

A Difficult Trek: Analysis Within the Institutional Framework on the Female County Head’s Development

【作者】 陈丽琴

【导师】 翟天山;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 妇女解放、性别平等的程度,是衡量一个社会解放、进步和文明的重要尺度。本文选取了女县长这样一个特殊的群体来研究,是因为县处于高层政府和基层政府的衔接点,更具有代表性,通过对这一特定群体的研究能管窥透视女干部参政的历程,也能透视在这其中女性参政所独有的特点和规律性。本文第一部分主要简析了制度发展与女性参政的理论渊源,简要说明了“县长中应该有女性”,指出参政起点本来就低的女性靠自身力量去挑战客观存在的对女性参政不太有利的社会环境去积极争取女性的整体利益无疑是以卵击石,同样由软弱而分散的民间女性力量来强行开展大规模的女性参政运动不能说不可能,但至少要假以时日,而国家以强有力的制度保障来推动女性参政的积极发展是现代服务型政府的应有之义,是公平、正义、和谐社会的内在诉求和客观要求。本文第二部分分析了社会文化环境中的女县长身份认同变迁。随着社会的发展和权利意识的普及,女性自身的权利意识开始增强起来,最明显的表现是女县长们开始从被动安排职位到后来积极主动争取自己职位,开始积极张扬性别。这说明了女性自身权利意识的觉醒是时代发展的必然进步,也为女性参政自强自立打下了坚实的根基。文章第三部分分析了实体制度保护中的女县长发展困境。建国以来,虽然保护女性参政的法律和制度取得了长足的发展,但是在实际操作中却遇到了种种障碍。本部分以湖北省Y市2009年培养选拔女干部目标完成情况为例进行了分析,指出制度所规定的女性参政比例在实际执行中未能达到预期目的,原因在于制度工具性的价值取向、制度本身存在的性别疏漏、政策执行本身的偏差、政策执行缺乏协调配套制度、制度执行的监督乏力、制度执行的“路径依赖”问题等等。文章第四部分分析了非正式制度对女性参政的制约:公私领域的划分、科层制和男性标杆、社会资本获得的性别差异等等非正式制度深深影响着制度的有效执行,阻碍着女性的参政效果。文章第五部分指出性别比例政策是促进女性参政的特别措施,能够让更多女性脱颖而出走上领导岗位。女性参政理应受到国家政策的支持和保护。这些保护措施包括在国家层面增设妇女权益主管机构、提升妇女儿童工作委员会的法律地位、完善女性参政法律保障的细则、建立健全选拔培养女干部的配套制度并且对女性进行适当倾斜,如培训制度、后备制度、考察制度、举荐制度、流动制度等,为女性参政创造良好的外部条件和环境。文章的研究重点是在国家制度发展进程中去寻找我国女性参政特别是女县长在制度变迁中所遇到的性别问题,通过挖掘实证资料来分析女县长或女性参政素所遇到的发展障碍,进而提出促进女性参政保护的积极性制度;难点在于在实践中女县长难选并且女性干部选上去之后难以发挥应有的作用,本文的创新之处在于能够对女性干部特别是女县长进行深度访谈,能够得到第一手资料,并能结合实际运行制度进行分析,特别是关于女县长对于自身身份认同的变迁能够掌握到最新资料,从而再一次证明了女性自身权利意识早就存在但由于社会文化环境和传统观念束缚了她们的成长。

【Abstract】 The woman liberates and the sex equality degree are the criterion of a society liberates, the progress and the civilized.Therefor selecting the female cadre to enter the state power, participating in the share politics authority the proportion are not only weighing a country to implement the equality of the sexes principle the determination important target, but also weighing a social democratization and the important symbol of society civilized degree.This article selected female county magistrate——this kind of special community to study, because the county magistrate was between the high-level government and the basic unit government’s engagement spot, so the county magistrate has more representation. Through the research of the county magistrate, this article could have a limited perspective female cadre participated in government, also have the perspective in this participate in government as the female that only possession of the characteristic and the regularity.The first part main simply analyzed the theory origin which the system development and the female participate in government and pointed "the county magistrate should be female". The paper Pointed out the female which want to participate in government must depend on the strength of the government.Because the social environment to the female is too advantageous to go to strive if only by the feminine themselves.At the same time, impelsing the female to the powerful system to participate in government is the righteousness of modern service government, and the intrinsic demand and the essential connotation of a fair, just harmonious society.The second part has analysed the identification vicissitude of the female county magistrate in social culture environment.Although to the self-main identification consciousness of the female county magistrate weaken as the national consciousness gradually becoming the mainin thought They examine Ddynamics also gradually started to be weaken, and no longer counter-view female own regard pursued essential target, but changed the field of vision the society and more manifested to the social role approval.But along with the developmen of society and right consciousness popularization,the female county magistrate started to strengthen own right consciousness, the most obvious performance was female county magistrates starting to strive for oneself position on own initiative from the passive arrangement to position which was the improvement of society.The third part analyzed the difficult position of the female county magistrate to develop in entity system protection.Since the founding of the nation, although protects the law and the system which the female participates in government has obtained the considerable development,the female participates in government actuallyhas met all sorts of barriers in the century operation. This part took thet female cadre goal to complete the situation of Hubei Province Y city in 2009 as example to analysis,pointing out the policy stipulated the proportion participates in government the proportion and the actual execution also has the very big disparity.The reason lied in the sex oversight, the policy which the system utilizable value orientation, system itself exist carries out itself deviation, the policy execution lacks the coordinated necessary system, the system execution surveillance asthenia, the system execution"Way dependence"Questions and so on.The fourth part has analyzed the unofficial system’s restriction which participates in government to the female:The public and private domain division, the bureaucracy and the masculine range pole, the social capital obtains the sex difference and so on.The unofficial system deeply affected the system effective execution and hindered the system innovation.The fifth part pointed out the sex proportion policy which can promote the female participates in government and let more females blooming step onto the leadership post.As a result of historical and the reality various aspects factor influence, the female only depends upon own strength to participate in the keen competition enhancing the female to participate in government the proportion, in at present also not too realistic.Therefore, the female participates in government should receive the national policy the support and the protection.These protective measures including in the national stratification plane, additionally building the rights and interests of women cognizant agency, promoting the women and children working committee the legal status, to consummate the female to participate in government in the legal safeguard regulation, in the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women and the national civil service laws, determined selects, raises feminine cadre’s certain policies,establisheing selects perfectly cultivates the adopted daughter cadre’s necessary system to carry on the suitable incline to the female, like the training system, the reserve system, the inspection system, the recommendation system, the mobile system and so on, participating in government the creation good external condition for the female and the environment.The key point of the article wants to seek the specially sex question which female county magistrate met in the system vicissitude in the national construction modern course system vicissitude advancement and historical linguistic environment form the founding of the nation.Through the excavation historical data of the female county magistrate or the female participates in government, the articlethe wanted to point out regular system. Since the difficulty has lain in the real diagnosis to find the female county magistrate of each historical periodand,and to carry on a effective interview to them to reappear the history,which is also the article’s innovation.

  • 【分类号】D442.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】521

