

Social and Academic: Huang Zong-xi and the Transformation of Academic History in Ming and Qing

【作者】 吴保传

【导师】 张岂之;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 历史学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 明末清初的黄宗羲生活在“天崩地解”的社会转型时代。社会领域已经溃烂不堪,而学术领域却达至空前胜境。黄宗羲“坐集千古之智,折中其间”,不仅承续了千百年来的学术智慧,而且还提出了学术启蒙引导和落实社会(政治)启蒙的社会转型观,这对现代社会仍有借鉴价值。黄宗羲的人生社会角色经历了“党人”、“游侠”和“厕身儒林”三个阶段。党社运动、豪杰精神和学术启蒙是明末清初黄宗羲的人生路标和生活世界,社会角色和生活世界在交光互影、推波助澜中成就了伟大的早期启蒙学家。从黄宗羲来看,启蒙的实质是权利意识的觉醒,这是其社会转型观的核心内容。启蒙是黄宗羲思想进展的内在脉络,他通过启蒙来激发和实现权利意识。黄宗羲的启蒙思想有一个从社会启蒙向学术启蒙转变的成长过程,这是以黄宗羲对社会权力认识的前后变化为核心线索。早期的社会(政治)启蒙主要是通过政治制度建设来发挥社会权力的作用,从而实现“天下为主”的理念和“自私自利”的权利。从《留书》对社会权力理性批判,到《汰存录》谨慎肯定,再到《明夷待访录》的制度建设,他逐渐肯定和发掘社会权力对于理想社会的建构作用,由此他提出了震古烁今的早期社会启蒙思想。不过,《明夷待访录》里也表现出新的理论倾向,那就是,认为社会权力只有掌握在学校和士人手中才能真正发挥积极作用。所以,黄宗羲特别注意发挥学校、士人在社会启蒙中的核心作用,这也开启了社会启蒙向学术启蒙的转变过程。过去,皇帝的政治权威是一切权力的源头,而黄宗羲作出了“哥白尼式”转变,认为权力应该来自于学术真理,而不是相反。这样他就重新调整了学术与权力间的主客关系,这和他调整“天下与“君主”的主客关系是相通的。既然学术真理是社会权力的源头,是社会权力发挥作用的主要途径,那么,致力于探索学术真理的学术启蒙就至为关键。学术启蒙是知识分子掌握和领导社会权力的新方式。黄宗羲的学术启蒙有两个成长阶段。以《明儒学案》为界,前期主要以蕺山慎独遗教为主,以阳明、江右王门为儒学正传,此时黄宗羲并未走出宋明理学架构;《明儒学案》目的并非仅仅为了阐扬师说,而是通过学术启蒙来提升和落实政治启蒙构想。黄宗羲晚年的学术启蒙不是早期政治启蒙的衰落,而是政治启蒙精神的提升和落实。首先,黄宗羲的气学是学术启蒙的理论基础。他不仅对宋明理学心学的禅学化倾向有批判,而且还对横渠廷相的气学有超越,从而建构起全新的气学。承认和肯定气化流行的创造功能和超越价值,这为学术启蒙提供了哲学动力。其次,黄宗羲的气学对明末清初的实学、史学都产生了直接影响,这两个方面构成了早期学术启蒙的主要内容。黄宗羲的气学为明清实学的转型提供了科学的理论基础。黄宗羲的实学思想也有个转变过程。早期实学没有走出宋明儒学架构,《明夷待访录》集中揭露心的消极因素、批判“以理杀人”的社会陋习,这是其实学思想的早期表现。晚年黄宗羲站在全新的气学立场上指出:宋明理学心学以及事功派都不可能有真正的实学,尽管其中原因很多,但根本原因在于他们不能真正肯定气化流行的创造功能和超越价值。黄宗羲提出实学必须要在气化流行中落实,否则便不是真正的实学,实学自身具有超越的价值取向。这推动了实学在明末清初由“思想学说”上升为“社会思潮”,成为早期学术启蒙的主要发展方向。黄宗羲的气学还促进了明清史学的转型。黄宗羲晚年气学思想对自己的史学观和明清史学观的转型都有直接影响。他在全新气学的基础上探讨了学术史的创新性、超越性等问题。气化流行的历时性展开形成了史学内容,气化流行的超越性形成了历史脉络即“经”。这使得黄宗羲不仅开创了浙东经史学派,而且还开辟了早期学术启蒙的发展路径。不同的哲学体系有不同的史学观。在宋明理学心学体系中形成了天理史观和良知史观。它们有共同缺陷:由于天理、良知的超越性和思辨性特征,他们都不能也不愿意承认史学有独立的教育功能和超越的价值取向。一定程度上限制和取消了史学的其他社会功能。也有共同原因:都不能也不愿意承认气化流行对历史过程的积极价值。事实上,经史之学要想真正成为经世致用的学问,首先必须彻底承认和肯定气化流行的真实性、自足性、发展性和价值性。黄宗羲不仅重视气化流行的创造功能,还承认气化流行有超越价值取向。这样,他不仅扩大了史学的社会功能,而且提升和落实了史学的超越价值,从而推动了宋明史学由“主于道”向“主于事”的近代转变,这是早期学术启蒙的主要内容。黄宗羲的气学思想还对人生观、文学观产生了直接影响。人生观上表现为追求豪杰精神;文学要以表达人生精神和人间至情为目标。黄宗羲不仅是宋明学术思想史的总结者,而且是早期学术启蒙的开创者,明清学术思想史转型的实质就是权利意识的启蒙,转型的脉络是社会(政治)启蒙转向学术启蒙。黄宗羲的社会转型观具有三个显著特征:学术转型带动社会(政治)转型;社会转型应以“天下万民”为重;学者在社会转型中要有文化权利和开拓精神。这对现代转型社会仍有借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 Huang Zong-xi lived in the era of social transformation of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Social politics was in the worst; the academic, however, was at its highest peak. Huang Zong-xi inherited not only the achievement of Chinese ancient academic history of thought, but also discovered the path of social transformation from social enlightenment to academic enlightenment. They can provide the experience for our transformative society.Huang Zong-xi’s social role had three stages of "Dang-ren", "You-xia" and "Ru-lin". The movement of society and party, the spirit of hero and academic enlightenment was the sign of the life and the living world. Social role and living world interacted and achieved the great Enlightenment scientist. In the view point of Huang Zong-xi, the nature of Enlightenment is the awareness of the Right, which is the core content of social transformation.Enlightenment is the core context of thought of Huang Zong-xi’. He excited and achieved the wake of the right by enlightenment. The Thoughts of Huang Zong-xi’enlightenment had a development process from social enlightenment to academic enlightenment, which also had the core context of understanding of social power. The social (political) Enlightenment in the early played the role by constructing the political system, for achieving the aim that people was the master, and the right that everyone had the private interest. There also had a process that from rational critique ("Liu-Shu"), cautious sure ("Tai-Cun-Lu") and system construction ("Ming-Yi-Dai-Fang-Lu"). From this process, it was found that he recognized gradually the role of the social power. Thus he can propose the thought of early social enlightenment. However, he had also the theoretical trend that he recognized that the social power was mastered in the hand of schools and intellectuals in this meal time. He paid his main attention, therefore, on the role of schools and intellectuals. From this, we can see that his thought was changing from social enlightenment to academic enlightenment.There existed two main stages of academic enlightenment. Before the "Ming-Ru-Xue-An ", he persisted the academic point of his teacher and Wang Yang-ming and "Jing-you" school. He did not break through the range of the Confucianism of the Song and the Ming Dynasties. However, he did not carry forward the academic point of his teacher. He increased and implemented the political enlightenment by the academic enlightenment. His academic enlightenment at old age did not reduce the spirit of political enlightenment at the early age. Firstly, academic enlightenment based on Huang Zong-xi’s Qiology. Secondly, Qiology of Huang Zong-xi had direct influence on the history and the philosophy of real learning in the Ming and Qing. These were the two parts of the early academic enlightenment.Qiology of Huang Zong-xi provided philosophical basis for the philosophy of real learning in the Ming and Qing. The early philosophy of real learning of Huang Zong-xi did not break through the range of the Confucianism of the Song and the Ming dynasties. When he had the new Qiology, however, he thought that the Confucian and school of "Shi-gong" in the Song and the Ming dynasties can not have the real philosophy of real learning. The reasons for that were they could not recognize and play the role of "Qi". However, Huang Zong-xi recognized not only the role of "Qi", but also philosophy of real learning which should be implemented in the movement of "Qi". If it isn’t in that case, there was not the true one. Moreover, He thought that the true one had the transcendence of ethics. Based on these, he promoted the transformation of the real learning philosophy in the Ming and Qing from the thought to ideological trend. This was the main development of the early academic enlightenment.Qiology of Huang Zong-xi promoted also the transformation of the history in the Ming and Qing. He investigated the innovation and transcendence of the history on the basis of the new Qiology, and criticized the history of "Tian-li" and "Liang-zhi". Different philosophy resulted different history. The history of "Tian-li" and "Liang-zhi" had the same defect that they did not or would not recognize the independent features and transcendent values. There were also the same the reasons that they did not or would not recognize reality, transcendence, development and value. However, Huang Zong-xi expanded not only the features of history, but also increased and implemented the transcendent values.Qiology of Huang Zong-xi impacted also directly the view of life and literature. The view of life sought the spirit of hero, the literature aimed at the spirit of human life and emotion. Huang Zong-xi was not only the summarist of Academic History in Ming and Qing, but also the pioneer of the early academic enlightenment. Enlightenment of the awareness of right was the nature of the transformation of academic history in Ming and Qing. The inner road was the transformation from the political enlightenment to academic enlightenment.The Social Transformation View of Huang Zong-xi had three significant features. First and the most, academic enlightenment should guided the social enlightenment; secondly, the social transformation should aimed at the achievement of the right for human being; the last point but not the least, intellectuals should had the culture right and aggressive spirits in the society transformation,which were also the valuable experience for the modern transformative society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期
  • 【分类号】B249.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1098

