

【作者】 张映芹

【导师】 袁祖社;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,一方面中国经济社会迅速持续发展,人民的收入水平、生活水平大幅度提高,综合国力明显提升;但与此同时,当代中国发展中的贫富差距迅速扩大,城镇失业人口不断增加,社会利益冲突时有发生,导致了经济发展与国民幸福增长的失衡。如何在推动中国经济又好又快发展的同时,按照以人为本的价值理念不断增进国民幸福,从而保持中国社会的和谐、稳定已成为全社会的共识和政府的优先社会目标。因此,以现代社会公众的生活质量和幸福生活指数的提高为价值诉求,研究制度理性与福利公正及其与国民幸福之间的内在关联,探索不断提高国民福利与国民幸福的制度路径,对于当代中国的发展而言,既有着非常重要的理论意义,也有着极其迫切的现实意义。论文以城乡收入差距、社会不平等、社会与经济的非均衡发展为研究的切入点,以如何实现公共福利和国民幸福的最大化为研究主线,立足马克思主义平等理论、人的自由全面发展理论,通过批判地分析、借鉴以边沁为代表的功利主义最大化幸福理论、以庇古为代表的福利经济学的经济福利理论、以诺斯为代表的制度经济学的制度变迁理论、以约翰·罗尔斯为代表的社会正义理论,系统、集中地研究了制度理性与福利公正的思想流变及在社会实践中理性不及的根源,在此基础上通过对发展中国家和发达国家制度理性和福利公正的比较研究,以经济迅速增长与国民幸福增进缓慢的矛盾为核心梳理和分析了当代中国制度理性与福利公正建设中存在的一系列问题,并从相对合理、公正的制度安排(经济制度、法律制度、政治制度、文化制度)层面,试图构建一个关于社会公共利益与个人利益有效均衡的理论分析框架。论文除了导论和结论外,分七个部分:第一部分:制度理性与福利公正的理论基础。这一部分通过对马克思、罗尔斯的正义与平等理论、马歇尔的社会权利理论和阿马蒂亚·森的自由发展观等相关学派的梳理和分析,提出“理性集体决策”和“制度公益人”假定是制度理性与福利公正研究的基本前提。第二部分:制度、福利与幸福思想的历史考察及其关系。这一部分通过历史考察,认为制度结构不仅影响福利状态,而且也影响人们的幸福感受,人们是否幸福主要取决于经济、制度这两个因素。第三部分:制度理性不及与福利实践的理性欠缺及其根由。这一部分通过对中国收入分配制度、文化教育制度、医疗卫生制度、福利和就业制度中理性不及现象的分析,认为当代中国福利公正性的欠缺主要是由于单一经济效率目标的导向所导致的,也是制度设计时的“公平、公正”价值理念的欠缺所导致的。第四部分:发展中国家与发达国家制度理性的比较。这一部分通过与发达国家福利模式的比较,提出构建具有中国特色普惠型社会福利模式的理论基础与现实基础。“普惠型的社会福利制度”应被确立为中国社会福利发展的战略目标。构建“普惠型的社会福利制度”必须要建立在“福利资源公平分配理论”和“公民资格理论”之上。第五部分:制度公正与政府责任。这一部分主要研究政府在制度理性构建中的责任。政府是制度供给的主体和制度变迁的推动主体,政府必须承担制度理性构建的主体责任。第六部分:制度理性与福利公正的实现路径。制度理性和福利公正的实现过程也是国民幸福的增进过程,制度理性和福利公正的实现路径为:改进经济政策与收入分配制度;完善社会政策与社会福利制度;重视文化教育、慈善、法律制度的帕累托改进;加强政府与公民社会在公共治理中的协商合作,化解“国民日益增长的公共产品需求与政府供给不足的矛盾”这一当代中国社会公共领域的主要矛盾。第七部分:优良社会制度建构的价值诉求与理性预期。这一部分通过对优良社会制度的界定及理性预期与社会现实矛盾的分析,提出以“公平、正义、自由、幸福、民主”为基本价值诉求,推动优良社会制度的构建,为国民幸福的不断增进提供制度性保障。追求幸福是人和社会发展的基本目标,也是社会主义制度的根本诉求。在社会主义的制度框架内,只有通过制度理性的力量和公正性福利的保障,才能不断增进国民的幸福,化解经济与幸福之间的悖论,进一步凸显中国特色社会主义制度的优良性。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening up, Chinese economy and society have obtained rapid and sustainable development, the people’s income and life level has been greatly raised, and the overall national strength of China has been obviously promoted. However, at the same time, the gap between the rich and the poor in contemporary China become large more and more, the urban population of unemployment increases unceasingly, and the social benefit conflicts occurs from time to time, which result in the unbalance between the economic development and the advancement of the citizen’s happiness. It has become social consensus and the government aim claiming precedence over all others of advancing unceasingly the citizen’s happiness according to the idea of putting the people at the key while promoting sound and rapid development of the national economy and keeping the harmony and stability of Chinese society. Therefore, it is of great importance both in theory and in practice of studying system rationality and welfare fairness and their relation with the citizen’s happiness and exploring the systematic path of advancing unceasingly the citizen welfare and happiness from the perspective of the advancement of modern society’s citizen’s life quality and index of life happiness.The dissertation’s breakthrough point is the analysis of the gap of income in the urban and the rural, social inequality, unbalance of society and economy. Its main line is the realization of public welfare and maximize of citizen happiness. Based on Marxism theory of equality and full and free development of people, it analyses with critique and refers to the utilitarianism theory of maximize of happiness with Bentham as its representative, the theory of economic welfare of welfare economics with Pigou as its representative, the theory of system vicissitude of system economics with North as its representative, and the theory of social justice with John Rawls as its representative. By studying the thought change of system rationality and welfare fairness and their rational insufficiency in social practice and comparatively analyzing the system rationality and welfare fairness of developed and developing countries, the dissertation, around the contradiction of rapid economic development and slow advancement of citizen happiness, combs and analyses issues in the construction of contemporary China’s system rationality and welfare fairness and tries to establish a theoretical frame to study the efficient balance of social public benefits and individual benefit from the perspective of relatively reasonable and fair system allocation.Besides the introduction and conclusion, the dissertation is composed of 7 parts:The first part is the theoretical base of the system rationality and welfare fairness. Through combing and analysis of the justice theory of Marx and Rawls, social rights theory of Marshall and liberal development theory of Marty Sen, it put forward that the’rational collective decision’and ’system public person’is the basic assumptions of system rationality and welfare fairness. The second party is the historical study of the thought of system, welfare and happiness. It supposes that system structure influences not only the welfare state but also the people’s feelings of happiness, which is decided by such two factors as economy and system.The third part is the analysis of the insufficiency of system rationality and welfare practice and it origins. It supposes that, by studying the phenomenon of rationality insufficiency in the system of income and distribution, culture and education, health, welfare and employment, the insufficiency of contemporary China’s welfare fairness is resulted from the sole aim of economic efficiency and lack of the value idea of’fairness and justice’.The forth part is the comparative study of system rationality between developed and developing countries. It proposes that the theoretical and practical base to establish the generalized welfare pattern with Chinese characteristics. The generalized welfare system should be established as the strategic aim of Chinese welfare development, which must be based on the theory of fair distribution of welfare resources and citizen qualification.The fifth part is about the system justice and government responsibility. It mainly studies the government obligation in the construction of system rationality. As the main body of system supply and vicissitude, the government must undertake the responsibility of construction of system rationality.The sixth part is about the path to realize the system rationality and welfare fairness. The process of realization of system rationality and welfare fairness is that of the advancement of citizen happiness. The path to realize the system rationality and welfare fairness is to improve the economic policies and distribution system, to imperfect social policies and social welfare system, to stress the Pareto increase of cultural education, philanthropy and legal system, to strengthen cooperation of government and civil society in public governance, to resolve the main contradiction in contemporary China’s social public field which is the people’s unceasingly increasing need of public products and the insufficiency of budget supply for the public products.The seventh part is about the value appeal and rational expectation of sound social system. By definition of sound system and analysis of the contradiction of value appeal and social realities, it tries to establish the sound social system on the base of the basic value appeal for‘fairness, justice, liberty, happiness, democracy’, which may provide safeguard in system for the citizen’s happiness.Pursuit for happiness is the basic aim for man and social development, and it is also the essential appeal of socialism system. In the frame of socialism system, only through the power of system rationality and safeguard of fair welfare can the citizen’s happiness be advanced, the paradox of economy and happiness be resolved and the superiority of socialism with Chinese characteristics be further highlighted.


