-organizational learning in the strategic alliance. This paper is around this core issue.The paper is divided into seven chapters. The main contents and findings of each chapter are as follows:Chapter I is the preface. It introduces the research background and research significance, and then designs the overall study. The research design includes research purposes, methods, contents, structure and major innovations.ChapterⅡis the theoretical summary. It mainly reviews the literatures on the strategic alliance, the knowledge-based theory of the firm, organizational learning and inter-organizational learning, and then evaluates them so as to draw the conclusions of the paper’s research directions and objectives.Chapter III is the outline of the inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances. It analyzes the essential characteristics of inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances. It mainly includes concept and characteristics, types, contents and the process of the inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances.ChapterⅣis theoretical model and hypotheses. It proposes two models which are the factors of inter-organizational learning in the firm’s strategic alliances and the relationship between inter-organizational learning and organizational performance. The first model mainly analyzes the influences of the firm itself, knowledge attribute factors and inter-organizational context factors on inter-organizational learning; In the second model, inter-organizational learning is thought as independent variable, organizational performance is thought as the dependent variable, while the alliance form, scope, competitive regime and control mechanism are introduced as the moderating variables.Chapter V is the data collection and processing. The paper adopts the questionnaires method. First of all, the paper designs the questionnaire and variables. In the designing process, the paper refers the domestic and foreign scholars’mature scales and carries out certain amendments from the characteristics of Chinese firms so as to form the questionnaire of this study. Then, the sample is selected and the questionnaires are handed out. The paper selects Chinese firms, which have strategic alliances as the sample, and the firms’managers are surveyed. Then, it processes the data and carries out the sample descriptive statistics. Finally, it verifies the questionnaire’s reliability and validity.Chapter VI is the hypothesis testing. The investigation data is analyzed by the structural equation modeling .The paper verifies if the models and hypotheses fit the data using SPSS15.0 and AMOS7.0. It shows the following results. First, the firm’s factors are positive and significant to inter-organizational learning in the strategic alliances. The factors include learning motivation and learning ability of the firm. Among them, learning motivation is the precondition to the firm’s effective learning in the alliance. However, the firm’s learning ability is the most important factor of the learning. Second, knowledge attribute factors and inter-organizational context factors are negative significant factors of inter-organizational learning in the strategic alliances. Knowledge attribute factors include tacit and ambiguity of knowledge. Inter-organizational context factors involve the knowledge and cultural differences between the firm and its alliance partner. Third, inter-organizational learning in the strategic alliances improves the organizational performance, which it has different effects in different forms, scopes, competitive regimes and control mechanisms of the alliance. The equity alliance, broader scope, the main functional activities not distributing in the same industry, social mechanism is more beneficial to create high performance.Chapter VII is conclusion and outlook. It summarizes the main research results and research findings of the paper. On the basis of that, this paper also proposes management strategies and recommendations for Chinese firms’inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances. At the same time, it sums up the limitations of this study and the future research directions.The innovation of this paper has three aspects as follows. First, The paper researches the inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances. It explores the rules from the perspective of strategic alliances in order to form the basic framework of inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances and enrich the research on organizational learning. Second, it creates the model that includes the factors of inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances. In the model, the factors of inter-organizational learning in strategic alliances include three aspects such as the firm itself, knowledge attributes and inter-organizational context factors. It considers more comprehensive factors and the models are closer to the reality. Third, it establishes the model that is about the relationship between inter-organizational learning in the strategic alliances and organizational performance. The model introduces the alliance form, scope, competitive regime and control mechanism as the moderating variables. So this research is more comprehensive and thorough.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期
  • 【分类号】F273.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】893
  • 攻读期成果

