

Research on the Corporate Reputation Evaluation System from an Corporate Personality Point of View

【作者】 孙莹

【导师】 周菲;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 声誉作为一种重要的无形资产能够为企业创造差异和竞争优势。企业声誉反映了企业的利益相关者对企业一系列特征是如何感知的。企业声誉的好坏对利益相关者行为产生了重要的影响。因此企业声誉成为理论界和实践领域共同关注的重要课题。但是建立和管理企业声誉的一个重要前提就是明确企业声誉的评价体系,确定哪些关键要素能够为企业赢得声誉才能正确管理好企业声誉。企业声誉评价体系的课题就是在这样的研究背景下提出的,并且成为本研究想要解决的问题。首先,本研究通过对企业声誉评价的相关文献进行梳理,发现企业声誉评价的文献大多基于社会期望视角、企业人格视角、信任视角、利益相关者需要视角和信息源视角下进行研究的。其中企业人格视角是在对企业进行拟人隐喻的基础之上,将企业人格化,使企业具有了与人一样的人格特征对企业声誉评价进行研究的。在此视角下对企业声誉进行评价能使原本复杂的声誉评价变得简单,同时通过不同利益相关者对企业声誉的评价能够发现企业声誉评价的不同维度与满意度关系存在差异。基于此,在企业人格视域下对企业声誉评价体系进行研究意义重大。本文在现有研究的基础之上,对企业声誉和企业人格进行深入的探讨,并划分出企业声誉评价的研究维度。在此基础之上,本文以中国零售企业为样本企业,把企业人格特征作为评价企业声誉的要素,对企业声誉进行问卷调查,运用SPSS和LISREL软件对样本数据进行探索性因子分析、信度检验和验证性因子分析。本研究提出了一个包含35个题项的企业声誉的测度量表,并进一步运用结构方程建模探究企业声誉评价指标与顾客满意度和员工满意度之间的关系,考察企业声誉评价体系的各个维度对满意度影响的程度,来深化对企业声誉评价体系的研究。通过上述研究工作,得出如下结论:(1)企业人格视域下的企业声誉评价体系共分为五个维度:和谐友善、活力、能力、可靠性和专制强硬;(2)确定每个维度下包含的指标,共形成5个维度,35个指标题项。其中和谐友善维度体现了中国情境下企业声誉特有的人格特征,即人情和和谐;(3)企业声誉的不同维度对满意度的影响不同:和谐友善对顾客满意度和员工满意度同时存在显著的正向影响;活力对顾客满意度和员工满意度同时存在显著的正向影响;能力对顾客满意度的正向影响并不显著,对员工满意度却存在比较显著的正向影响;可靠性对顾客满意度存在显著的正向影响,但是员工满意度的正向影响并不显著;专制强硬与顾客满意度和员工满意度同时存在负向影响关系,但是都不显著。本文共分为五章展开论述。第一章绪论。本章介绍了论文选题的背景,研究的目的和意义,提出了本研究拟采用的研究方法,以及研究思路和研究框架。然后对本文可能的创新之处进行阐述。第二章文献综述。这一章对企业声誉及相关概念进行阐述,对国内外有关企业声誉评价、企业人格相关的文献进行了梳理,从中找出值得借鉴之处,也发现欠缺之处。针对企业声誉评价体系理论解释力不完善和企业声誉评价指标体系的不健全,为本文提供了研究方向。第三章企业人格视域下企业声誉评价的基本理论与基本问题。这一章阐述了企业声誉评价体系构建的理论基础,包括知觉理论、利益相关者理论、社会认同理论、隐喻理论、人格理论,并以理论为基础对企业声誉概念、企业声誉的分类和企业声誉与企业人格的关系以及企业人格的基本理论问题进行了理论解释,然后提出企业声誉评价体系的维度划分,提出了企业人格视域下企业声誉评价的理论框架,以此作为企业声誉评价体系实证研究的基础。本章还对企业声誉与满意度之间的关系进行了定性分析,作为企业声誉与满意度关系实证分析的基础。第四章企业人格视域下企业声誉评价的实证分析。本章是在第三章定性分析的基础之上,结合问卷调查收集的数据,利用SPSS和LISREL软件进行定量分析,以确定企业声誉评价的指标体系,并在本文构建的企业声誉评价指标基础上,探究企业声誉与满意度之间的关系,对已构建的企业声誉评价指标体系做进一步验证,寻找企业人格视域下,企业声誉哪些企业人格特征对现实更有解释力。本章运用描述性统计分析、探索性因子分析、信度分析和验证性因子分析对数据质量进行考察,并验证企业声誉评价的指标体系。之后利用第二次问卷调查收集的数据运用SPSS和LISREL软件进行信度、效度和全模型的检验,对所提假设进行检验。第五章研究结论与研究展望。根据本研究相关分析的结果得出本研究的结论,并提出本研究的不足及未来的研究展望。

【Abstract】 As an important intangible asset, reputation can produce differences and competitive edge. Corporate reputation refers to all stakeholders’perceptions of a set of attributes of a corporate. Whether a corporate reputation perceived as good or bad will strongly influence the corporate’s stakeholders. Thus there is general agreement among practitioners and scholars alike that the study of corporate reputation is very important. However the major premise on the study of corporate reputation is how to confirm the evaluation system of corporate reputation. If we have the idea of which key factors can gain reputation, reputation governance will be easier. The issue of reputation evaluation system arouses the attention in such research background.First, this paper sums up the relative literatures related with corporate reputation evaluation system, focusing on these literatures are mostly discussed based in the perspectives of social expectations, corporate personality, trust, stakeholder needs and information sources. Among these, corporate personality perspective suggest that people regard companies like they regard people, and that they therefore attribute a diversity traits to companies. Its purpose is to facilitate the comprehension of complex phenomena of corporate reputation, meanwhile, it can reveal the differences between the different dimensions of corporate reputation and satisfaction. Based on this, it is obviously of great significance that we study on the corporate reputation’s evaluation system on the perspective of corporate personality.Based on the existing studies, this paper discusses corporate reputation and corporate personality, and then the author identifies potential dimensions of corporate reputation. On this basis, the paper takes the retailer as the sample business and the corporate personality as the elements of corporate reputation evaluation, to conduct a questionnaire survey of corporate reputation. Using SPSS and LISREL to do the exploratory factor analysis, reliability testing and confirmatory factor analysis, a corporate reputation scale including 35 items is revealed. And then, structural equation is used to find the relationship between the different dimensions of corporate reputation and customers’satisfaction and employees’satisfaction. It is the further study on the evaluation system of corporate reputation.The conclusions of this dissertation are: (1) there are five dimensions of corporate reputation’s evaluation system on the perspective of the corporate personality:human relationship, excitement, competence, reliability, and ruthlessness; (2) it confirms the indicators in each dimension, forming a scale including 5 dimensions and 35 items. Among these, human relationship reflects Chinese unique corporate personality: renqing and harmony; (3) different dimensions have different affect on satisfaction: human relationship has a significant positive impact on both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction; excitement has a significant positive impact on both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction; competence’s impact on customer satisfaction is not significant, but it has a significant positive impact on employee satisfaction; reliability has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction, but its impact on employee satisfaction is not significant; ruthlessness has negative influence on both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction, but they are not significant.This paper is divided into five chapters to discuss.The first chapter is introduction. The topics of this chapter are background, the purpose and significance of the study, the research methods, the research ideas, framework, and the innovations of this paper.ChapterⅡis the literature review. This chapter expatiates on the concept of corporate reputation and related concepts. Trough summing up the literatures of the corporate reputation’s evaluation and corporate personality, the author learns from the related literatures and also find some defects. The deficiencies of the corporate reputation’s evaluation system provide direction for this research.ChapterⅢdiscusses the fundamental views of the corporate reputation evaluation system based on the corporate personality point of view. This chapter summarizes the theoretical basis of corporate reputation evaluation system including perception theory, stakeholder theory, social identity theory, metaphor theory, and personality theory. Then on the basis of those theories, it interprets the concept of corporate reputation, the classifications of the corporate reputation and some fundamental issues of corporate personality. Following these, five dimensions divided by the evaluation system are used to form the framework of corporate reputation evaluation system, and it can make the basis of the empirical studies. At last, this chapter analyzes the relationship between corporate reputation and satisfaction theoretically to become the foundation of empirical analysis.ChapterⅣis the empirical analysis of corporate evaluation system based on the corporate personality point of view. Based on the qualitative analysis of the related issues, the author uses SPSS and LISREL to do the quantitative analysis by using the data collected from questionnaires. Through descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on the data, it tests the index system of corporate reputation. And then the author does an another empirical research on the relationship between reputation and satisfaction. It is the further research on the index system to find which dimension is more explanatory and more useful. Thus the author uses the data collected from the second questionnaire to test the proposed hypothesis through reliability test, validity test and equation model.ChapterⅤis the conclusion of this paper. According to the results of correlation analysis in this study, it takes a brief summary of this paper, and then presents the limitations of this paper and provides some ideas for further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

