

Researched on the Military Defense Systems of Chang’an City in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 史兵

【导师】 侯甬坚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史地理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 历史军事地理是历史地理学的重要研究内容,也是军事科学的重要内容之一,涉及到三大学科体系,即地理科学、军事科学和历史学。在历史军事地理学的研究过程中,古代都城的防御问题曾受到过重视。作为国家的首位城市,都城不仅仅是国家政治经济中心,往往也是经济中心,同时,都城是一个国家存在的重要标志。这样的一座城市,安全就成为首位要素。没有安全保证,都城的其他功能将会受到很大威胁。历史时期,乃至当代,都城往往是国家防御体系的核心,也是一个国家防御力量最为集中、结构最为完善的地区。研究都城防御体系,有助于认识国家防御体系,认识城市的规划布局思想、建筑艺术、建筑设施,认识都城选址的原则等问题,进而认识历史时期的人地关系。唐代长安城是我国历史上规模最大的一座都城,其所在的关中地区也是我国历史上建都朝代最多、历史最长的地区。这么多王朝和政权建都于此必然有其内在规律可循。研究表明:关中地区的地形特点便于防御是其中一个重要原因。在构建都城军事防御体系的过程中地形是一个重要要素,除此之外,还需要其他要素的建设。本文以唐代长安城军事防御体系为研究对象,通过研究试图构建出一个都城军事防御体系的研究框架。在研究过程中,本文主要从以下几个方面展开:第一,讨论了都城军事防御体系的基本研究框架(第一章)。包括研究的主要内容,方法等。军事防御理论是城市起源的一个重要假说。城市防御体系是指根据敌情、地形、任务等条件建立起来的,由阵地编成、兵力部署、火力配置、障碍设置、各种保障等要素构成的城市及其周边相关区域的系统。从军事地理角度分析,防御体系应该包括各种防御要素在空间上的配置、流变过程。军事防御体系的构成要素中既包括物质领域,也包括制度领域和精神领域。本研究中主要采用文献综述法、地图法、考古资料与田野调查法、系统分析法、比较研究法、空间分析法等方法。第二,讨论了关中的军事地形条件及唐长安城的防御设施(第二、第三、第四章)。研究表明:唐代长安城的外围地形条件非常有利于防御,关中地区三面高山、高原,东面有黄河阻隔,极大地增加了攻击者的交通困难。长期以来,人们在进出关中的险要之处构建了诸多关口很好的发挥了保护关中安全的作用。外围的地形条件和防御关口是关中地区最重要的防御屏障。关中平原也构筑起城市群和交通网络,便于内部军队调动。但是,由于这里平原广阔,无险可守,就需要建设城市群以支撑长安防御。唐代关中地区的华州、咸阳、武功、凤翔、奉天等城市为长安城提供了防御支撑点。唐代长安城由于规模巨大,郭城的防御设施极为简陋,基本不能发挥防御作用。长安城的三座宫城建设有一定防御设施,在抵御进攻方面发挥过作用,皇城和禁苑也有一定的防御作用。长安城位于唐代版图的中部,唐代初期和中唐以后,长安城处在周边少数民族政权的攻击范围内,可以说是皇帝守边,是西北防御的重要支撑。第三,讨论了唐代长安城的军队布防情况(第五章)。在所有的防御要素中,人的因素是最重要也是决定性因素。唐代我国军制发生了巨大变化,在长安城的防御部队也经历数次变化。初期以府兵为主,高祖、太宗不断完善了府兵制,在关中地区建立起强大的府兵基地,形成了举关中以临四方的格局。这一时期,长安城的防御力量主要来自府兵,统兵为十六卫。高祖时期长安城内还有王子兵等军队,是一种不稳定因素,太宗予以撤销。府兵制至玄宗朝走向衰败,同时期,形成于太宗时期的北衙禁军得到迅速发展,逐渐代替府兵成为长安城防御主力,特别是在宫城防御中,北衙发挥了至关重要的作用。玄宗时期出于拓边的需求,方镇得到快速发展,长安城的防御军队不断弱化,安史叛军一路攻进长安后唐朝皇帝仓皇出逃。平定安史之乱后长安城防御军队得到加强,代宗时期神策军编入北衙后,在很长一段时间内为维护唐王朝稳定和长安城安全方面发挥了重要作用。之后,方镇势力逐渐强大,长安城无兵可用,最终被灭亡。在长安城防御部队中宦官也发挥了作用,京兆府,万年和长安两县也有一些防御部队,这些主要是治安力量。第四,讨论了唐代长安城的军事后勤补给系统。在防御作战中,武器装备、粮食马匹等军事物资的后勤补给同样不可或缺。唐代长安城所在的关中地区曾经是我国重要粮食生产基地。但是,由于气候、人口、纳粮制度、府兵占田、担负西北粮食供应等多种原因,曾经出现了数次重大粮食危机。因此,唐王朝始终将漕运作为关中地区生存之命脉予以高度重视,不断修筑、疏浚漕运设施。同时,采取和籴等政策补充关中粮食供应。长安城及其关中地区建有几座大型仓廪,是长安城粮食储备基地。西北地区是长安城军马供应的基地,唐代骑兵发展比较成熟,对军马依赖程度较高,关中地区同样建有牧场。唐代长安城的武库建在太极宫内,保证了皇帝对武器的绝对控制,之后,移往军器监。第五,本文通过例证对唐代长安城的军事防御体系进行了评价。本文按照全国性战争,突发的遭遇战,宫庭内战等三种战争形式选择了安史之乱、泾原兵变和甘露之变三个战例,力图说明不同情况下,唐长安城的防御体系所发挥的作用,及其利弊得失。之后,又与西汉长安城、明清时期长安城的防御体系进行了比较。比较认为,唐代长安城的军事防御体系尤其自身特点。通过以上分析,本文构建了唐代长安城军事防御体系的基本面貌。其特点如下:一,唐代长安城的防御设施形成了圈层,由外至内有三层,外围的作用更为突出;二,有唐一代,长安城遇到的外来和内在威胁发生了多次变化,每次变化都迫使唐廷对长城城防御重点做出新的部署;三,有唐一代长安城防御部队的军制发生了很大变化,与唐代军制变化相一致;四,唐代长安城十分重视物资供应和储备。通过研究,本文初步建立起了一个研究中国都城防御体系的基本框架,今后将在此方面进一步进行探索,以期构建起我国古代都城军事防御体系的演进过程。并从这个演变过程中探索人地关系的变化。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Military historical geography that is the important research content of Historical geography is also one of the Military science. It is relate to three subjects system, which are Geographical science, Military science and History. The problem of defensive of Ancient capital had been concerned over in the research process of Military historical geography. As a capital city of country, not only is it the political and economic center of country, but also is the economic center. As the sometime, the capital is a sign of existence of country. So security will be the first element in the city. If there no security guarantees and other functions, it will be greatly threatened. From ancient times to the present, capital often is the core of a national defense system, and is the best focus of national defense strength and to improve the area of structure. Research the capital defense, Helps to know the national defense system, recognizing the City planning layout ideas, architecture and construction facilities, to meet the principle of site selection and other problems, and The relationship between man and geography in historical period.City of the tang dynasty is the largest invasion force in our history of a capital, It in the area of Guanzhong is the most capital construction Dynasty in our history and the longest history. There are so many dynasties and the government build the capital must have inherent law to follow. The research shows that one important reason is the characteristics of the region for defense of Guanzhong.Geographical shape is an important element in build capital military defense system. This article researched Chang’an city of military defense systems in the Tang Dynasty. Through the research tried to construction a research framework of capital military defense system.In the process, this article mainly from the following aspects:First, we discussed the military defense systems basic research in the framework. It include study the main contents, methods and so on. Military defense theory is an important hypothesis of civic origin. City defense system is based on the enemy’s forces, the terrain and the conditions established, The city and its periphery adjacent regions consist of organization of the ground、force tabs、fire allocation system、obstacle construction、all kinds of security and etc. Military historical geo-analysis of defense system, it should include all kinds of defense elements in space configuration, rheological process. Military defense system constitutes elements include the material realm, both the political and spiritual realms. This paper applies documental, map method, confirming the archaeology materials and field investigation, system analysis, comparative method, spatial analyses, etc.Second, the concern of the military terms and conditions of terrain Tang Dynasty Chang an City defenses (second and third, fourth chapter. The results showing that in the periphery of the city of the conditions are conducive to the area of concern on three sides mountain, plateau, a block east of the yellow river and greatly increased the traffic problems. For a long time past, people build a lot of export where is the heat allowed to Guanzhong, and play the role of the security to protection guanzhong. The most important defensive barrier are the external conditions of terrain and defense place. Guanzhong plain was also constructed urban agglomeration and traffic network, this is contributed to troop movements of internal. But because of the wide plains, it is very difficult to defense. So they must to build urban agglomeration. In the area of concern Huazhou, Xianyang, Wugong, Fengxiang Fengtian and other cities to provide defense for Changan。Changan was the largest scale in the Tang Dynasty. But the defenses very pool of the city wall. Not give full scope to defence. The building of three imperial palace have a certain defenses facilities and resist an attack. In addition, the royal city and prohibited place has also a certain function of guarding against. Changan located in the central Tang Dynasty territory. During the early to middle stages of tang dynasty, Changan was within striking distance of the Regimes of Minority Nationality. In other words, as defend national frontier, it is the important supporting of Xibei defense.Third, the tang dynasty of the city of the defense case. (the fifth chapter) At all defensive factors, the human factor is the most important and decisive factor. in our army made a tremendous change in the city’s defense forces has changed several times. early in the army, great-great-grandfather than drong continue to improve the government troops, in the area of concern to establish powerful army base of the concern raised by the four patterns. The same period, the city’s defenses were mainly from the government and the soldiers to defend the city of sixteen. Great-great-grandfather period is also princely The same period, the city’s defenses were mainly from the government and the soldiers to defend the city of sixteen. Great-great-grandfather period is also princely wait for the army is an unstable factors than drong be rescinded. the soldiers made to Xuan zong towards going to the dogs, the same period, a period of than drong Beira the army have been developed gradually for the defense of the city government to become the main body of soldiers, particularly in the defensive, mirage Beira played an important role.Wait for the army is an unstable factors than drong be rescinded. the soldiers made to xuanzong towards going to the dogs, the same period, a period of thandrong beiya the army have been developed gradually for the defence of the city government to become the main body of soldiers, particularly in the defensive, miyagi beiya played an important role. xuan zong period for the settlement of the demand for rapid development, fang Zhen, the city’s defense forces continued weaken yasushi the rebels stormed in, all the chang an the Later Tang Dynasty emperors fled away. Pacify yasushi about the city of defence after the army was strengthened, and of god for the period for beiya after a long time for the lead to stability and security of the city has played an important role. When the power of strong, the city is gradually soldiers and eventually death. These are mainly in the city of defense forces of the eunuchs also played an omen, Beijing, wan nian and changan two counties are defense and security.Fourth, the city of the military logistics supply system in defensive operations, horses and weapons and equipment and food supplies of military logistics supply is also essential. The city where once our concern areas are important food production based. But as climate, the population, grain up system and government of the northwest field army and take food supply for many reasons and have a food crisis of several majors. Therefore, always will lead to some areas of concern for the existence of operation lifeline shall attach great importance to and had to build, dredging facilities. At the same time, to buy such concern, the city of supplementary food supply and its areas of concern for a few major cities of grain reserves; and base. The northwest area is the base of the city of supply, the cavalryman to develop more mature, the armies depend on the higher the area of concern in the pasture. The tang dynasties have built the city of the armory in tai chi palace, the emperor to the absolute control of arms and to imprisonment and the army.Fifth, this example about the city by the military defense system is for comment. This article in accordance with the national war, and suddenly turn into a15- kilometer-wide inside-Palace war, war and three forms for the mess, Jingyuan yasushi mutiny and dew of the same three which to show different circumstances, the city’s defense system role, and its advantages and disadvantages. After the Han and the city, the period of Ming and Qing the city’s defense system has more regard, the tang dynasty. the city of.By the above analysis, the paper established the city of the military defense of the basic features. its characteristics are these:A city’s defenses, the tang dynasty formed layers, the out to is the third floor, a more prominent role; Second, the generation of the city of the external and internal threat to many changes happened, the changes were forced to focus on the defensive wall Tang Dynasty make new deployment; Third, generations have the defense of the city of the army made a great change and make changes in; Fourth, the tang dynasty pays great attention to the city of supplies and reserves.Through study, the preliminary establish a research on Chinese city in defense of the basic framework in this respect, will further explore and to build up an ancient city in china’s military defense system, and this evolutionary process in the evolution of the relationship between the exploration of land.

  • 【分类号】E292;K242
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2302
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