

Research on Construction of the National Innovation System Based on Transformation of Economic Development Mode in China

【作者】 李文国

【导师】 林木西;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 国民经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30年来,中国经济发展取得巨大成功。不仅创造了年均9%以上的经济增长速度,从而使综合国力、居民生活水平和国际地位实现由弱到强的转变,而且探索出一条“渐进式”的经济转型道路,正为众多国家所学习与效仿。但中国在发展经济的同时,也造成了资源的极大消耗和环境的严重污染,呈现出“高投入、高消耗、高污染、低产出、低质量、低效益”的粗放型发展方式的特征。随着能源和环境的约束和压力增大,过去几十年中国的低要素成本竞争优势在逐步改变,为此,中国经济必须实现由数量型发展方式向质量型发展方式的转变、由粗放型发展方式向集约型发展方式转变、由技术引进型向自主创新型转变。推动一个国家经济发展方式的转变和创新水平的提升仅靠企业是不够的,需要从国家层面上寻求资源的最优配置以及推动技术创新的制度与政策。可以说,一国国家创新能力决定了其经济发展的质量和可持续性。所以,政府应该通过推动国家创新体系的构建,不断强化其在创新中的技术发展战略与政策引导方面的作用,加快资源节约型、环境友好型社会的建设,实现中国经济的可持续发展。本文属于应用研究,在遵守经济学学术规范基础上,总体采用的是系统分析方法,在此框架下,实现了多种分析方法的综合,如实证分析与规范分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、理论分析与实际分析相结合等。全文共分七章。第一章绪论部分主要介绍了问题提出的背景、研究的意义、研究方法、基本结构与主要内容、主要创新点与不足之处。第二章,就国内外关于经济发展方式转变与国家创新体系的研究成果进行文献综述,为后续分析基于经济发展方式转变的中国国家创新体系构建问题指明了方向。第三章,探讨了经济发展方式转变与国家创新体系的建立。首先,分析了经济发展方式转变的生成机理及决定因素;其次,对国家创新体系的概念及构成进行了研究;再次,探讨了国家创新体系对经济发展方式转变的影响;最后,从知识创新系统、技术创新系统、知识传播系统和知识应用系统四个有机组成部分,初步设计了中国国家创新体系构建的理论模型。第四章,研究了中国经济发展方式转变的现状、存在的问题及成因。针对中国经济粗放型发展方式现状,分析目前仍需解决的突出问题,主要包括能源节约问题成为制约我国经济发展的瓶颈,生态保护与减排问题阻碍我国经济可持续发展,产业素质不高限制中国经济向良性发展,中国贫富差距拉大威胁经济发展的可持续性等。最后从经济发展路径单一、经济转型过程中制度体系建设不完善、对资源依赖严重以及技术创新不够等方面分析产生上述问题的原因第五章,对中国国家创新体系的演进和绩效进行了实证分析。中国国家创新体系的演进可分为四个阶段,分别为科技体制改革的探索阶段、科研体制的全面改革阶段、以企业为主体的创新阶段、建设创新型国家阶段;中国国家创新体系的绩效分析可分为国家创新指标体系的综合构建、分维度创新指数的构建、国际地位分析三大部分。其中,国家创新指标体系的综合构建具体内容包括数据的收集与整理、国家的选择、指标数据的标准化、指标权重的确定、综合指数的确定;分维度创新指数的构建具体内容包括知识创新系统指数排名、技术创新系统指数排名、知识传播系统指数排名、知识应用系统指数排名;中国国家创新指标体系的国际地位分析包括知识创新系统、技术创新系统、知识传播系统和知识应用系统的国际地位比较。第六章为主要经济体国家创新体系比较与借鉴。包括两大部分,其中第一部分对美国、日本、韩国、欧盟的国家创新体系进行了特色分析;第二部分,在此基础上,分析对中国国家创新体系建设的启示,主要包括:科技创新作为国家发展的基本战略、完善的制度框架和良好的创新氛围、优化的国家创新体系结构、强调知识在经济发展中的作用、政府在创新体系建设中的积极作为。第七章,研究了促进经济发展方式转变的国家创新体系策略。具体包括:建设“两型”社会的国家创新体系策略、实现科教兴国、人才强国战略的国家创新体系策略、从比较优势向竞争优势转型的国家创新体系策略和从经济大国走向经济强国的国家创新体系策略。

【Abstract】 In the 30 years since the reform and opening-up, China has achieved the tremendous success in the economic development. It has not only enjoyed an average annual GDP growth rate of over 9% resulting in the remarkable improvement in the national strength and the people’s living conditions and the international status has continued to rise, but also successfully achieved the progressive economic transformation, which attracts the world’s attention and many countries are keen to follow suit. Nevertheless, this economic miracle has not been made without pain--the rapid development has brought about grave pollution and excessive consumption of resources and the China’s economic growth has been typical of the so-called“extensive mode of growth”, which is characterized by high investment, high consumption, intensive pollution, low output, inferior quality and low benefit.With the mounting pressure brought about by the environmental constrains and the severe shortage of energy, the advantages derived from the primary factor of production which China possessed in the past several decades are beginning to diminish. Thus, China has to realize three fundamental shifts, that is, from the quantity-oriented mode of economic growth to quality-oriented mode of economic growth, from the mode of being extensive to that of being intensive, from being technology imported to being innovation-oriented. What must be pointed out is that efforts that made by enterprises will not be enough to promote the transformation of the mode of national economic growth and to improve the level of innovation, the reasonable and feasible system must be set up to ensure the optimum allocation of resources and promotion of technological innovation at national level. Generally speaking, the quality and the sustainability of a country’s economic growth are largely determined by its innovation capacity. Therefore, the Chinese Central Government should continuously lay the stress on the drawing up the innovative technology development strategy and play a guiding role in the transformation of economic growth mode by developing a state scientific and technological innovation system.Based on the academic standards of economics, this paper mainly applies system analysis methodology and it also achieves the synthesis of many analysis methods, i.e. The synthesis of empirical analysis method and normative analysis method, the synthesis of quantity and quality analysis method, and the synthesis of theoretical analysis method and actual case studies, etc.This paper is divided into seven chapters. The introduction lays out the background of the problem, the significance of the study, the methodologies applied, the structure and the main points to be made, and the main innovative points.Chapter 2 points out the direction for the subsequent study on the construction of China’s national innovation system aiming at the shifts economic growth mode by summarizing the research findings on the national innovation systems both domestically and abroad.Chapter 3 analyses the economic growth mode and the construction of national innovation system. Firstly, it analyzes the deciding factors and formation mechanism in determining the shifts of economic growth model; and then, makes a research on the definition and structure of national innovation system; thirdly, discusses the exerting influence of national innovation system on the economic growth model; last but not the least, puts forward the theoretical composition of knowledge innovation system from the following four perspectives, namely knowledge innovation system, technology innovation system, knowledge dissemination system, and knowledge application system, as the Chinese national innovation system.The fourth chapter makes a research on the current situation and existing issues of the shifts of China’s economic growth mode as well as its causes of that. Moreover, in accordance with the current status quo of the extensive development of China’s economy, it also analyzes the pressing unsolved concerns, which mainly includes that: the energy reduction may set restrictions against China’s economy development, the ecology protection and emissions reduction might impede the sustainable development of Chinese economy, a relatively lower industry quality could set limitation on the better development of Chinese economy and lastly a wider gap between the rich and the poor in China’s society would endanger the economy sustainability. Finally, this chapter may discuss the reasons to the problems mentioned above from the following perspectives such as the singularity of the way of economic development, the deficiency of the system construction in the process of the economic transition and the severe dependence on natural resources. The fifth chapter makes an empirical analysis on the evolution and performance of China’s national innovation system. The research on the process of evolution can be divided into four stages, which are: the exploration of the sciencitific and technology system reform, the comprehensive reforming stage of scientific research system, innovation stage for enterprises and the stage of the construction of an innovation-oriented country; the performance of this system can be classified as synthetic construction, the establishment of dimensionality-oriented index of China’s national innovation system and its international comparison. Among those, the synthetic construction for that system includes collection and arrangement of relative date, national choices, standardization of index date, determination of indexes weight and synthetic index; the establishment of dimensionality-oriented index comprises the systematic index ranking of knowledge and technological innovation、intellectual communication and knowledge application; China’s national innovation system and its international comparison is composed of an international reference of systematic knowledge and technological innovation、intellectual communication and knowledge application.In the sixth chapter, it is mainly about comparison and reference of national innovation system in major economies. It can be divided into two parts. On the one hand, the first part makes a special analysis of major economies such as the U.S. (United States), Japan, E.U. (the European Union) and South Korea. On the other hand, on the basis of the above analysis, it also explore on the implication of China’s national innovation system, which includes the sci-tech innovation as a basic national developing strategy, a perfect institutional framework and favorable atmosphere for creation, the optimization structure of national innovation system, emphasizes on the important status of knowledge in the process of economy development and positive government behaviors in the construction of national innovation system.The final chapter gives thought to the strategies of the construction of the national innovation system which can promote the shifts of economic development mode. Specifically including that constructing the so-called‘Two Modes’national innovation system society, implementing the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and technology and talented people, implementing the strategy of the shift from the comparative advantages to the competitive advantages and constructing the strategy of becoming an economic powerful state in the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】F120.3;F124.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】2081
  • 攻读期成果

