

【作者】 周燕来

【导师】 陈峰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 宋室在南渡以后抵抗金兵入侵的过程中,从西到东,构筑起川陕、荆襄和江淮等三大战区。在此期间,南宋政府制定了一系列措施,对三大战区分别展开针对性建设,从而把三大战区对金战争初期形成的战斗力常态化。这个过程与南宋国祚共始终。就地理区位看,江淮战区起着掩护江浙和南宋行在临安之重要作用,因此,地处江淮前沿的两淮地区(即南宋淮南东、西二路)自然成为江淮战区的重心。南宋两淮地区军事防御体系就是对南宋在两淮地区的一系列军事建设措施的总括性描述,涵盖其防御策略、军事制度和防御工事等方面。南宋的两淮防御策略,从最初的防江防淮之争,到江淮并重,再到实际执行过程中重淮轻江,最终确立了防淮的整体战略。在具体执行的层面包括:水、步、马诸兵种联合;允许、鼓励民间武装发展:重视城池、关隘、渡口等固定防御工事建设等内容。其中,山水寨更是两淮特有的防御形式。南宋初期,两淮地区军事指挥系统所设立的都督、宣抚使和制置使等,皆带有中央派出性质。此后,这些指挥系统逐步常态化,其军事便宜行事权,亦最终固定化,而宣抚司、制置司等,也最终成为军、政、财、法等权力趋于集中的新一级地方行政级别。至于两淮地区的军队,最早的是原东京留守司部队和御营司部队,之后是诸大将部队,再后来是都统司军。南宋中期以后,地方新军成为主力。这期间,还有中央三衙禁军,他们主要屯驻在重点城镇、交通要道和沿淮河南岸、沿江北岸的口岸等。南宋两淮地区军事防御体系在军事思想、军事制度以及军事地理诸方面,皆有鲜明特点。两宋军事思想的总特征是“守内虚外”,南宋两淮地区战略特点是定点防御,重视防御工事建设。军事制度方面的特点是文臣统兵,军、政、财、人事等权力趋于集中。军事地理方面,南宋两淮防御工事的建造和布局特点是水陆结合、点线结合,在空间结构上呈现出纵向与横向两种形态。从整体来看,川陕、荆襄、江淮三大战区之作用难分轻重主次,它们彼此不可或缺,彼此互为唇齿。南宋政府一直在研拟优化三战区互动策应问题,但是,限于主客观条件,一直未臻完善。至于两淮之间,虽然它们在大多数时间里是分开的,但史料证实,在非常时期,宋廷还是会把它们合为一处,统筹兼顾。究其缘由,宋廷在危机时期还是主张由一个地方大员统一整合政治、军事和经济资源,以更好发挥江淮战区拱卫临安的重要作用。由于南宋把两淮看作军事前线,所以,凡两淮事务军事优先。这样,南宋对两淮采取的经济措施极为有限,主要就是军队屯田,对百姓大多时候是休养政策,不加干预。总之,南宋两淮地区军事防御体系主要发挥保护临安大后方的军事作用,对两淮地区整个社会经济的恢复,只是起了有限的辅助作用。

【Abstract】 In the war against the invasion of Jin Dynasty, Southern Sung Dynasty formed three theatres in Sichuan-Shaanxi region, JingXiang region and Yangtze-Huaihe region from east to west. The government had also made a series of measures for the three theatres, respectively, to construct them pertinently so as to normalize the initial battle efficiency against Jin Dynasty. The normalization lasted for the whole Dynasty. In the three theatres, Yangtze-Huaihe region played an important role, and Huaihe River Region was the most important one. A geographical analysis shows that Yangtze-Huaihe region acted as a protection of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, or liked Lin’an’s role in Southern Sung Dynasty, and Huaihe River Region (the western and eastern accesses to Southern Sung Dynasty, or the region between the south of Huai River and the north of Yangtze River) was the practical centre of Yangtze-Huaihe theatre.The concept of Southern Sung Dynasty Defense System in Huaihe River Region is an overall description of a series of measures of Southern Sung Dynasty on the construction of military in Huaihe River Region, including three aspects, namely, defense strategy, military system, and fortification. Firstly, the defense strategy of Southern Sung Dynasty in Huaihe River Region was developed from the initial war against Yangtze River and Huai River, to the equal importance of them, then to the heavy Huai and light Yangtze in practice, and the final whole strategy against Huai River. In specific implementation, the strategy consisted of a combination of sailor, infantry and cavalry, permission and encouragement of civil armed forces and an emphasis on the construction of cities and passes, in which Shanshuizhai was a typical Defense form in Southern Sung Dynasty. The military command system of Southern Sung Dynasty in the early period included commanders-in-chief, army commanders and local commanders with the property of governmental assignment. From then on, these systems were gradually normalized and their right to exercise was finally fixed; army commanders and local commanders finally became a new level of administration with a central right of military, politics, finance and law. The earliest military in Huaihe River Region was remaining army in Dongjing and Yuyingsi, and then armies belonged to different commanders, and then Dutongsi. In the middle and late period of Southern Sung Dynasty, new local armed forces became the major part of it. Meanwhile, central imperial guard was also included, stationing in important towns and villages, important transportation passes and ports along the southern side of Huai River and the northern side of Yangtze River. Fixed fortification like cities, passes, ferry crosses and Shanshuizhai were major parts of fortification in Huaihe River Region.Southern Sung Dynasty Defense System in Huaihe River Region was distinctly characterized in military thought, military system and military geography, which characterized by heavy inside and light outside and pointed defense and emphasized fortification, official ministers being in charge of military, politics, finance and human resources, and a combination of sailor and infantry with vertical and horizontal geographical forms, respectively.From the whole front of Southern Sung Dynasty, Sichuan-Shaanxi region, JingXiang region and Yangtze-Huaihe region as a whole attached equal importance and necessity in the protection of the Southern Sung regime. The government had been working on a solution to the interaction of the three theatres, but in vain because of objective limitation. Huaihe River Regions were mostly separated, but historical materials indicate that the central government still united them in the unusual periods for the reason that it hoped that a local commander could be created to manage military and economic resources in order to play a better role in the protection of the capital. Since Southern Sung Dynasty considered Huaihe River Region as the war front, it gave priority to all military affairs in this region, thus making its economic strategies have more restrictions and just composes of stationing wasteland and recreation policies. Therefore, Southern Sung Dynasty Defense System successfully played as a protection of Lin’an and its rear, but it just gave a little assistance to economic recovery of the whole society.

【关键词】 南宋两淮军事防御体系
【Key words】 Southern Sung DynastyHuaihe River RegionMilitaryDefense System
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

