

An Integrated High Voltage Energy Metering Device and Its Application in Smart Power Distribution Grid

【作者】 郭琳云

【导师】 尹项根;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 智能电网的信息化、互动化特征带动了电力设备向多参数智能化、信息化发展。将先进的传感测量技术、通信技术、信息技术用于一次设备的智能化,以及将一次设备与二次设备有机结合,提升电力设备及装置的性能及智能化、信息化水平成为未来智能电网中设备的发展趋势。本文研究的重点是10kV配电网中的高压电能计量装置。目前常规的电能计量装置是由电力互感器、电能表及二次联线等环节构成。由于多种设备组合,成本高、安装不便,且中间环节容易导致误差、窃电等影响计量准确度的结果。因此本文目的是研制一种新型一体化高压电能计量装置,可以替代常规电力互感器、电能表及二次联线的组合作用,具有更高的计量准确度和智能化功能。新型一体化高压电能计量装置基于“法拉第笼原理”,将计量集成电路等电位悬浮在高压侧,使装置体积及重量缩减到常规电能计量装置的1/3以下,具备低功耗、资源节约、易安装、信息化的特点。该装置直接从高压侧计量电能,输出与常规低压电能表相同形式的电能数据及脉冲量,为方便描述起见,本文称之为高压电能表。高压电能表具有更高的整体准确度,同时高压电能表的计量回路工作在高压侧,可以从根本上杜绝低压侧窃电行为。高压电能表的大量使用,将使配网的可测量点增加,从而帮助人们感知智能配网状态、改善配网的使用效率。本文阐述了高压电能表的工作原理,并围绕高压电能表研制的关键问题进行研究。包括电容式电压信号传感器的材料选择,表体的内绝缘、外绝缘设计,高压电位下如何获取工作电源,以及高压电位下数据如何可靠传输至地电位等。新型高压电能表必须采用整体误差校验系统来定义准确度等级。传统电能计量装置是由分离的标准校准,然后用综合误差公式推导出一个估计出的误差。本文在传统标准溯源原理的基础上,研制了新型高压电能表的基准电能计量系统,并对基准系统进行了误差分析。该基准系统不仅可对新型高压电能表进行标定,也可对传统电能计量装置进行整体准确度的标定。新型高压电能表直接用于高压配电线路上,与传统电力互感器和电能表的工作环境相同。本文参考电力互感器及电能表的相关国家标准,对高压电能表的可靠性试验、准确度试验和环境试验方法和数据进行了分析研究。并对高压电能表现场试运行情况和数据进行了分析及评价。本文最后研究了新型高压电能表在智能配网中的特殊应用。高压电能表除可替代常规电能计量装置外,还可作为“整体计量标准”。在用电环节,高压电能表可以用来做重点工业用户的在线监测标准;在配电环节,高压电能表可以用作线路上的计量装置,与低压用电侧的电能表构成分级式防窃电系统,方便进行窃电行为的定位。

【Abstract】 The information, interactive features of smart grid led to a multi-parameter intelligent, information-based development of electrical equipment. To apply advanced sensor measurement technology, communications technology, information technology on primary electrical equipment for intelligence, and a combination of primary equipment and secondary equipment to enhance the performance, intelligence and information level of electrical equipment is the future smart grid trends.This paper is focus on high voltage energy meter device in lOkV distribution power network. The current energy metering device is composed of power transformers, power meters and middle connection wire links. This combination of varies equipments leads high cost and inconvenience of installation, and the intermediate links easily lead to errors and so affect the measurement accuracy of the results. Therefore this paper aims to develop a new type of integrated energy metering device, which can replace the combinations of conventional power transformers, power meters and their wire connection links. The new device has higher integrated accuracy grade and intelligence level.The paper adopts principle of Faraday cage to make meter circuit working at high voltage level, which can reduce the volume and weight of HVEM to 1/3 of conventional energy meter device. It has characteristics of low power consumption, resource-saving, easy installation, and intelligent information. As the metering device directly connected to high voltage side, and with the same output of power meter, energy data and the energy pulse, it can be called high voltage energy meter (HVEM) in this paper for the sake of description convenience. The HVEM has higher integrated accuracy grade, and with the meter circuit working at high voltage side, it can basically eliminate electricity stealing behavior at the low voltage side. The widely application of HVEM can increase the measurable point in distribution network, which help people perceive state of power network and improve its efficiency.This paper describes the principle of HVEM, and key issues in development process. Such as material selection of capacitor voltage transducer, inner and outer insulation of device, how to acquire the working power at high voltage and how to transmit data to ground potential from high voltage.The accuracy grade of novel HVEM must be defined by integrated error calibration system. The conventional energy meter devices are calibrated by corresponding standard separately, then derived an estimated error from complex error formula. Based on the conventional principle of standards traceability, this paper developed novel measurement standards, and had carried on its error analysis. The measurement standards can not only be able to calibrate HVEM, but also the conventional power metering device.The novel HVEM is directly used on high voltage power line, the same working condition with power transformer and energy meter. Reference to the state standards of power transformer and power meter, this paper researched tests methods, such as reliability, accuracy test and environmental test, and analyzed data of tests results. It also analyzed and estimated field testing results of HVEM.Finally, the paper describes the special application in the intelligent power grid. In addition to replace conventional measuring device, the HVEM can be used as "integrated metering standards". Therefore, in addition to replace conventional meter device, the HVEM can be used as on-line monitoring metering standards for important customer. It also can be applied as metering device on high voltage power line, which constitutes a hierarchical anti-theft system with low voltage customer meters, to facilitate positioning of stealing behavior.


