

Study on the Habitability of Public Space in Urban Community

【作者】 伍学进

【导师】 曾菊新;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政府经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 城市因人的集聚而产生,城市化是人类社会进化的一项重要内容。不断产生矛盾和解决矛盾,又不断产生新的矛盾和解决新的问题,是城市化的基本特征之一。宜居性与非宜居性矛盾是始终伴随城市与城市化的一对深刻的矛盾,其中,城市社区公共空间宜居性问题是城市宜居性问题的“牛鼻子”。城市如何让生活更美好?一方面,很多城市都高举着“宜居性”城市规划、建设与发展的大旗;但另一方面,现代主义外科手术式的城市社区改造现象又很常见。何去何从,我国走到了城市可持续发展的“十字路口”。“十二五”时期可能是我国城市发展全方位转型的历史机遇期。本文以城市社区公共空间宜居性研究为选题,全文包括引言、正文和结论三个部分。正文部分主要探讨以下几个方面的内容。第一章为城市社区公共空间相关概念和理论基础分析。重点探讨了城市的本质是城市的宜居性、城市化是不断创新城市宜居性的过程,以及城市宜居性的主要发展趋势。第二章探讨西方城市社区公共空间思想的流变与升华。梳理了西方古代、近代和现代城市社区公共空间的思想流派、代表人物,探讨了自上世纪三十年代以来现代主义城市社区公共空间思想的兴起、鼎盛到衰败的流变,重点探讨了后现代主义取代现代主义之后城市社区公共空间思想的价值升华。第三章探讨我国城市社区公共空间研究的背景。介绍了我国古代、近现代城市社区公共空间的缺失和思想上的空白,和1980年代以来西方现代主义在我国的遍地开花,重点介绍了2000年以来后现代主义城市社区公共空间研究的现状和主要研究成果。第四章探讨街道与城市社区的宜居性。简述了街道的历史,揭示了街道从“街”“道”合-向“街”“道”分离的规律,介绍了街道宜居性的中心理论、多样性理论和行为理论,重点探讨了构建宜居性窄街道、小街区系统的内涵与策略。第五章探讨城市绿地与城市社区的宜居性。简述了城市绿地的相关概念与城市绿地的分类,介绍了城市绿地的景观生态学理论基础,重点探讨了绿地生态服务功能对城市绿地规划的宜居性导向和城市社区绿地的宜居性规划策略。第六章探讨城市广场与社区的宜居性。介绍了城市广场的涵义与分类,梳理了城市广场的产生与历史演变的特点,分析了我国城市广场的基本现状,重点探讨了城市社区广场规划建设的宜居性策略。第七章通过对湖北省荆州市胜利街社区公共空间规划的宜居性与非宜居性分析,提出了胜利街社区在街巷规划、绿地与广场规划、公共服务基础设施建设、公众参与以及规范法律程序等方面的宜居性策略。本文的创新之处主要在于:(1)提出后现代主义取代现代主义的核心理念在于城市社区公共空间思想的全面升华,即突显人性化设计、关注多样性与多元化、重视社会公正问题和重现宜居性社区等价值取向是彰显城市社区宜居性的关键;(2)提出构建以社区为基本单元的窄街道、小街区宜居性系统,是城市社区宜居性的基础;(3)提出规划建设社区宜居性绿地、广场是提升城市宜居性的必要举措。本文的不足之处主要在于:(1)对非物质的城市社区公共空间宜居性研究不够;(2)对城市社区公共空间的量化研究不够深入。

【Abstract】 Cities originate from the clustering of people.Urbanization is one of important part of evolution of human society. One of the basic features of urbanization is that continuous generation of contradictions and conflict resolution, and continuous generation of new contradictions and new problems to solve. The contradiction between habitability and non-habitability is a pair which always accompanied by cities and urbanization, and, the problem of the habitability of the public space in urban community is the key issue of the habitability of urban.How to make life better for city? On the one hand, many cities hold high flag on habitability of urban’s planning, construction and development. On the other hand, modern and surgery reconstruction of urban is very normal. Where to go? Our country has already been at the crossroads about sustainable development of urbanization. In China, the "twelfth-five-year plan" period may be historical opportunity for all-round transformation of urban development. This dissertation studied on habitability of public space in urban community, which composed of introduction text and conclusion, and the text focused on several aspects as follows.ChapterⅠ:Analysis of the relevant concepts and basic theories on public space in urban community, which focused on that, the nature of city is habitability, and urbanization is the process which makes urban habitability continuously and innovatively, and the main trends in urban habitability.ChapterⅡ:Evolution and sublimation of thought about public space of western urban community. The dissertation combed the schools of thought and the representatives about the public space in ancient and modern times in western urban community, discussed the thought of the public space of urban community’s evolution from rising, thriving to decaying since 1930s, and focused on the value of sublimation of the thought of the public space in urban communities when post-modernism has replaced modernism.ChapterⅢ:Background of study about public space in urban community in China. The dissertation introduced the vacancy of public space thought in ancient, and the prosperity of western modernist since 1980s in China. And it focused on the status and main results of study on the post-modernism urban public space since 2000.ChapterⅣ:Habitability of street public space in urban community. The dissertation outlined the history of the streets, revealed the rule of the street from amalgamation to separation on the ’street’ and ’road’, introduced the core theory, diversity theory and behavior theory on the habitability of the street, focused on the strategies of building habitable narrow streets and small blocks system.ChapterⅤ:Habitability of green public space in urban community. The dissertation outlined the related concepts and categories of urban green space, introduced the basic ecology theory of urban green space, focused on the guidance of the ecosystem services of green space for the habitability of urban green space planning, and the habitability strategy of the green space in urban community.ChapterⅥ:Habitability of square public space in urban community. The dissertation described the meanings and classifications of square, combed its history of formation and evolution, and analyzed the basic status of our city square, and focused on the habitable strategies of square public space’s planning and development in urban community.ChapterⅦ:Analysis on habitability and non-habitability according to planningt of Victory Street community of Jingzhou in Hubei Province. The dissertation brought forward the strategies for the habitability of t Victory Street community such as the street planning, the green space and plaza planning, the infrastructure of the public service, and the public participation.The main innovations of this dissertation are as follows:(1) The variety, the complexity, the humanization, the social justice, and the traditional habitability are main contents from the post-modernism, and these are keies of habitability of the public space of urban community; (2) The construction of narrow streets and small blocks system by community unit is the basis for urban habitability; (3) The planning and construction of inhabitable green space and square in urban community is necessary measure to raise the level of urban habitability.The main disadvantages of this dissertation are that the research for nonmaterial public space in urban community is short, and the quantitative analysis for public space in urban community is not enough.

【关键词】 城市社区宜居性公共空间街道绿地广场
【Key words】 Urban-communityHabitabilityPublic-spaceStreetGreen-spaceSquare

